Show 1 The New York Markets NEW YORK March 9Stocks opened feverish an4 excited Lackawanna rose to 1096 and the rest of the list rose X to > higher in sympathy At 11 the mar ket was more quiet and regular generally and closed a shade below Saturdays cbs ing Governments dull and unchanged The weakness in stocks late yesterday had no apparent effect upon todays prices In early transactions there was an advance of JB to 9 The market then became dull and steady until after two oclock when large buying orders appeared for Lacka wana and New York Central and the latter recorded the highest price since the eorly part of December Tho principal feature of the market was the manipula tion of Lackawana The mining market was quiet Aimee 5 Consolidated California and Virginia 49 Horn Silver 210 Little Chief 25 Plymouth 15 Sutro 1413 Sierra Nevada Ne-vada 55 Standard 110115 NEW YORK March 9Governments 3s 101M 4Ks 111K 4s 1223j Pacific Gs 125 Central Pacific 3434 C B Q 2134 Northern Pac 18 preferred 43M Northwestern 94 > New York Central 883 Oregon R Navigation 66 Oregon trans Continental l33 5 Tac Mail 62 Panama 98 St Louis and San Fran 19 Tex Pac 12 Union Pac 47 Wells Fargo Express 110 Western West-ern Union 59 |