Show Pioneer W Woman onlan F Rit Rites s Thursday Funeral services will be conducted ted Thursday at 11 a. a m. m for Mrs Florence Florence Flor Flor- Florence ence Elizabeth Vats Watson on 75 pioneer o of Salt Lake City who was born in 1861 while her parents were crossIng crossIng crossing cross cross- ing the plains in a covered wagon Mrs Watson died in a local hospital hospital hospital hos hos- pital Tuesday morning of or a heart ailment aUment Services will be conducted in the Evans Early mortuary with Bishop T T. C. C Stayner ing Burial will be in City cemetery Mrs Watson lived most of ot her ber life in Portland Ore Her husband A. A R. R Watson who died several years ago was prominently associated associated asso asso- elated with the e hide and wool busi busi- ness a daughter of William A. A 1 Hodges plon pioneer er Utah and Emma Cripps Hodges and had been active in L. L D. D S. S church work 1 Surviving are re a son Harold A. A Watson Socorro N. N M M. three daughters Mrs Earl V. V Smith Salt Lake City Mrs H. H M. M f. f and Mrs Austin Stayner both of ot Portland Portland Portland Port Port- land Ore two brothers W. W A. A Hodges Salt Lake City and Fred Hodges Hurley N. N M. M five sisters Mrs Eveline Evelino LeFever Miss Emma Hodges Mrs Ethan Jeremy Mrs Perlay Hill and Mrs Louise Rae all of Salt Lake City |