Show TilL 3E1V PRESIDENT I InteTvicTT With One of I rtrflnff U u Jnterestfn Old Friends W Cothran who had for yo Jfllge Gcorge been at Albany dls prevIOUS his congratula ne Kent to extend 3tf iC wcnt old Wend President Cleve n to his on Monday For K orrived Home Itrr has known gn d years he I rout twentySOycn In speaking of him erresidentclect said day Judge ho was unlike other jWbe n young was very undemonstrative top lie mmdod w his own business As snlh lYS and methodical careful verl10 was a case he11 knew when to When 1 Didnt talk all day i nul intel stop Is the president a man of large JectLnl resources that questIon best by liJ cfl n answcr dont know one people finC1 that the His letters w ° iiia resources are bill what his scnS and silver questions serviCO the civil l Bcr of the man He on characteristic very unnecessary yer sire in any does iot indulge Ho speaks to the point he criIITeS bllle 11t nothing think will be the basis of uThat do you n bis sclmifliStratbohi i Cleve dl is of the conviCti0 31r idcn interests arc t hat ali the business should be m tical and therefore they concentrate will I think He W 1 at concert greit ifltO 050 interests iltliose business think C lie will CLfl3 by and I dont leel p1rlY gllCltlled lIo is a hr n1me it en is nn and his administra n t e l run on purely business prin lis silver letter received 1 si110qihiS indeed It was to the qTy wll in accordance wiih 1 the recorded and f1S point t York States repre JDeaZotcsof Xc Eentatires co in Congress the cabinet will go into IIrbo You know more as to that than I firSt thing I said when I called on he Cleveland WItS Dout tell me anything Sat our cabinet because then when ISm lasted questions I will not tell any Sm Jies I will tell you one thing and you JUt print it ill long primer if you choose uBuCat intellect in the cabinet will be L to j Manning He will be the peer of lie other members of the cabinet though I 1 teisprolublyless known to the general public than any of them There are some ivlio regard Mr Manning as being only a politician Well he is the shrewdest of the shrewd politicians but he dislikes to Ie considered such He is a great businessman busi-nessman Will Mr Cleveland make any re morals from office He will do as he deems best He is not a man who can be moved easily for the benefit of any party After tomor t rsvit will be a very cold day for ballot box stuffers Will the United States marshal for Northern district of Illinois be permitted per-mitted to serve out his term HJ do not think so There have been demands from both Republicans and Democrats for the removal of Jones and think I he will go pretty quickly hIs it likely that there will be many more vacancies made 1 r HI was informed at Albany that Jesse Fpalding has resigned How about the other officers 1 Well I dont believe Mr Cleveland has given those any consideration yet Did you have any conversation with the President on the Illinois senatorial Etuation Yes sir Mr Cleveland would be ren much pleased to see some good Democrat elected Beyond that he has wrtivng to say He did not express himself him-self in favor of anyone in particular because be-cause as he said It would be highly injudicious for me to do so You may I rely on it that Mr Cleveland will not interfere in-terfere in the senatorial fight |