Show Giants at Dinner When the Titans came together a dozen years ago and figured on their aggregate height it was their boast that if they were placed one on top of another the top man could straddle the cross on Trinity Trin-ity Church spire The organization has increased in membership since then and some of its members have become even more elongated than they were at that time so that now they belieye they can produce a suppositions line of masculine humanity that would reach almost to the cap stone of the Washington monument The Titans had a big dinner at the Brunswick lately There were something some-thing less than hundred of them there and as they arrived two colored attendants attend-ants were kept busy at the door giving the solicitous injunction Please sah look out for yo head Then each of the gathering Titans paused removed his shining tile and making a jackknife of himself entered the portals that led to the banquet hall There were some midgets there Mr D Bonnano for instance who was just able to secure his ticket tothe banquet by stretching out his six feet two sat modestly in a corner within the shadow of the six feet six of Mr W L Pierre Mr Bonanno was even looked down upon up-on by the six feet three and a half of Colonel James B Mix while Mr Inger soll Lpckwood the curator of the Titans and his brother Mr Henry C Lockwood looked on from the standard family height of six feet four The Titans certainly had a big time The comparatively diminutive De Cordova Cor-dova was there with his seemingly inexhaustible inex-haustible fund of stories and the extended ex-tended trunks of the Titans swayed to and fro as they uncorcked some of their merriment mer-riment There was all sorts of other fun indulged in-dulged in while the Titans paid their respects re-spects to Mother Earth upon her awakening awaken-ing from winter slumber and it had got to be a most unseasonable hour when the Sons of Earth entered their open top cabs and were taken home During the evening Magister and QX Stnte Senator Alfred Wagstaff unveiled a bronze statue of Psyche and presented it on behalf of the elongated brotherhood to Curator Lockwood in recognition of the high estate to which he had attained during dur-ing the year in becoming a Benedict |