Show MYSTERY THUG BEAT t LOS ANGELES July 22 S. S Commissioner David 8 B. H j slugged with a blackjack and br knuckles In his home Wa wai Wu reI ering aring today from painful while department of justice ag agtA hunted one or more P Whether the attack Was vas pe per by some ome of the hundreds hundred dangerous criminals who have fr fac Head during his 12 years a as U commissioner here wa was not mined Dr Walter Valter Kittle took si ai sito six to close a ft inch four-inch laceration dill Heads Head's s chin An abrasion found on the back of ot his he head The federal official said hW t. t assaulted as he entered his hU So Ui j Pasadena residence shortly After p. p m. m last last- night He had bad di his chauffeur and gone gona alon I the house As he passed from a hallway the living room the dim outline what appeared to be two men nua r rup ro up and the attack followed j For Foran an hour Head lay until he wa was discovered by his De Bern ng houseboy Nothing had been tak tas from his pockets and no valuable were missing from the house houie jj inv said H Head ad said ho knew of no for tor the attack |