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Show lp.y forms ond Acrooga SO SO FREE UNITED FARM all kinds ol Real Es- Specify tvp oi property and toesften preferred. CACHE ACRES, DAIRY-4VALLEY includes ranch house, 130 Palls with automatic feeders. ottos, a sneas, priced at aauu.-00For detaits phone 177-6- ? BARBARA VOLKER CREATIVE REALTY 80 ACRE FARM WtM sek ak or pat. By ownar. 55 mnes from Sait Lake City. $2X00 per acre Culinary well, irrig well permit avail., excellent soil. Will carry contract, consider trade. Cali Larry 28-0- 0 MODERN 3 bdrm. farm with 15 12 acres and 30 shares water in Utah County Contract, Super ERA erms Brent, 800 541 X87S, ext. Mnuntamland, RE UTAH RANCH tetfi up n ffi mouone. Potomiai m dude ranch. Unique i beoroom catwi, bam. Si iOXJUft. 79 oer cant draufi. o enter financing at Hvy par coni mui par carnage rale. "TURN KE- YRANCH RE UTAH teO-A- inctuOe HE AO 500 CATTLE, 4000 AUMS (grazing rights), S tractors and full line machinery! 430 acres irrigated, ftafftne pells and springs, water shares. 4 homes. Urge corrals with scales. $975,000. UNITEO FARM AGENCY, P 0. Box Odd-Safi lea City, UT 14)09. Ph. FRE! Exciting Summer Catalog! Over decountry properties scribed, pictured! Land, Farms. Homes, Bus messes. Recreation, Retirement Values! Sr4Q0 STROUT REALTY Plaza Towers Dept. 1770 Spring leRt MO 45804 CALL TOLL FREE: farms and ranches Excellent alfalfa farm 10 acres with an irrig. weft and water rights. Long term financing with Feoerai Land Bank interest rates. Delta, Utah area. Large cattle ranch with 4400 acres. Excellent water rignts Plus range rights m Nevada. Good terms. Beautiful ranch home with beautiful view in Delta area. DESERT SAGE REALTY J THURMON MOODY 3 or 37frH6 OWNER must sell! Great investment, near Miltord, Utah, 1 lull section of ground with 360 acres, under cultivation, presently alfalfa, 2 wheel pivot sprinklers, with 2 otoiit and 2 diesel generators and pump, 5W acre feed, water under sprinklers, 2 other well available. permits Financing available with any reasonable down, assume low interest farm home loan, buyers must qualify. Purchase at only $740 acre, seller will look at all available offers. Call Dale Albrecht, Realty World Labrum or 10 AND 20 ACRE FARMS, Jack-soCounty, Missouri. Owner financed. Low down payment. Attractive Clay Country Farm, 1)0 acres, $1500 acre. Owner financed. $40X00 down. FOR INFORMATION on these and other quality investments in Kansas City, Missouri area, contact Real Estate, Ensign Rural Route 3, Box 2S4D, Long Ridge Road, Liberty, MO. 64068, 4X00 f oi ms and JUraega Farm-S- Alberta, Canada. 2X00 Acres cultivated1,200 Pasture. Western style home over 5X00 sq. ft. view of Kockios. Asking Canadian. Chief Mountain Realty Ltd., Box 114, Cowley, Alberta. Gordon Johnson Ken Hadley yno. FOR SALE at COURT AUCTION. Aug. 31, Argyle Ridge Ranch. 2X93, acres or range land, located East of Wellington, Utah. Lodge and rodeo grounds. A great recreational potential or working ranch. Contact; Trustee, Judith Bookfen for further information. P.O. Bax 510146, SLC, Ut. 64151. LAND WANTED We have buyers for ranch- es, dairies, irrig. farm ground, rec. acreage. you want to sell, give us a II call! DUCHESNE RIVER acres irrigated pasture, with 3 home. $87X00. Will bedroom trade for Salt Laka property. Also, 40 acre parcels without water $400 per acre. W. ADRIAN WRIGHT, INC 4S7 East 3rd So. Realtors 2 IDAHO FARMS, Located In Franklin County. 1st CUss operating dairy farm, nice home, 70 acres, stalls for 92 cows. 580 ACRES Sandy loam irrigated, diversified farm. Bonneville Realty, Logan, Utah, ext. F78JG 7 SOUTHERN IDAHO FARMS M 540 ACRES, 240 acres Irrig. 