Show I ISiS HOTEL NOTICE 1885 To the Front Again I hereby hc to nny old announce to the traveling pub friends am again in and patrons that I the field onage biddingfor our pat On the site of the he Corner buiiding on central directly opposfte the Utah depotoccupied ast twelo i by myself the Ire has arisen yearslately destroyed by roof three from the ruins a fine fire a aU its appointments story brick building complete hed WIth as a hotel furn less an eVe to comfort and neat 1 I the cOmparing cIty The favorably with any house 16 conducted dining department will Cal fonductecl as restaurant My oWn POpular lerc d to prices will till be ad dlto dl flyj n lea Is s25 cents 150 and 200 per dy er rest for A home for the stran thQ edal for the weary and a first class inu ad 5lock of hungry The appointments at t ye will my sample room are such lsi Ihng fever have cause to regret oU C 77 W depot South Temple Street oppo SLL L B F WnrTTEMORE E Ttr March 1st l85 lilt n1h will riOIlcer hold ilq lJOan and Building Aasool Q q Vsc second annual meeting Airursday 26th Air olliee inst at 730 pm at two hCG SaltLake doors south of the Post edSalt attend City Members are ex 0 t h < Love Murder and Suicide A few pedestrians passing the junction of Division Avenue and Hooper Street Brooklyn at 11 oclock last night were startled by the sound of three pistol thots fired in quick succession and a womans piercing screams An officer ran to the spot and found Susannah Geiser a pretty young brunette lying on the sidewalk She wa1 nearly exhausted from loss of blood feno had been shot by her lover Valdine Hceffner painter 78 Devoe Street twice in the right shoulder and once in the left breast In another moment a fourth report was heard at a short distance Here Hocffner was found with a bullet in his brain he was dead when reached The girl was removed to St Catherines Hospital where she told in a faint voice that Hoeffner had pressed his attentions upon her but had been repulsed Susannah lives with her uncle on Devoe Street It is thought the wound in the breast will prove fatal = > Paint a Sinner With It Motts Patent Fire and Vaterproof Paint has shown its capacity to stop any kind of leaks on tin iron wooden roofs It resists fire better than any known metal covering GEORGE A MEEAES Agent Salt Lake Armory I 39 E First South St BARRAIT BROSI 1 1 n 1 JIll J 1 oj d II 3 114 i 1 1 < f 7 I t i i J > T < J r I 4l v h 7 L 1 J 1 = J 7 OIl I yf rf1 I rt d LT I Barratt Bros BUSINESS CARDS TOS 1 2 AND 3 DR BIGGINS CATARRH NOS 1 Remedy is warranted to cure all cases if directions arc followed Office No 272 Main Street AT NO 272 MAIN STREET THREE CALL doors north of CHft House and see Dr Higgins the Microscopic and Analytic Physician Physic-ian the Specialist before taking medicine of anyone else All orders by mail promptly filled Address Dr C W Higgins No 272 MaIn Street Salt Lake City Utah i Emigrants Attention FOR ta SUPPLIES OF ALL KINDS In Eatables and Groceries and Choice Cigars and Tobacco call onT on-T 3FT E Ioo3az 33y At the DENVER HOUSE opposite D l R G Depot Mrs Dr 31 B Mnllors c JfodicaJ Par1ora No 2t W Third South Street second door wet of Clift House GENERAL PRACTI TIONER Treats all Diseases Acute or Chronic Obstetric Diseases of Women and Children Pneumonia Scarlet Fever and Diphtheria given special attention by combininr internal medication with our New Triple Medicated Vapor Baths Can remove all poisonsraercurial lead syphilitic etc Invaluable to Consumpt ives Office Hours 8 to 12 am and 3 to 7 pm C W Mallory General Assistant cs References Messrs F Foote Assayer George Davis Merchant SALT LAKE CITY UTAH U S DEPOSITARY Deseret National Bank SALT LAKE CITY Paid in Capital 200000 Surplus 200000 H S Eldredge President Wm Jennings VicePrest 1 Feramorz Little John Sharp Directors Wm W hInter I L S Hills Cashier Jas T Little Asst Cashier J Receives Deposits Payable on Demand Buys and Sells Exchange on New York San Francisco Chicago St Louis Omaha London Lon-don and principal continental cities Makes Collections Remitting Proceeds Promptly McCORNICK GO BANEtERS SALT LAKE CITY UTAH And Hailey Idaho Transact Every Description of Banking Business CORRESPONDENTS Importers and Traders National Bank N Y Commercial National Bank Chicago Ills First National Bank Chicago Ills Chemical National Bank N Y Omaha National Bank Omaha First National Bank San Francisco Cal Kountze Brothers N Y State Savings Association St Louis Crocker Woolworth If Co San Francisco Cal City National Bank Denver T R JONES S J IYNN T R JONES Co aA sEBS q Salt Lake City Utah Transact a General Banking Business in all its Branches Dealers in Foreign and Domestic Exchange Careful attention given to Collections and remittance mittance made on day of payment Long Loans made on City Heal Estate at low rates of interest Special attention given to the Selling of Ores and Bullion of which Consignments are solicited Advances made on ore Base Bullion Gold and Silver bars shipped for refining CORRESPONDENTS New York J B Colgate Co Omaha Omaha National Bank Chicago First National Bank San Francisco Bank of California Denver Colorado National Bank Wells Fargo Cos aAN SALT LAKE CITT UTAH 1 General Hauling Business Tfaiiacted Foreign and Domestic Exchange bought and sold Special attention given to the purchase and sale of ores and bullion Returns for collections promptly made at current cur-rent rates Telegraphic transfers made and commercial and travelers credits issued available in tho principal cities of the world Having in addition to our Bank correspond spondents an Express Agency in almost every town West of the Rocky Mountains affords us special facilities for making collections and executing commissions Accounts of Banks and Bankers mercantile and manufacturing firms corporations mining min-ing companies stock growers and individuals received on favorable terms CORRESPONDENTS New York Wells Fargo Co San Francisco Wells Fargo t Co BostonMaverick National Bank Chicago Merchants National Bank CincinnatiThird National Bank Denver First National Bank Omaha H First National Bank St Louis Boatmens Savings Bank New OrleansLouiiana National Bank Paris H Lherbette Kane Co London Wells Fargo l Co Respectfully J E DOOLY Agent W W GEE AttorneyatLa HEAL ESTATE A SPECIALTY Room No 2 Union Block Main Street Salt Lake City Utah F C NICHOLS DENTIST OFFICE opposite Walker House Telephone in Office Anesthetics given E GILLETTE Civil Engineer and U S Deputy Mineral Min-eral Surveyor Contracts taken for all kinds of grading Including In-cluding Railways Canals Tramways and Wagon Roads OfficeNo 19 Commerce Building 3301TSECLEANJ rTG Season is now hero and TTTLLIDGrE Co Have received their Spring Stock of rar ALL J = APEB Including every design and quality Kalsomining House and Sign Fainting By tho most skilled workmen and at Reasonable Rates I |