Show Prevailing Opinions I Comment of the American Press Press- The Western Front If the V World orId war in its economic economic eco ceo 1 political and propagandist aspects has never ceased neither of course has it ceased in its military military mili mili- tary aspects The Tho Maginot line is simply the modern projection of the Hindenburg Hindenburg Hindenburg Hinden- Hinden burg line and the line of Rhine fortresses es before it and the problem problem problem lem of t flanking it Is as active today today to to- day as it was at and in the U-boat U war at and at Archangel The Germans are now said to be convincing themselves that their new navy through the development development development develop develop- ment of the newer air underwater and fast surface weapons can be made to achieve what the wartime wartime wartime war war- time U-boats U failed to do the do-the the breaking of the North sea blockade blockade block block- ade ada thus turning the western front upon the north And an article by Edgar Ansel Mowrer in Foreign Foreign Foreign For eign Affairs discusses the new Swiss preparations to defend their territory against an attempt attempt attempt at at- tempt to turn the southern flank lank by way of the Swiss plateau and the Jura Iura passes The strategic problem of flanking flanking flank flank- ing the Franco German Franco front be began began began be- be gan to exert its baleful influence upon modern history long ong b before ore 1914 It began with the fen len plan which ten years before devised the movement by way of Belgium and arid Holland But the Dutch were wise enough to Invest in Improved defenses partly for that reason Holland was left out but it meant that the plan had to be cut down in scope and speeded speed speed- ed cd up In time with many strange and reaching far-reaching consequences consequences- not the tho least being the way in which the exigencies of the war plan made the solution of the diplomatic diplomatic dip dip- crisis of 1914 impossible Now as of the war the Belgian gateway is scarcely practicable tica Je for a second attempt If the tho line is to be turned at all alt it must by the sea by the air or orby orby orby by the difficult southern gateways gateways gateways gate gate- ways through Switzerland and the thc Jura Iura The passes are not many rail communication is cramped vital centers ore are remote but the road through ugh Switzerland has been discussed increasingly of recent years Now the Swiss are abruptly abrupt abrupt- ly proposing to double their armament armament arm arm- ament expenditure Perhaps their investment will pay for itself as richly as did that of the Holland Holland- ers era But if the last ast land gateway is closed The sea and the air remain A belief on the part of the tho Germans that they had at last found the technical means for breaking the British strangle hold holdon on their sea approaches would be bo bea boa a very dangerous one but the idea must still be fantastic in the present present present pres pres- ent state of the naval arts To flank the line by flying over it would be the most terrible expedient ent ant of all but all but so much so that none perhaps would dare to try it If It so is it possible to hope that out of all the new armaments armaments armaments arma arma- ments something like real military mill mili tary stability may come at last lasta last last- a deadlock complete enough actually actually actually ac ac- ac- ac to keep the peace peace New New NewYork I York Herald Citizenship and Taxes The decision of United States Judge Borah at New Orleans that aliens on the dole are not entitled entitled entitled en en- titled to citizenship because they cannot contribute to the support of the government is on sound ground even though there Is no immediate connection between citizenship and taxpaying Aliens resident here are taxed on the same basis as citizens the citizens the tax- tax gatherer makes no distinctions However the United States is supposed under the immigration laws to e exclude lude from the country country coun court try aliens likely to become a public pub pub- lie lic charge and the application of this principle which everybody acknowledges to be correct plainly plain plain- ly bars bars' from citizenship those who have already become a public public pub pub- lic lie charge Most states properly debar paupers from voting Marvin A. A Harlan national commander of the Disabled American American Amerlean Amer Amer- ican lean Veterans said recently that in one one city ot of of where he has studied conditions 53 per percent percent percent cent of those on the relief roll are aliens Yet if these aliens are admitted to citizenship they are entitled to public support when indigent and could not be de de- de ported Judge Borah Is right in another respect respect respect-in in raising the standards of citizenship Citizenship ought to to be a a high privilege to be won only b by the deserving This country country country coun coun- try has conferred it too easily in inthe inthe inthe the past Los Los Angeles Times Imes Hands Off the Schools Self-appointed Self censors over Americas America's schools stand rebuked by the National Education association association association asso asso- whose militant convention convention convention conven conven- tion in Portland Ore bristled with speech after speech assailing enemies of free teaching It is futile reported the associations association's associations association's asso asso- elation's committee on academic freedom to expect independent judicious and courageous minds to be developed in students by timid and submissive teachers Until we remove dictatorships from the schools we cannot with good grace attack it elsewhere said Thomas ThomM W. W Gosling national director of the Junior Red Cross If democracy means freedom to inquire to learn earn to express onese oneself then we can tolerate no dictatorial censorship of thinking and learning said John W. W Studebaker United States commissioner commissioner com corn missioner of education Americanism said Frank Miles editor of ot the Iowa Legionnaire Legionnaire Legionnaire Legion Legion- and spokesman for the American legion does not consist consist consist con con- in throwing children into jail because they might fail fall to salute the flag And neither does Americanism Americanism Ameri Amen consist of enforcing compulsory compulsory com corn oaths of loyalty upon any class of citizens Tremendous ef efforts efforts efforts ef- ef forts are aro being made to deceive educators into thinking that we weare arc are trying to militarize the schools schoos The most often repeated charge is that the legion is trying to curb academic freedom May MayI I assure you that although once In a while a post or an individual legionnaire may object to something something some some- thing or other in a school the le legion legion le- le gion glen is interested chiefly in helping helping helping help help- ing teach children how to think I have yet et to know a teacher of the thousands of my acquaintance whom I thought was a raging red These are utterances of ot robust Americans Americana who know that the educational is every bit bitas bitas bitas as alien to our shores as Russian communism San Francisco News A Good Idea A A good idea that should be pushed along is that adopted by bya a group of ot men in Winter Vinter Park Panic Fla Fin They have organized a 3 society society society so for the tho removal of placards of ot defeated candidates Here Is Isa Isa Isa a civic movement that should appeal appeal appeal ap ap- ap- ap peal to communities all over this broad land Candidates who have been the victims of false hopes make the general public a 3 lingering of offences to the thc eye Is it their form of ot vengeance eng on n the public for not having elected them Of course this is hr hardly their conscious conscious conscious con con- purpose Rather they show a a. type of ot inaction of which the public itself ma may be partly guilty Now a group of ot men in Florida proposes to cure that In in- in difference Though the movement is directed against the placards of ot defeated candidates Its ext exten extension n- n sion slon to the successful ones also seems desirable for lor such placards often have havea a lingering on for months and sometimes years beyond the time the time of ot their having an any conc conceivable usefulness In In Indianapolis News I If f- f |