Show Radio Programs t WEDNESDAY Y T JULY LY 22 fj PS M. M L DInner Dinner concert featuring XavIer Cugat and bis hIs orchestra Trans Radio Sport Sports Flub Flash Broadway Bandwagon TO r Tour YOO Your Your Hit Parade and Sweepstakes featuring the wed weeks week's IS 15 5 most moat popular tunes tunu a ai as played Dialed by Carl Hoff HoU and his hIli orchestra NBC BOG NBC Amo n And Andy Love Lov Story program NBc Grand NBC Terrace orchestraS orchestra S 'S and hIs violin I Jan Pearce Peerce tenor teno I Town Oo NBC Town Han Hall Tonight starring and Budd with Peter e Van orchestra 10 1000 The Oo The e Revue featuring Ferde Fude Grofe Grote and hI his orchestra t. t 10 1015 Tr 1015 Radio 15 Trans Radio News J 1020 NBc Sandy NBC Sandy Williams and his hI Congress Con Con- gress Grea hotel orchestra Sammy NBC 1030 NBC Sammy Wat Watkins Watkin kins and his I a Hotel Hollenden orchestra 11 OO Trans Radio Radio News 1105 NBC Bal NBC Bal Cafe Cate orchestra NBC 1 NBC Hotel Mark Hark Hopkins Hopkin or or- chestra 1200 rt AIt request All program 1 ar 1 Good OO Good night THURSDAY JULY 23 i. i M. M fi Ii GOO OO 00 Cheerio Musical Clock Today's Today's Almanac HollywOOd 7 Hollywood on Parade 7 30 Sing Before Breakfast 5 7 Trans Radio Newa NBC Nuts NBC Nuts and Bolts comedy team Ii NBC Don NBC Don Jo Jose JON e singer NBC NBC Fiddlers Three 8 NBC 45 NBC Fred tenor D 9 NBC OO NBC Christine Trans News NewL I Melodic Interlude NBC Dan NBC NBC Dan Rudin larding's Wife drama The NBC 45 NBC The Merry r orchestra orches tm tra directed l by Norman 0 i 1 L. L Cloutier fl 10 1000 Tr Trana OO Tran New News 1005 NBC Mary NBC Mary Dietrich Dittrich soprano 1030 NBC Charles NBC Charles arlu and his hi Lotus Gardens orchestra 31 11 1100 NBC OO NBC Thursday Matinee 1 1115 Memory LaneI Lane Lane- I 1 1130 1 Trana 30 TraM New News New 1135 2135 1135 Melodic Interlude 1145 l Bountiful Program M M. J a 1 1200 Pepper NBC NBC Pepper Youngs Young's Family 12 1215 NBC Ma NBC M Perkins t 1230 NBC 1230 NBC Vic and Sad Sada 12 The NBC NBC The NBC Women NBC Women's Radio Revue featuring featuring fea rea- turing guest speakers and the orchestra orchestra orchestra or or- chestra directed b by Joseph Littau I Twos Radio News NBc r NBC r Arnold Il NBC Vu NBC Vass Family NBC OO NBC Madge e Marley and Carl Laudt Landt singers singer 2130 NBC Hazel Warner and Martha Meade Plying NBC NBC I Time BC g R NBC Parade In jn connection with i Governor Landon's Landon acceptance I speech g t Trans Radio News You You Shall ShaH Have Music U NBC BC NBC Easy Euy Ace cn Aces pt Goodman and Jane Ace Acs NBC 1415 c 15 NBC The Voice d of Experience kl KangarOo Kangaroo Club childrens children's at 45 TranI J program r Trans Radio New NBC Rudy NBC Rudy Villas Variety Show t Rudy Vale Vallee le and his taJ mice cut Yankees with guest rs 1 Mv Adv OF WED WEDNESDAY JULY 22 P. P M. M Dance CBS Dance with Andre Kostelanetz Kostela Kostela- netz nets and his hla orchestra Kay Thompson Thomp Thomp- son on and the Rhythm Singers and I andRay andRay l Come cBs CBS Ray Heatherton or On Lets Let's SIn Sing 1 the audience Tiny Ruffner Jack Jaek Arthur Arthur Arthur Ar Ar- thur ana and guest artists Gang CBS CBS Gang Busters with Phillips Phillip Lord The CBS CBS The March of Time dr dramatization maU of the news new of the day i Jack CBS CBS Jack Shannon tenor r soloist L t International i News N CBS Rentrew CBS Renfrew of the Mounted thrilling stories of the north woods wood 8 the hidden 3 3 Peaceful ct valley leVa Valley of gold 45 Dr Broaddus interviews ws Mayor Major ErwIn of Salt Lake City and Mayor Peery of Ogden on Covered Wagon Wacon Da DB Dab s. s 9 OO-KS OO Charlie Chan detective e. e 9 1 o 15 concert 9 George CBS CBS George Bums Burns and