540 ACRES, by Riverweil. 147 ACRES 267 ACRES 240 ACRES. All these farms are priced to sett. Very good terms, call days, or 479-- 1 S47, eve. 90 OR 100 ACRES In Huntington, Emery County. Remodeled home. 3 bdrm., 2 baths, family room, fireplace, greenhouse. Sprinkling . system. Out bldgs. Metal grain-rySteel pipe corral and sprinkling Irrig. Oener will finance. or Call 270 ACRE Grade A Dairy In Cache Valley. 256 head of livestock and enclosed fac. $950X00. 300 ACRE Gravlity Sprinkled near Farm $450X00. 63 WANSHIP MINI-FA- RM Historic Home on 1 acre, close to Rockpot t, and lust 15 min. from Park City. Includes irrig., bam, pasture, garden area and more! Super owner financing. A rare find Maire Roeol, GUMP & AYERS REAL ESTATE, 22 INC EVANSON, WYOMING acres approved residential. Could be mobile home park, break ground tommorrow! 278X034 Barbara Richards Mike Sass Gump & Ayers Real Estate, Inc. Commercial Division Preston, Benson Realtors, Logan. Wise II, equity-mak- e offer. Assume monthly payment $262.19 Desperate. SECLUDED Canyon like living in West Valley City, acreage for horses, zoned agriculture and residentjpl, flowing well. ESERT Farm ground, 440 res, 10 acres cultivated. 5 acre of Irrig. well. $300 an acre isv terms. Call FAIRVIEW 5 acres Irrig, Terms. Cliff, $71 Dean, 7585; Las, Baker Realty, 974X135 HIGH Country Estate PADRE CANYON $14X00 ESTATES ST. GEORGE, UTAH New home. 1X97 sq. feet. Located in scenic Padre Canyon Estates on one acre. 3 bedrooms, 3 car garage. Many special features. A real buy at $89,900. St. George 80 farms and Acreoga STRONG IDAHO RANCH Solid Operation in Nice Country Only 3 Hours 13 Miles East of Montpelier. North of S.L.C. 2 2,800 Acres BLM 5,280 Deeded Acres 100 Permits Carries 500 Cows Forest 25 Bulls. Good Replacement Heifers Improvements, Fences & Access. 700 Acres are Irrigated. Will Throw In 2 Forest Permits to Carry 1,100 Sheep If Buyer Wants. Asking $1,350,000 $400,000 Down - 9.5 Interest. An Honest Ranch at $2,160 per Animal Unit but A Strong Buyer Can Save Some Money! MILD UTAH WINTER COW RANCH 640 Acres State Lease 2 3,740 Deeded Acres Hours North West of S.L.C. Easy Access. Carried 350 Cows November to March and Wheat on 1,000 Acre.,. Has 1,500 Acres of Strong Crested Wheat Grass. Good Livestock Water & Some Irrigation Potential with New Well. Could be Developed to Winter 450 Cows. Good No Home. Realistic Seiler Was Asking Corrals $800,000 Will Now Deal With Strong Buyer at 9.5 interest. $200,000 Down $550,000 Productive Land Investment at $147 Per Acre. 203 ACRES NEAR BEAR LAKE Panoramic View of Utah's Most Exciting Lake. Has 100 Acres of Irrigated Meadow "Across Street" from Sweetwater. Great ExecutiveCorporate Water Ranch Retreat or Could Be Developed 150 Sewer Rights for 400 Homes 9 Asking $675,000 with $100,000 Down Interest! Cali Sell a Irrigated Parcel Separately. Sellers Very Willing to Negotiate. Hook-Up- 20-Ac- CHOICE 10 ACRE ESTATE Beautiful Farm Parcel in Kaysville East of Fertile Level Land. Pressure Irrigation Water. Hard to Find. Asking Utilities Nearby. Nice Area Will $21,000 per Acre with Great Terms Negotiate with Solid People! Might Split into Parcels. Best Buyer's Market in 10 Years We Represent Motivated Sellers Good Locations Properties ol Merit Low Interest Rates Good Terms C. ' Patrick Bates Realty, fnc. associated with IVORY AND COMPANY 841 1 1 370 E. So. Temple, SLC, Utah 0 Eves. 0 Days; (801) 531-770- PADRE CANYON ESTATES ST. GEORGE, UTAH Scenic residential vex to Fully tmprovwu. ootng fast BUY NOW! Easy financing available St George 128469 Salt Lake ST. GEORGE Executive fownhouse. located at THE PARK in GREEN VALLEY 2550 sq ft., with a Ml unfinished Choice corner lot, basement SLC042 34) directly across from the pool Good CATTLE Set up on 111 acres in a view, loaded with Jerome Idaho. Large 4 bdrm. extra features, plus ail amenities family home, bam and shop in that the Park has to otter. You can iust about name your own excel lent cond. Only $105X00 Bonny Ross. Canyon Side Realty terms. 