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Show Official Visit Ends "S" fr7 Gandhi Hopeful llnr nn ut lj.s. lies C T T C The Salt Lake Tribune, Sunday, August itimniiHwi is 7? JM2 . TYftftTfniiniifiiTfiiirTr. By Sajid Rizvi United Press Siates International mdo-U.- Iraqi planes and artillery bombarded the Iranian oil refinery city of Abadan Saturday in a counteroffensive against Ayatollah Ruhollah Kho-mein- is m Ramadan long-standi- U.S.-suppli- (AP) -The Environmental ProWASHINGTON tection administration sources said Satucday. The Soviets made the move during negotiations at Geneva that began in late June with a U.S. proposal for a Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty that would reduce superpowers strategic nuclear warheads by about d in its first phase. one-thir- The administration sources, who declined to be identified, said the Soviet idea was put forward during the give and take of the Geneva talks and was getting serious consideration, as have all points advanced during the past five weeks. Real Headway? There was no immediate indication how much real headway was being made in the Geneva talks, which are likely to go on for months or even years while the two nations go ahead with nuclear weapons programs not in direct conflict with the earlier treaties. Nor was there any immediate indication of the details of restrictions on cruise missiles or other ideas being explored in the exchanges. But the sources said the Soviets have registered an interest in deep reductions in strategic weapons, even as they call publicly for a freeze in new deployments, and an interest in retaining features of the expired 1972 strategic arms limi back-and-for- th : a in rever- sal, is expected to announce soon that it will abandon efforts to weaken restrictions on the use of lead in gasoline and will tighten up instead, informed sources said Saturday night. The new requirements will cut the amount of lead used in gasoline by an estimated 31 percent over the next eight years. The new rules were outlined in a memo to EPA Administrator Anne Gorsuch from the head of EPAs air program, Kathleen Bennett. EPA officials, who asked not to be identified, said Mrs. Goreueh is expected to adopt the recommendations soon. Heavy Opposition The EPA policy reversal came in the face of a heavy opposition to prop taCaipet Environmentalists charged that thousands of children would get lead poisoning if the standards were weakened and 31 members of Congress wrote to the agency protesting the changes. (USPS47S 143 . Bam, 1401 3725 Established April 15. 1(71, Isevery morn I no by the Corporation, Salt Lake City. Utah (4110. All unsolicited articles, manuscripts, letters and pictures sent to The Salt Lake Tribune are sent at the owner's risk and Kearns-TribunCorporation assumes no responsibility for their custody or return. SUBSCRIPTION $M A CORPORATION 10CATE0 In 266-347- 0 DENTURE CLINIC of UTAH 470 E. 3900 South state-owne- Espriella. Now through August 21 , 1 982, we've reduced the price of many of our Soft Contact kit. (Toric Lenses for incredible savings! This special price Includes travel chem-car- e lenses , extended-wea- r lenses, and other special lenses not Included. No other discounts will apply during this special offer.) 99 The Eyewear Experts Crossroads Plaza Sq Yd 363-767- 4 University Mall, Orem Cache Valley Mall, Logan 224-177- 7 753-474- 7 the Carpet Barn Utah's Largest Selection 973-704SO. REDWOOD HOURS: WEEKDAYS SAT. 10-- 7 10-- 6 6 CLOSED SUNDAY Announcing a major event! Diamond Our Semi-AnnuSolitaire Sale fI penmon al BASKETBALL STANDARDS 25Off Two weeks only It only happens twice a year our entire stock of diamond solitaires is now reduced 25' We have a wide variety of shapes and sires, with some settings in 14 karat gold, some in others in platinum A solitaire isn't Its for any woman who only for a bride-to-bnever had one Or for the woman who would like to replace a diamond received in other, less affluent times Sale is this week only, so hurry Glittering diamond solitaires at 25 off All advertised stones subiect to prior sale e 1 ivOi-i- - In With This Ad Penman's Integrity is unsurpassed in Utah. With the purchase of their basketball standards, quality and sturdy construction are guaranteed. Remember, practice makes perfect and if you start with good equipment, you improve faster. 4 Model 15 to Choose From. commercial quality basketball poles are Vi" io Vi" In wall thickness end range from 3" to 4Vk" in diameter. Additional backboard selections Include masonite hardboard and Heavy Duty 14 12 addition to the the stones listed above, we also have Special savings on these CARAT CARAT CARAT Round Solitaire Round Solitaire Round Solitaire 399. 