Show LOCAL JOTS GUARD mount at Fort Douglas Commenced Com-menced yesterday A BUILDING boom seems to have struck the business portion of the city Ins SENaTOR EDMUNDS has sent a 50 check for the Methodist mission in Ogden Og-den THE first sprinkling cart for the season nf 1885 made its appearance on the treets today Two disorderly drunks paid the customary cus-tomary penalty 10 each in the Police ourt this morning PoiimoKC 72 Main street has copies of THE WEEKLY DEMOCRAT containing ihe articles of the first issue DURING the construction of E J Swaners building the watch repairing will be done in a room in the rear THERE are a great many idle men in Park City now and men arc warned ugainst going there for employmentS employment-S uI L McNuiT was convicted of plain unvarnished drunkenness this anorning and paid Judge Speirs 5 BY the present time card of the Utah 5S Northern a person can go from this city to Logan spend two hours there and return the same day A GREAT many vehicles were whirling over Salt Lakes beautiful drives yesterday yester-day afternoon The Boulevard is not in avery a-very good condition yet THE Montana antigambling bill has passed the Legislative Council It ref re-f gaming to the second floor and pro 3iibits percentage games PREPARE your smoked glass There will be a partial eclipse of the sun next Monday commencing in this longitude l ott 835 am solar time or 903 standard lime THE Forge in the Forest that was first rendered in this city by Prof Peeler hons organization has been mastered by the Theatre orchestra and elicited applause ap-plause Saturday night JAMES MCCONNELL charged with burglary withdrew his plea of not guilty und pleaded guilty in the District Court this morning He was sentenced to jerve three years in the Pen THIS beautiful Tune weather will not ast longer than the 20th at the farthest The sun crosses the equinox on that date mid spring commences when we may look for a brief season of wintry weather SHERIDAN closed his rather unsuccessful unsuccess-ful engagement at the Theatre Saturday night with Richard III Sheridans talents are greatly overrated and his support sup-port is too weak for Shakespeares great tragedies JOlIN Pistonri proprietor of the Benites dive was before the Police Court this morning charged with keeping a disorderly dis-orderly house but the case was dismissed dis-missed owing to the absence of prosecuting prosecut-ing witnesses From Mr Louis Ilymans we have received re-ceived the Science Almanac 1885 The frontispiece is the Sun from the Harvard t I College Observatory 1873 It also conJ con-J tains portraits of the late Dr Henry Draper and Sir Win Thompson both from Science Accept our thanks Tin cases of the United States vs John Easthroixi and the United States vs Win B Child each defendant charged with perjury were dismissed in the District Couet this morning owing to the absence of material witnesses and the ignorance of the prosecution as to their whereabouts JACK MCDONALD and Ed Thorp will engage in a hard glove prize fight in Butte tomorrow for 100 a side In view of the legislation now pending against prizeS prize-S fighting in Butte the sluggers propose to thump each other with renewed energy while it is lawful THE Fort Douglas band concert yesterday yester-day afternoon was given in the open air iud was listened to by a large audience from the city These concerts will be given in the open air every Sunday hereafter the weather permitting and the programme will always be found in Saturdays DEMOCRAT THE latest and best joke comes from the First Ward It is reported that one of the aborigines of that part of Salt Lake went to Postmaster Lynch and complained com-plained that he had been given no key to the mail box placed in front of his residence resi-dence What good dye spose the free delivery ill do me if I cant git my mail outen the box he inquired TUB Adamless Eden Company show in Ogden tonight and open their engagement engage-ment at the Theatre tomorrow evening The sale of Beats comm nced today at the Theatre box office and the D R G office Although this entertainment is participated in by ladies only the management man-agement protest that there is nothing of immodest or indecent nature connected with it |