Show IDRO DROUTH TH DARKENS D KENS DUCK PR PEc r r J Short Open j i Season Due DueL L J In Autumn WASHINGTON July 22 2 UP Any A Any Any 1 hope ope hunters may have held for more snore more liberal duck shooting regulations regula Lions this fall fail apparently have hac been chattered oy Y the waterfowl losses r j In the midwestern drouth aA A A high source indicated Wednesday Wednesday Wednes Wednes- day that a short open season on migratory mi ml- J birds with restrictions restrictions' virtually virtually vir vir- I as severe as last year ear is tentatively tentatively ten len planned for tor this fall Arrive Reports Only a right about face ace from their present stand by government authorities authorities au au- au- au could loosen up the regulations regu- regu lations end and this appears highly improbable im- im probable in view of the tho pessimistic reports arriving daily dally from the tho areas Final approval of oT the regulations however must yet be given by Pr President ident Roosevelt and Secretary of Agriculture Wallace Although encouraged by the numer numer num- num er of birds which flew north to the nesting grounds last spring spring spring-an an 1 increase crease which officials attribute largely to reduction of ot the kill last Jast lasts s season resulting from stringent nt regulations reg- reg lations and poor weather weather govern govern government ment meat authorities feel teel this gain has hasI I been offset by the losses in the current current current cur cur- rent drouth Closed Cased Season SeMon 7 Some organizations including the National Association of Audubon Societies have advocated a closed this year j It is known however the govern- govern will wUl proclaim a R. closed season only as a last reso resort t. t |