Show r 1 PRANK I K BAKER BAKER- J When Tony Gulotta was in Utah last summer r as a driver for Jor Ab Jenkins on the salt flats he clung ento nto a crash helmet with infinite care Tony STony wore th thiron the thc theiron iron neon hat every time he slid under the drivers driver's wheel J hether it was for a mere trial spin or a regular assignment assign- assign ment nent in the hour 24 endurance run f. f fi l 4 Bobby Jones never guarded Calamity Jane his famous putter i ter more mor jealously than Gulotta clung onto his helmet which e said he wouldn't sell for br a hundred dollars if I couldn't relace relace re- re lace it before this run fun is over over And d the hat cost less than 25 i Tony is a product of the competitive tracks He had ridden bub to hub with other machines at a hundred miles an hour round narrow tracks and had seen Death leering at him fiver ver he e spin spinning wheels frequently He had also seen far too many rashes crashes to figure he was immune although he had driven more 1 i les at Indianapolis than any other driver driver all all of them without f accident and accident and he regarded his helmet as a great protection y against cranium injuries when his time came M H Ton Tonys Tony's s 's time did come at Indianapolis this year ear shortly t fi before the Memorial l day race A piece of steering gear broke as Tonys Tony's racer thundered around the thc track at better than miles an nn hour in Il a practice spin The front wheels released from Tonys Tony's control sought to go in opposite directions The Thc car careened dizzly and plunged against the new retaining walls with a terrific crash bounced upside down and skidded a hundred yards before it rolled over again I Tony is alive and in good health today because of his crash helmet Bob Hiatt one of the thc who is already in town preparing to take care of Abs Ab's run on thc salt this summer was at the track when the accident occurred He says ays Tony got up and walked away from his wreck whereas he would have been material for an undertaker without his iron tiron hat 7 L Marks on the speedway showed where Tonys Tony's helmet had scraped the pavement while the car was skidding along upside down These marks continued unbroken for more than 40 feet and the helmet itself was worn to paper thinness where it had scraped against the pave- pave ment Needless to say Tony has a new helmet now L It Italo Ital o Chelini Chicago White Sox s southpaw figures he has a about one of the toughest tough luck defeats in history declaring he once lost a ball game after fanning the last batter Ss Chelini was pitching for the Mission Juniors in the San Franc Francisco Franisco Fran Fran- c cisco isco semipro circuit when teh incident took place His team was head ead 1 0 1 in the last half of the ninth and there was a man on first when Chelini fanned the batter f The catcher however missed the third strike and the runner scored from first The batter meanwhile scampered to first and mates started throwing the ball around and before they got through with their wild throws the batter also circled the bases with the winning run t T T. T 0 O. M. M Sop with is expected to represent England next year in another international yacht race in an attempt to lift j J the Americas America's cup which has been held by the United States fk since the first race in 1851 AH AU England is greatly encouraged by the demonstrations o of speed shown b by new boat i which is reputedly equipped with numerous secret gadgets original Endeavour I with which he challenged n. n In 1934 and d lost to Rainbow in four races out of six recently finished 11 minutes behind the new Endeavour H n in an English t- t race |