Show OF THE DAY EWS keeps his bed and pral Grant frj Badeau ho will not last C1ncral tells kd Gen In the hearts of his coun Ttl3V WI i1l1ast foreyer en be IIr rollerskating tomna I Lc C lays 1The 1IX I TllC Donovan wins miles I Dent is over I llg2 tv of f President Arthurs The mlO to leave Washington I cbinet are prt p ring ton Lincoln goes to Chicago ESecretary law l ractice to t praCtiCC Journal says of RIddle The Fm7llan of appomtment 0 allengC 1 to the i urgerS of f State It seems Sccretlltj 0 1 BaSard as suf America are i Ollr countrymen in and spmtcd to chal owedul fciently min Set aPP01fltmt daraWMtmin mer will remain in tv ccrctfiry Teller ln ton mcas nr Geneml Hatton goes back t U IlatLkcye the1u0U 0 Clceland opens and PresideJt mail matter at S am ftOTt5h < The jralcl London correspondent ntemered a thoughtful Ton who says jJgmd is passing through one of her IIlost revere criseS An opium joint fitted up with Oriental splendor has been opened on the Bowel New j3t j t Fourth St near Bowery fort Mr Beecher says he only objects to the Chinese clause of the inaugural ad dreSg American securities are down in the London market owing to the fear of complications com-plications with Russia upon the Afghan qsestion Posts Washington special says lamar has insisted from the first that anion a-nion soldier should be placed at the head of the Pension Bureau Let the outgoing party also remember that the wrisover and the new era has begun Gen Greaves will probably succeed Gen Graham who is on the invalid list in command of the Suakim expedition North Pacific and Australian fleets rill be reinforced The government relies re-lies on the colonies for contingents Princess Colona formerly Miss Mackey ias bought the Villa Pansillipo near Terence and is giving crowded recep ions Under Secretary Fowler explains to us i constituants at Wolverhampton that ebought American pumping materials Jr the Berber railroad because the com aay hart experience in supplying the amps wanted and had a number ready tr shipment The British ministry wants Russia to ithdraw from the Afghan frontier Emperor William is determined to rave peace in Europe In the breach of promise suit of Lady aude Scott against Captain Spicer it st him 33000 General Wolseley will constantly lange the position of his troops on the He General Bullers men actively en t are in splendid healthY r t health-Y has broken out inn in-n herd of Jerseys at Fulton Mo Dr Jhmbower of the Agricultural Department Depart-ment Washington made the examination examina-tion Lamoure Dakota Joseph Hall tifeand three children have been poisoned pois-oned Doctors Bay all will die ExCongressman Hoblitzell Mary and 1 and exCongressman Vance of North Carolina are candidates for the office of commissioner of patents ExCongressman Shelby at Alabama and exCongresFman money of Missis Ppi arc seeking the FirstAssistant PostmasterGeneralship In the Chamber of Deputies Paris J wbeyran March 7 made a lengthy ar ument in favOr of silver and bimetalism A Vefctcrn man will be made Com aissioner of the Land Office and intimations inti-mations are that he will be from California Califor-nia For the SuryeyorGeneralship of ada and the superintendent of the r tson Mint the candidates are State teyor Earnest md Henry Day and oirs Gerrard and J R Ryan |