9 or 20 eves. ADAM ONDl AMEN-tGaiietm, GARRISON RANCH 6 Missouri. Newly remooeied 799 acres west of Delta with 2 bdrm. farm house on 93 acres, U homes, aU machinery, good wa- rrwie from Adam Otoi Amen, fer rignts. $506X00 Lynn, V alley excellent bam with good bottom Hi Realty, land, 42 acres m crops Contact INDIANOLA 400 acres. Good for Tom Bergman Rt. 3 Box 32B, Gelietin Missouri 6640. farm. Extra tree, fish, horse, irrigation water, stream, springs HILL and STREAM and fields. 5 acres by Deer Creek Reservoir Lett Burton Co with pasture and hillside, $3.-uO75 ACRES of hay ground. acre east of Heber, terms. Downey, Idaho iust 2 hours from low down, $21X00. owner-agen- t. SLC. 3 wells and sprinkler svs. VALLEY HI REALTY DICk, $75X00. Cheap interest. Owner will carry contract in FORECLOSURES Spanish 200 ACRES Prime Idaho potato Fork Canyon with acreage. E. ground. Suitable aHo for row Bench, 1515 Nkhohs m Fruit crops or dairy operator. Unim- Heights; a LIVEABLE SHACK proved. Owner financing 10 Ogden; wid a $55X00 home down, 25 yrs. on bal. and Orem: 833 N 350 E. Call 35 ACRES, cultivated agriculturCORNERSTONE INV. REALTY: al ground, in od rich Umtah Basin. Prime subdivision, propMOBILE home lot. 180 ft. Font erty on bench overlooking valley. age, near virgin river and new $3000 dC. St. George High School. Fruit 320 ACRES, 7 deep trout ponds. and pine trees near lot, good ioining EF garden soil, 2 water and sewer Great khead sports lake, nice lodge hookups, $5000 and take over on site. Lewis Fredrickson, 4000 Rd. payments improvements. 78, Hayden, Colo. 81639. with water IN DRAPER-Acres EVANSTON rights. 124 S. on Draper Alpine 3 bedroom brick home in Evansarea. Road, make offer L.C. Ter ms. ton's nicest residential Degan, Box 8A, Boyne Falls, Frpic., formal dining, cathedral Mich. 49713, ceilings, 2 baths, tg. double gar. -will fac. motor home. Will corsid-e- r LEHI trade for SL home acres. Varied locations. per acre. Terms. NICE Horse set up in Spring City-14.acres, gravity sprinkler Klair Jay svs. Cottonwoods wcmek runLarco Realty ntce site tor cabm through, 517 ACRES, 280 irrigated on a ning on 2 sides. $3X00 beaut, stream, irg. trees. Close to Roadac.frontage No down with good money per $275,-00in seat Idaho. city County Call 262 1868. mo. credit $475 1 Ev Wessef MACHINE SHOP CENTURY 2) Laurltien 8$ Assoc. FARM Site near Fairview. Good in St. George industrial area.busi-Vi soil, gravel roads. 3V5 acres with ixro, well equipped, good water rights. $9,400. Monthly ness, excellent potential. Easy Beecher pymt of $123.72 with $400 down. terms. $175X00. Call Adkinson Can collect SLC ERA SAMPSON & CO. 100 ACRES-Fo- rt Canyon, Alpine, CACHE VALLEY, UTAH UT. $5X00 per acre. $50 down, Beaut. North Logan home. Bam 78541 43. $50 mo. per acre. and corrals, shed ter camper and 10 ACRE potential boat, close in, beaut, setting on 4 orchard. $98 mo. No down. Call ac. Admired by many. By owner. or $280X00. FOR SALE OR TRADE equity in 640 ACRES of alfalfa, oafs and northern Utah ranch, very low barley. Totally fenced, irrigation interest. East of Monte I to, equipment. Nevada. Terms. $275X00. Rainer BLUFFDALE t V to 25 acres. $4500 per acre or best offer. agricultural tract near 880 ACRE ranch near Pineda le, down and seller Wyoming. 