Show ROSS EXPLAINS STRIKE REGION POLICE ORDERS Says Patrolmen Sent for Psychological Effects BOISE Idaho July 22 UP Governor C. C Ben Ross said tod today y h he had authorized moving moving ing seven state patrolmen into the Clearwater county lumber strike area as a psychological move and that he did not anticipate anticipate an an- any serious trouble Wo We do 10 not fully know the Clearwater situation Ross Ros said It may be serious Wo We are not going Joing to wait walt to move mo momen men into the region until there is blood blood- shed sheet Were We're going to get in on the ground floor Emmitt who dispatched th the patrolmen to Orofino Idaho a as commissioner of law enforcement denied the men were armed fo for strike duty They are merely wearing regulation regulation regulation regu regu- lation equipment and are armed only With pistols said sent in to check been on all things that's Governor Sends Aide The governor said he had sent hi his military aide Captain Harry Abendroth commander of ot Boise Bois troop E cavalry to Orofino to lito investigate both sides of th the lumber strike Senator Bruce Blake of Orofino in Boise Bois awaiting the opening Tuesday Tuesday Tues Tues- day of a special session of the Idaho Idah legislature said conditions were not no acute in Clearwater county There has been no violence he said Some of the logging truck drivers have been taken from their machines by pickets and warned to stop running but there have been no fist fights or gun play Lumbermen have been striking Inthe in inthe inthe the northern Idaho white pine area for several weeks Blake said they wanted Increased wages and better working conditions Blake delivered several radical L W. W W. W V. V pamphlets to the governor which members have been circulating circulating circulating ing to the striking lumber workers He said the I. I W. W W. W was bettIng Abetting the strike which affects approximately approximately approximately workers Martial Martini Law Hinted Governor Ross said the trouble centered in Clearwater county anc and indicated he way may ay be forced to put martial law into mm effect if conditions grow worse Many of the striking lumbermen have returned to work said he had learned that pickets were patrolling the roads in the strike area that drivers ol of loggIn logging arid arid and supply trucks feared violence from the I. I W. W W. W and aric that radical ts were verc being distributed amon among lumbermen in Clearwater county |