Show PuJaski After count 1hirfecll Years I I Oer Missouri is thc excited lJost pWnnnf alPr l istnal of eight of the lI1urder in i the first l wealthy cItizens for lR72 the store of J ifrIu January tock Falsem K Was < at Han robbed tracked through npvfTle robbsr was he ftabc of n T Tibbs new fallen snow to the tO B Here above a mile from I M he tile nd bridle The thief stole a horse saddle eunt Was traced COuntry about and and On to the finally back to Hancock Jfif lorBe 1 town oDLxon The rso Mr owner S In B 1o11 Tibbs found a man in a i Vas taken back to and Hancock arrested him lie hlUan about ancock H < > was ann nalUe as an-n fifty l Years old and save Di onger W n cClarney He was a 11on SayS he 1 Murphy an attorney of kat Was in i at the t me business at Han store Ytbe man Was j that on the night of the Sol11e one arrested he was in Ms tn iOV ore It Was entered dark and got a Piece A fet who it was and he doesnt iyS Ills Infnutes aft rwar Mr fi bothers r Murphy tIi1ne Tom and Fox toj 1n and Mur try lo t said Scare the they were going Sii fellow Ion into He making Warned them that some I of them were drinking and it would be best to stop A few minutes later he and his two brothers went home Next morning he heard some talk to the effect that they had stretched the Irishman up several times but each time on being let down he declared he was innocent that they finally let him go and he was seen to leave town next morning This was thirteen years ago The matter has been revived in different ways many times but nothing ever came of it until the Grand Jury last September indicted eight men for murder in the first degree They are Thomas A Murphy head of the 1irm of Murphy Bros wealthy merchants practising physician chants J H Moore a sician and wealthy landowner now at New Iborip P F Murphy a young lawyer of high social standing j William Louder a middleaged fanner now ot Maries county M B Wright an extensive exten-sive fruit grower now in Illinois and D C Tibbs a carpenter These six have been arrested and released on 5000 bail each The indictment also includes James Lavender and C Shaw whose whereabouts are not known The case is to be called at Waynesvillo on Monday Mon-day and the entire country is excited The accused men say that the whole thing is caused by spite and that there is no evidence even that a crime was committed com-mitted The air is full of rumors of sensational sen-sational evidence in the hands of the prosecuting authorities |