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Show 12 II The Salt Lake Tribune, Sunday, August Budget Director Says Utahs Economy Doing OK 1, 1982 The different world of Utah is once again a standout among the states and this time, the comparison is favorable and one that revenue-strappe- d neighbors heartily envy, according to state Budget Director Michael B. Zuhl. Mr. Zuhl just returned from the annual meeting of the National Association of State Budget Officers in Williamsburg, Va., and said he learned to his pleasure that Utahs fiscal outlook is a success compared to many other states in the country. The state has just finished the 1982 fiscal year with a $9 to $11 million unappropriated surplus. But other states are in misery with unemployment rates double Utahs 8 percent, layoffs of state workers due to lagging revenues and bleak forecasts because of the industries that they must rely on for their economic health. Michigan, he said, is the worst case, and foresees no turnaround until people resume buying new cars the way they did in the '60s. States heavily dependent on the construction Save $2Q0 5 native of of African tropics, A Colobus Monkey, treetops is one of five now on display in the Hogle Zoo Ape House. 5 side chairs. Sale Reg. $539 $165 $190 $999 $459 Table Side chair Armchair China cabinet Server Dining room furniture of oak and oak ven- eers with cane back chairs and light- ed china. Set includes table and 4 such as Save $1 00 piece dining set. Sale $999, Reg. $1,199. industry, Washington and Oregon, are having a time balancing their miserable budgets, Mr. Zuhl said. He said Utah has developed a tax structure relatively balanced that isnt excessively dependent on a narrow aspect of the economy, such as personal income. Washington state has no income tax though it has a sales tax, and Oregon has no state sales tax though it has an income tax. The two sf ates have been heavily impacted and a e under stringent budget reductions due to the downturn in the construction industrys use of timber. piece dining set. Sale $479, Reg. $579. Colonial din- ing set is crafted in wood solids and wood products accented to a warm finish. Set includes table and four $459 $135 $160 $799 $399 Table Chair China cabinet Reg. $223 $ 89 $599 Sale $175 $76 $449 chairs. Colobus From Africa Hogle Given It was not monkey business as usual at Hcgle Zoo recently. Five new roomers, Colobus monkeys indigenous to the treetops of African 5 Monkeys The monkeys were given to the zoo by tropics, went on display and did what establish apes have done for ages the Family and Friends of Frank and Sara Creer. An adult male was obtained from the Rio Grande Zoo, Albuquerque, N.M., and three females plus the baby came straight from Kenya. The monkeys will inhabit the recently-built addition to the zoos Ape House consisting of latticed wrought iron spheres and tubes, as well as indoor and outdoor "turf. Mrs. Pratt noted that when the monkeys were first discovered by explorers of Africa, they named them the Latin word for Colobus, mutilated, since on discovery, none of the primates had thumbs. their territory. Save Save 0 Deville recliners. $50-$6- 0 Berkline recliners. Sale $249 to $339, Reg. $299 to Reg. recliner, 3502 ...$299 Rocker recliner, 3179.. $349 Rocker recliner, 3178.. $399 $399. Massive recliners for the ul- timate in good taste and comfort. Recliners that offer style, relaxation and big savings for your added enjoyment. Styles as shown or special order additional fabrics at the same dollar savings. "i v" ' '? ' 4?' ' ' f f', ' ' , - " ----. BUY ' , S ' . ; $4Q-$6- Sale Sale $209 to $419, Reg. $249 to $249 $299 $339 $499. Comfortable, stylish recliners. Handsome and practical. Classic designs in a selection of fine fabrics. $.? '? V, Reg. $249 recliner, 3540 wall hugger, 3139. .$399 wall hugger, 3545. .$499 Sale $209 $339 $419 j V-- om DODD WINDOW GUARD OR PATIO DOOR GUARD AND GET TIIE SECOND ONE W ; V; , MO 066 RM067 (WE ARE THE MANUFACTURER) ' J ? 4 w't ' s " ' f ; y , - DUY FROM US AND SAVE $$ WE SPECIALIZE !H OSD SIZE DOORS AND DOUBLE STORM DOORS AT NO EXTRA COST OFFER ON ALL DOORS EXCEPT FM-06- 2 INSTALLATION IS AVAILABLi WE CAN MAKE A DOOR TOR ANY ENTRANCE ORNAMENTAL IKON MASTER CRAFTSMEN FOR OVER 30 YEARS YOU CANNOT CRAWL THROUGH f OUR DOOR IF ARE DESIGNS BROKEN OUT LIKE ON OTHER DOORS Room Dividers Gatos Save 00 Save $6Q-$- 1 30 1 Futorian, Elite recliners. $7Q-$- Sale $379 to $599. Reg $449 to $699 Great savings on great com- fort. Traditional beauty that gives your room that added touch. Styles as shown or special order additional fabrics at the same dollar savings. Reg. recliner, 3520 $449 recliner, 3521 $699 Standard recliner, 3510 ...$549 Sale ScIvCtod curios. Sale $239 to $499. Reg. $299 to $379 $599 $459 An investment in excellence. Columns Forth A Railing PATIO DOOR GUARD AAA IRON VISA' Dotlc Pool A Yard Font All Typos of Stairways MANUFACTURER OF TRI-- A SECURITY STORM DOORS & WINDOW GUARDS Of course you can charge it VISA' YOU CAN CALL US ON SUNDAY PHONE 266-419- 9 5225 South 300 West, Murray, Utah PROTECT TOUR FAMILY MOWI BECAUSE CRIME IS JUST A MATTER OF TIME Downtown Salt Lake JCPennev Cottonwood Mall Valley Fair Mall Bountiful Orem-Universi- ty Sale ends August 28th. Merchandise advertised is not available outside normal delivery area. Small charge for delivery within normal delivery area. Phone your JCPenney store for details. Mall Ogden City Mall -- |