Show The English Elephant SUAKIM March SThe plan adopted for the defense of the town is as follows The Indian Contingent will camp on the right of the town and guards on the left where a semicircle of redoubts four hundred yards apart will be formed I eighteen hundred yards from the inner line of defences and connecting with the latter The water supply is abundant Osman Digna sent a letter to the British general in command at this place recording record-ing Arab successes announcing the fall of Kassala as imminent and warning the English that they would be defeated and driven into the sea if they ventured outside out-side the city KOIITI March SGeneral Wood has ordered the complete evacuation of Gak dul by March 4th Lord Beresfords naval brigade is here They heard on route that the whole Hassanajieh tribe intended to harras the English retreat The Mudir of Dongola has started for Merawi LONDON March gA dispatch from Korti says that the rear guard of General Bullers troops arrived at Korti from Guakdul in a terribly fatigued condition |