Show v1 l I E TH TO BASTE I Th Punel Obsequies Otfe the Remains Re-mains of Win H Pitts A post mortem examination of the remains re-mains of the late W II Pitts was held yesterday morning at 11 oclock by Dr J M Benedict assisted by Drs Fowler Potter and Oppen The examination revealed re-vealed the following conditions A small pneumonia of the right lung the liver about onethird larger than its natural stomach the sizecaused by fatty degeneration degenera-tion the seat of acute inflammation also the first ten inches of the intestine The heart and other organs were found to be in good conditfon The intestines and stomach were invariably thin The inflammation in-flammation in the stomach covered a space on the outer curvature the size of I a mans hand extending along the I greater curvature throughjthe stomach and for a distance of ten inches into the I intestine From these post mortem appearances j ap-pearances the cause of death was found to be acute inflammation of the lining I membrane of the stomach and intestine commonly called inflammation of the stomach but known to the medical profession pro-fession as acute gaslroduodenilaa THE FUNERAL OBSEQUIES As previously announced an opportunity opportun-ity was given friends of the deceased to view the remains at the residence from 11 oclock until 130 and several hundred people passed through the apartment where the casket was placed The funeral services commenced at 130 Owing to the wide acquaintance of the deceased and the universal esteem in which he was held the funeral was very largely attended The services were opened by the beautiful hymn Nearer My God to Thee which was sung very sweetly and impressively by Mr and Mrs T J Mackintosh Miss Louie Wells and Mr Thomas Crawford Craw-ford with organ accompaniment This was followed with appropriate remarks by J C Watson Dr J M Benedict W S Godbe and the exercises at the residence closed with prayer by Bishop Tuttle The following gentlemen officiated as pallbearers pall-bearers Dr Gunn John Cunnington S P Teasdel Frank Jennings Chris Stokes and Andrew Smith The funeral cortege was a very long one many friends from the country being in attendance The remains were interred at Mt Olivet cemetery and the services at the grave were conducted by Rev Putnam ITis said of William H Pitts that during his last moments and after he had not spoken for days he suddenly raised his arm an inspired faraway look came into his eyes and he called out in a clear voice Father Mother as if he had suddenly caught sight of them on the other side of the dark valley he was crossing |