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Show ;'! - f 3IT; iEinjlSI .. 17 ..N , . nrtifts I Floor Broom 1 J H Choose from purpose medium coarse bnsde 5 year guarantee Ball 1 1 1 pa 7.99 WITH THIS COUPON Reg. 11.89 Cwh twhw 120 at K Eltacrt 4irri..x'y,,uvr..A ini August 7. 1962, 'v Mwe.yr-yis. . r v . ' - - y m ww--- iyyyv; 'jFy r ' -- n- - TJS-- rrytSW'Swy' . . IKUnTISIT . a a. - Jr handles built-i- n for standard sink bowls Assorted colors 2970 2.29 1 limit 2 '" .iEiRPNNS .isSa.i lw.i.. Dlshpan Convenient fits B rv'r5rw'r3!i - WITH THIS COUPON Limit 2 Reg. 4. IS Cwh vdua 120 at 1C Effect thru August 7. 1962 it - r ESlHIWrfSjT; finchor Hot Pot .1UL. Hocking Pie Plate listed heavy gauge Ideal in ovens including Q miaowave 5 year warranty H462 1.44 WITH THIS COUPON 1 n D D 'Sealabag Bag Sealer ' 9.99 COUPON tAMOrOIlf M BEACH Cash Wu J 1 D items WITH THIS B 120 at U Effort thru August 7. Limit 4 Reg. 2.85 Cwh wafuc 120 1 at 1C Effort thru August 7, fT:YTT'T.''f r " 1 'V 1' 55.77 f WITH THIS u"ryyi' maim: U WITH THIS COUPON COUPON J"tl WijhrtrfhMiitin ii 120 120 at 1C Effort thru August 7. 19629 Smt OMLIJI-IT- I Durable, practical and inexpensive n 91.49 Cwh vaiua Cwh valu. Can Opener Designed to hold 7 quart or 9 pint jars Fits into any pot of 18 quart capacity 916 j3.44 With safety thermostat 4 cup capacity 1995 B Canning Rac Seals leftovers, fruits, vegetables, diet meals, regular meals or household aluminum af 1C Effort thru August 7. 1962, WITH THIS COUPON q Limit 2 Reg. 2.25 Cwh 120 akw af 1C ESort af 1C Effort thru August 7. 1982 J iWMQ F21NI31T1 D Q D D finchor Measuring Graduated measurements on the side of the cup 32 oz. liquid oz measure D THIS COUPON l,V A. 120 1 i BL-13- 0 9.69 Limit 2 Reg. 3.95 Cwh vakia j container for mixing, serving, storing screw on cap Leak-proo- H4997568A WITH Covered Refrigerator j Bottle Cup 2.47 (2 Qt. af 1C E9wrt 4 1.1 thru August 7. 196: WITH Cwh valu Lid locks open; leaves both hands free Choose from assorted colors 2856 94.99 Limit 2 Reg. 1.19 THIS COUPON Wastebasket 120 af 1C Effort thru August 7. 1962 TTTTT I WITH THIS COUPON IVjwmwawme. Limit 2 Reg. 9.35 Cwh uok 11' ym-- pi 120 V lH "HU- 11' 7one rjj 1 8012 Page 5 |