Show DOMESTIC Striking News The Strikers on the Warpath I General GrantHe Sends for Pastor Newman TransContinental Fast Fast Freight Assuming Shape The Strikers Again MARSHALL March SThe strikers last night sent a man to Boyce Louisiana on the Northern Pacific Road to bring engines from there He disabled two engines brought one to Marshall where the fire was drawn This puts a top to shipping freight from Shreveport to New Orleans Quiet and order still prevails among the strikers A special from Longview says All classes of citizens sympathize with the strikers and are rendering them every reasonable assistance but few of the section men are at work and risk of passenger traffic is thereby increased at Denison There is no change in the strike Everything quiet A bridge on the Northern Pacific near Durant I T was burned last night The strikers allowed al-lowed the company to take enough material to repair the bridge from here SEDALIA Mo March SFour hundred shopmen hostlers and wipers of the Missouri Mis-souri Pacific Railroad at this place struck this afternoon It is understood that nothing but locomotives with mail cars will be allowed to pass here The car inspectors in-spectors struck tonight At Monongahela City Pa the river coal miners convention is in session representing 8000 men and today resolved re-solved to demand 3 cents per bushel on the 9th inst and if the advance demand de-mand is refused to strike DALLAS Tex March Passenger trains on the Texas Pacific arrived today from opposite directions without any interception in-terception The railroad admits that the strike has reached a most critical juncture junc-ture There is a report current that Governor Gov-ernor Ireland has been asked to send I troops to break the deadlock along the Texas Pacific but refused to comply for the same reasons given for not calling the militia into action to suppress fence cutting cut-ting Railroad men claim that the State is as responsible for any loss arising out of the restraint of their property as the city of I > ittsburl was for the destruction of property during the riots of J77 The mass of people of North Texas sympathize sympa-thize with the strikers and their methods If necessity arose for immediate action it is doubtful if the militia would respond An agent of the labor unions passed through Dallas today en route for Fort Worth where he proposes making the headquarters of the circulating petition appealing to Congress and the Legislatures Legisla-tures of the several States for immediate legislation against the tyranny of unrestrained unre-strained capital ST Louis March 8 Striking shopmen on the Wabash road met in secret session this morning the men were promised assistance as-sistance from the Knights of Labor Martin superintendent of the car service on the Wabash system claims the strike over He says more men are applying for work than can possibly be employed A rumor is current here that Toledo Peoria Peo-ria and Decatur men will quit work today to-day GALVESTON Tex March SThe Gal veaton News special from Palestine Texas states that the strikers at another meeting this morning determined to hold out against the recent reduction of wages Order prevails No freight trains are allowed to leave on Mo Pacific road today The leaders of the strike say that if terms are not granted by Tuesday noon they will allow nothing but engines and mail cars to move Times Atchison Kansas Mo Pacific strikers stopped freight trains today permitting per-mitting cattle trains however to go through They state that freight trains carrying immigrants shall not be allowed to pass after today The coal heavers today joined the strikers at Sedalia I |