599. 1,999. all carat weights are approximate (tael. The heavy duty fiber glass backboard it free from all bolt obstructions tor accurate ball rebounding. Poles Available. Adjustable ON SALE UNTIL AUGUST 14TH Come in and see the New Portable Model with adjustable pole exclusively at Penman. LISTED IN TELEPHONE DIRECTORY UNDER STEPHEN D. COTTRELL, D.D.S. Labor Minister Jose Montenegro and Electricity Director Edwin Fabregas publicly announced their resignations, in response to a call by De la Espriella for hundreds of officials to give up their posts within 24 hours. The commander of the National Guard, Gen. Ruben Paredes, backed De la Espiellas call Friday for all ministers, governors, mayors, ambassadors, d consuls and directors of businesses to resign. However, the only other indication of an official relinquishing his post was that of the Panama City mayor, who said he would resign if asked to be De la inventory sale! WE HAVE EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO INSTALL IT YOURSELF MEDICAID & INS. PLANS WELCOME DOS, PA Reuter News Agency CITY Top government officials began turning in their resignations Saturday as Ricardo de la Espnella took charge of Panama following the surprise resigntion Friday of President Aristides Royo. PANAMA ANNOUNCEMENT ' The Tribune is a ntember of the Associated Press. The Associated Press Is entitled exclusively to the use of reproduction of ail local news printed in this newsparer as well as all A P. news dispatches. STEPHEN D. COTTRELL, ttPROFESSIONAL Organization of Conference an Officials in Panama Offer Resignations SPECIAL $189 00vear other States) All mall subscriptions payable In advance. Crowns pro-Weste- rn the Islamic conference, told the official Kuwaiti news agency Kuna that he had new ideas to present to the two warring countries. Western-leanin- g The newspaper is printed simultaneously in Arabic in London and Jiddah, Saudi Arabia, and is a Saudi government-ru- n paper. Its editorial policy is RATES $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 $150.00 the secre- of at Carrier Delivery Fittings Iraqi sources and no independent assessment of the claims. In neighboring Kuwait, Chatti, No group immediately claimed responsibility for the bombing at the newspaper office. Police said the blast blew out of the offices windows but otherwise did little damage. They said the only occupant inside was a young woman and her baby but they were not hurt. (7 25 month Dally and Sunday $87 00 year Dally and Sunday Dally Only (5 00 month (4.00 month Sunday Only Bv Mill Dally and Sunday (Utah, Idaho, and Nevada Wyoming) $7.75 mo. Dally and Sunday (Utah, Nevada, 93 00year Idaho, Wyoming) Dally Only (Utah, Idaho, Nevada 15 25 mo. and Wyoming) Sunday Only (Utah, Idaho, Neva 15 00 mo. da and Wyoming) Dally and Sunday (All 115.75 month other States) Dally and Sunday (All Member Audit Bureau of There was no confi- rmation from Mid-Summ- er Kearns-Tribun- e Second class postage paid at Salt Lake City, Utah. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Salt Lake Tribune, 14 South Main, Salt LakeCity. Utah (4111. 15. Islamic sued Cleanings Extractions OFFERED give further details on the new studies and did not say how much lead would be taken out of the air, as opposed to other places such as the surface of roads and LONDON (AP) A bomb exploded Saturday outside an Arab newspaper office in Gough Square, just off the Fleet Street newspaper row, Scotland Yard said. EXPERT ADVICE INSTALLATION AVAILABLE Dial South Main Tie document did not A1 STARTING FROM long-rang- ukf Sriburu with very little additional cost to the (refining) industry, the memo said. news Iraqi agency said. The agency, quoting a Baghdad military communique, earlier said Iraqi troops killed 27,255 Iranians in five battles around the Iraqi oil port city of Basra since July 14, forcing Khomeinis revolutionary guards to retreat across the Shatt waterway at the border. Tehran Radio made no reference to the Iraqi claims, but said Iraqi forces Saturday bombarded Abadan, just 30 miles from Basra, killing five people and wounding Habib tary-general Bomb Jolts Arab Paper Sharq-al-Aws- penmon 8-- 5 MON. thru FRI.SAT. We do our own 205 West 1700 South 9-- 2 financing 487-829- 1 J. HERBERT Established in 1898 jewellers OGDEN CITY MALL LAYTON HILLS MALL CROSSROADS Phone Phone Phone Reno Las Vegas Phoenix Tucson San Diego Los Angeles MALL STATEMENT: If not satisfied, you may return diamond jewelry within 100 days of purchase for full refund 10 60 90 day charge accounts Revolving credit Budget installment Interest free lavaway Ameruan Express. MasterCard. Visa Diners Club OUR NEW REFUND 803-8- i 3 but did not elaborate. The Iraqi news agency Ina, quoting a military spokesman, said the Ira- nians had lost four fighter planes, one helicopter, 297 tanks and 261 vehicles in the five Operation Ramadan offensives on mid-JulBasra sine.; Iraq claimed Friday it crushed completely the fifth Iranian offensive east of Basra. LOW PRICES sub- marines and on surface warships, not all carrying nuclear warheads. The Soviet Navy is known to have similar plans. Generally, American cruise missiles are not e designed for use, and thus they are not classified as strategic weapons. 