Oracle Grade Allen with Eddie Eddlo orchestra orches orches- 10 1000 DIck OO KEL Ira tra Jimmy Dick l J Jurgens' Jurgens Newell I I orchestra soloist g ra from trot Saltair 1030 1030 International International News New 10 1045 Joseph CBS CBS Bs Joseph and his orchestra 1100 Joe 1100 Jo KirkhAm orchestra 1130 1130 Jau Jati Garters Garter's orchestra Midnight 1200 Benny 1200 Benny Goodmans Goodman's orchestra orches orches- irs tra A. A M. M 1230 Harry 1230 Harry Lewis and his orchestra 1245 Gaylord 1245 Gaylord Carter at the thet t organ tOO IA A. A M. M M. Goodnight THURSDAY JULY 23 3 A. A M. M or Sunrise o Sunrise Serenade cred Co Covered Wagon Wason Days Day sunrise sunrise sunrise sun sun- rise Ice sen-Ice from the mouth of Emigration canyon Morning Melodies i 74 International t News Melody I Melody r Parade d 8 83 Covered e Wagon Days organ fg re recital from the h tabernacle m DOO Serve Serve and Save Y with Ida C. C Abbott bbott The The Milky Way with Mary Lee Taylor and Bennie Bonnie Walker 9 Hummer 10 CBS Summer Rhythms Rhythm 1000 Betty CBS CBS Betty and Bob 1015 Modern CBS CBS Modern Cinderella 1020 CB 1030 The CBS CBS Latest ThIn Thing 10 1042 CBS Betty CB CBS Betty Crocker 1048 CBS 1048 CBS All the Churches ChurcheL 1100 Ted CB CBS Ted If Malones Malone's alone s Between the Bookends Happy CBS S CBS Happy Hollow ng l or 1130 CBS 1130 CBS Music on the Air P P. M. M lZ 1200 ii International News New and tock Market Quotations 1215 1215 Livestock report l g li U ka 1220 Howells ells Hov and Wright piano team 12 1230 CBS 30 CBS Jimmy Brierly Brerly tenor with Ann Leaf at III the on organ 1 OO Afternoon concert for tor the sho shopper o per 1 CB 3 CBS Greetings castings from Old Kentucky K The The L The Word Ma Man 2 0 5 05 Popular concert CBS CBS R Barns baritone to Wilderness CBS CBS Wilderness t e C toad Rood J authentic historical drama for children Loretta BOO CBS Loretta L Lee Lea songs CBS CBS Professor Alpheus Smith Smith Smith- Northwestern University Bookshelf Dally fally New News Broadcast Shopping Bulletins l eu 4 CBS OO CBS Herbert F Footo Foote concert en en- The 16 The Knighthood or of Youth Radio club 4 Merchants Merchants' n Merchants Merchants' Radio Column CBS CBS Columbia Concert Hall HIlI Portland Portland Port Port- land Symphony orchestra Basil Bull Cameron conducting Parade sm Parade of or Values 6 OO Sunset Serenade Paid Adv chI 1 4 Some fine morning fortune is going to smile on you you first a cup of May that fortunate morning come come tomorrow Schilling chilling S Coffee One kind for Percolator Another one for Drip i 4 t b SEE B BOULDER DAmo DAm o a FROTh FROm HI ALOFT OFT I I Western Air the Famous scenic route foute FLY to Los Angeles and San over Cedar Breaks Zion Boulder Darn Dam V Relax it in spacious newly soundproofed planes with reclining chairs and nd thoughtful stewardess attention The clean cican cool com conn way to travel above the dust sad iad 1 heat of the desert V LEAVE ARRIVE SALT LAKE KE LOS ANGELES SAN GO k am a.m. am a.m. 1000 tm 1245 pm p.m. pm p.m. pm p.m. pm p.m. 1245 am a.m. IiI ph cur ur lieu Wh 1910 tr er r WESTERN AIR EXPRESS The Th Scenic Boulder Darn Dam Route I 1 1 FRONTIER SKETCHES BY PAUL CLOWES VES M- M T i i t jf rr r.r. I N 1 r. Vl I 7 n t t I Ir t f u tr r i r f 4 C j i t j 4 I I 4 4 4 d c Ji Jisi si I I I 1 c r V 11 i V 1 T I Ir r 21 i ir r ii r fr a 2 S J a ai i- i I 4 jI Lj I 1 5 1 r i dg 1 C S 1 BEER j 4 j j i fr I 7 I 1 i 7 I 11 I I l p 4 I 4 A Ac m c sm y m. m I i j j 1 1 J 4 c t. t h t. t I 1 r y i I I t t t 1 1 A r VJ 1 U 1 rJ rr 1 7 1 SALT LAKE AIE CITY PIONEER ION E E R DAY DAYS S 1 P I C COVERED 0 V E RED WAG WAGON 0 N D DAYS A Y S JULY 22 2 23 24 25 I Celebrate With WitT Your You Utah Friends I I j |