Show Eight Child Acts Billed at Victory Continuing the Victory theaters theater's amateur shows a varied program of youngsters ranging from 3 to 14 years in eight acts will be presented pre pre- Wednesday at 1115 p p. p m. m Tonight will be known as kiddies night but each Wednesday hereafter hereafter hereafter here here- after six acts only will be presented and three cash prizes arc are awarded by audience applause Among tonight's featured acts will be Maxine Brady 5 singer and tap dancer r Thorup Twins 5 6 three- three round boxing exhibition Elaine Crosby 8 acrobatic dance Sherman Sherman Sher Sher- man Irish Brown 6 songs Bongs and clog dancing The Shine dancing and singing colored quartet Lola Gam Gam- melt mall 12 accordion solo Jackie 8 8 singing and toe loe tap dancing the Three Sailors 7 1 and 8 8 group tap and clog cog dancing |