Show Beauty Routine Requires Expert And Home Care CareBy By ALICIA HART Dr Dry shampoos and other timesaving timesaving timesaving time- time saving routines are invaluable to the summer traveler or one who cannot visit a beauty shop more moro than two or three times a month Women who want to be well groomed day in and day out simply simply sim urn ply have to discover wa ways s 's and means to care for hair face and nails between visits to the hair hair- dresser Your hairbrush and a n. tonic to correct whatever scalp defect you have are arc all you QU need for cleanIng cleaning cleaning clean- clean Ing scalp and hair quickly and thoroughly Simply part your hair in sections soak a cotton pad in the tonic and apply Rub RubIt It on the scalp scalp not not the hair hair and and use sparingly When you ou have bave finished massage massage mas runs sage with fingertips until the tonic has been absorbed th then n begin to 1 brush Always brush upward and wipe the brush after acter each stroke When each hair has been cleaned and nd polished simply simp-Iy push your waves back in place Correct brushing never spoils a wave Even the most expert manicure wont won't keep fingernails attractive and lovely for a full week Do a thorough job about every seven days of course but between times give your nails a few whisks with an emery board and apply fresh polish whenever needed You will derive more lasting benefit from professional facials If you use your creams and lotions intelligently at home A cream treatment is good for dry skin of course but you cant can't expect four applications a month to correct the condition You must do something something something some some- thing yourself every night How to make a last lasta a full week is a problem that confronts confronts confronts con con- fronts most of us in the summer summer- time For this reason its it's a splendid splendid splendid did idea to invest in a comfortable hair net to wear at night and a alight light weight lightweight weight shower cap to wear in the tho tub as well wen as under the shower On the market right now are hair nets that tie tic under the chin like an aviators aviator's helmet These are are light come in all an colors are arc easy to wash and really do stay in place all an night New shower caps tie in the same manner And for those who care for ringlet curls at home there are arc new pale green rubber curler clips that aro are comfortable to lo sleep on |