Show Mite sees Ge s Rid tf I 11 ours s 1111 gon oil Bike Bik By n SH SHEILAH GR GRAHAM I HAi BOLL HOLLYWOOD Spencer HOLLYWOOD Sp Spencer Tracy I Itar star tar of f Fury and nd Fritz Lang di director director director di- di rector of the same successful film fim arc are on k ng terms According AccordIng AccordIng Accord- Accord Ing to reports Tracy cannot forgive Lang for making him repeat over f P and over again the realistic burn burn- v ling Ing and lynching sequences in the picture Mae West has lost 11 pounds by riding a stationary bicycle bi bicycle bicycle bi- bi cycle and tap dancing Which re reminds reminds reminds re- re minds me mc did you know that Mac Mae asserts she and nd not hot Gilda Gray Invented the tho shimmy All Hollywood is talking about Paramount's Paramount's Para Para- mounts mount's suit against Samuel Samuel Samuel Sam- Sam uel Goldwyn for the alleged luring away of Gary Cooper At the Cocoanut Grove the other night the M C. C made Douglas Fairbanks Fairbanks Fair Fair- banks exceedingly annoyed b by re- re erring to his wife vUe as La Lad Lady Sylvia Ashley Instead of Mrs Fairbanks i The Wedding of Joan 1 and Dick Powell is is- scheduled for l il September 5 Louis B B. Mayer vho Who pays rays pays great Garbo her salary I sa says sacs he hc hasn't seen her for the last two years I If he would like a description description de- de of the lady George Brent will be pleased to oblige A well known comedian settled on the brunette actress bet be- be t to be his wife so that if she ever tires Ures of him she will wm feel financially financially finan finan- free to depart Gene Raymond and Jeannette MacDon- MacDon C t aid holding hands on the Santa Barbars Barbara Barbara Bar- Bar bara bars seashore For those interested In that sort of thing Miss Maci MaeDonald Mac Mac- i 1 Donald screams even as you or I Ihen Ir Ir r when hen she first enters the water f Week ending on the same exclusive r f strip o of sand Jean Harlow and Bill Powell chaperoned by Jeans Jean's mother Comedians Buster Keaton and Eddie Cantor the latter minus Wife ife and five daughters resting beSore be- be Sore lore starting production for his next t v picture When cn Bernard Shaw Was vas In iii Hollywood od recently he asked f Marx What do you do for a living JivIng considered ser seriously se- se r before replying I drop dropco r co spoons V. V An awkward moment at Benita Humes Hume's cocktail party party- Maureen and Elizabeth Allan 1 both wore vore duplicates of the same dress for which each paid a high price for lor exclusive rights The giant karat 82 sapphire mystery gem belonging bev be- be v longing to the Spanish royal rOBI family s 3 has arrived in Hollywood to tempt f V the better paid feminine stars Carole Lombard who collects jewels Jn In n a big way and Gladys Gladya Gladysi i are among the bidders Irvin Cobb is so crazy about screen acting he wears movie costumes cos cos- t. t and makeup at home |