2bf Salt February whichi if fully carried out, would have substantially weakened current standards. JUST EVERY DAY strategy for the 1980s, and the Navy wants to deploy hundreds of them aboard attack The memo, a copy of which was obtained by the Associated Press, said that new studies support the concept that lead emissions should be minimized. Lead Phasedown The net result ... is a lead phasedown program which would gradually reduce the amount of lead in the environment Operation invasion of nounced it would start a new Islamic goodwill mission within two weeks to negotiate a settlement Gulf in the War. Barn weapons ALL DENTAL SERVICES OFFERED All Avency, dramatic policy osals last tation Treaties of 1972 and 1979. Major Role Cruise missiles play a major role in the evolv-in- g U.S. fuel-efficie- EPA to Reverse Gas Lead Policy Soviets Urging Cuts In Cruise Missiles WASHINGTON (AP) The Scfviet Union has urged cutbacks in U.S. plans for deploying cruise missiles as part of a package for sharply reducing nuclear weapons on both sides, Associated Press Laserpoboto sented Boeing Co. Chairman T.A. Wilson with government certification allowing the company to delivery the jets. The first Boeing EVERETT, Wash. 767 is rolled out of hangar for ceremony. The Federal Aviation Administration pre l., non-align- the Iraq, Boeing Receives Certification A Iraq Says Counterattack Launched Affairs st Iran WASHINGTON (UPD Indian Prime Minister Inaira Gandhi ended her official visit to the United Saturday with few concrete solutions to problems but hope that the trip will lay the groundwork for a new era in bilateral relations. Mrs. Gandhi left for a private visit to New York after taping an interview with NBCs Meet the Press for broadcast Sunday. The prime minister, who is traveling with her son Rajiv and his Italian-bowife Sonia, also will visit Los Angeles and Honolulu. On arriving at her Manhattan hotel, Mrs. Gandhi met privately with some 50 Indian scientists, intellectuals, businessmen and members of Indian organizations. Before leaving for Los Angeles Sunday, she was to receive New York Mayor Edward Koch, attend a lunch given by the Foreign Policy Association and the Asia Society and watch a matinee performance of Amadeus. Both sides tried to minimalize their expectations for Mrs. Gandhis first visit to the United States since 1971, and in that sense the trip was a huge success, a senior U.S. diplomat said. We have reached a better understanding of what India stands for . . . and Laid the groundwork for a new era (in Indo-U.friendship), Sen. Charles chairman of the Senate Foreign Percy, Relations Committee, said after his panel met with the dimunitive prime minister. The leader of the worlds most populous democracy continually emphasized her nations policy but she told reporters her two hours of talks with President Reagan Thursday were very useful and very important. Mrs. Gandhi and Reagan agreed to end a dispute over supplies of nuclear fuel to the U.S.-bui- lt Tarapur reactor, which supplies with Indias second largest city Bombay electricity, and agreed to form a joint commission on science and technology. But both sides acknowledge the major problems between them the U.S. commitment to help modernize the army of Pakistan, Indias neighbor and rival, and Indias close ties to the Soviet Union were not resolved. I think we can only agree to differ on certain points, Mrs. Gandhi said at a National Press Club luncheon Friday. Reagan failed to reassure Mrs. Gandhi that arms Pakistan would not use modern against India, but the open cordiality during her trip showed both nations that the United States and India can be friends despite their other friendships, one Indian diplomat said. And although Mrs. Gandhi was disappointed sh did not gain U.S. support for concessional borrowing, she stated publicly that India has opened its doors to American and other foreign investors. We think that our point of view is more down to earth, she said. 1, 1982 ) 2 1 |