15 Kemmerer, Wyo. Power nearby. $600 an acre. eves Adrian Koto, (307) financing at 10 Harve Contact Stone, Box 438, LUXURY 2 ac. or more. 4 bdrm. Plnedale, Wyoming 82941. Indoor swim pod, $175X00. SUMMER HOME, Eastern Idaho, Terms, agent, near Palisades Lake. 3 bdrm., 2 45 ACRES, W. Farmington. On bsmt. finished partly bath, itr. or trade. $675X00. view beautiful secluded, ASSUME $63.00 mo. 5 acres. AAapieton. $135X00. Roosevelt, Good invest. $10X00 DOWN. 3.700 sq. ft. 4 year 8 ACRES Centerville East bench, old custom built rambler. On V $15X00 per ac. acre in Lindon Appraised at $115X00, will sell for $79,900 on 2 STORY 2 acres, irrig. 2 acres. contract. Call for appt. Contract. Bluffdaie, CEDAR Vallev-Sacres, well INDIANOLA 400 acres. Good for tree, fish, horse, farm. Extra drilled, ISO ft. Urgent water, stream, springs DRAPER 5 acres prime proper-ty- . Irrigation and fields. Phone LeR Burton Co. 5314457. BY OWNER: Retirementvaca-tioretreat in Idaho, Salmon PROPERTY River area. $42X00. Reply Box 1126, North Fork, Idaho. 83466 8 Call (208) RICH PRODUCTIVE EVANSTON Wyoming, approx MONTANA LANDS 34.5 acres engineered for 124 lots IN GREAT CATTLE COUNTRY toned. Utilities adioin. R-- 3 0 20 acres (or more) as low as TERMS. $1X00X00 with $75 down. Near Beautiful Mr. Curtis Yellowstone Park and National Forests. In the heart of trophy EVANSTON Wyoming approx. elk, deer, moose, anfetope and 6.5 acres engineered for 24 tots. turkey hunting, blue ribbon trout Sewer in place, other utilities access. $264X00 streams. Guaranteed Zoned adioin. INSURED TITLE AND WARMr. Curtis CASH. RANTY DEED. Write today: 35 ACRES, cultivated agriculturBasin Properties, Yellowstone al ground, in oil rich Unltah 1119 N. 7th Ave., Dept. SLT Basin. Prime subdivision, propP.O. Box 3027, Bozeman, MT erty on bench overlooking valley. 597)5-702- 10 Dairy 90 Out of Town Propofty 546-011- 500 BEAUTIFUL show hands, 8 yrs. od Wen vetoing framed English and Western a has been shown eveversatile horse that can be shown western Pleasure and Hunter priced at $1,200. Reasonably Heber, 632805 RABBITS for pets, meat, fur or breeding stock tor serous raboits raisers Rex, New Zealand and R6x New Zealand cross Avail m black, white, Californian, Castor and broken. FacxretJ Family Fur Farm, S S Morning Moon, 1981 High Point Arab getdmg from the estate of the late Mary Sayers. Any reasonable oHers will be considered 5?l 3536. TRUE CHICK VANOY Yearmg Ftiiv, fop woe Qvcx A Vanoy by Triple Chick and tpana's Vandy, bottom sde True Jewel by True R omanS Dandys Jeswel 78 395 TOP QUALITY ARABIANS 7 Gelding. excell show records. Ready to wm for you Owner save they must be sold by Aug 1 No reas offer refused. 571 530 PUREBRED Arab geldtg always m the ribbon, 6 yrs. old, goes Western or English, great disposition, good on trail or in show ring $2,000 571 9623. 17 HAND quarter horse, bay gelding $1,400 or offer Milk cow vr cd Hoistetn $e00. Two steers $425, $395. Nanny goat $0. HORSES Reg Arabians, American saddle and gentle bred, quarterhorses, grade horses. ARABIANS for sale Terms no interest or trade for pickup, camper or farm equip. BIG nice looking, 3 yr. old Palomino, registered quarter horse gelding, well broke, contact Lake Shore Stables Inc. HOPE WILD LIQUIDATING STOCK. Interested parties, call or come to 4007 West 5500 So., Roy, Utah MUST sell, 2 Vi Arabians: gray filly, 1 chestnut gelding. 2 yrs. Ready to begm training. Your choice $600, 571 2456571 8980. 8 YEAR ord APHC mare. Nice riding. Show potential. Producer of nationally ranked stallion. $1X50 firm WILL TRADE for hay handsome solid yearling. APAC colt. Full brother to Nat4! Class Halter and Performance Stallion. MARE trained, English Jumper. Beg. or experienced rider. Call Pam days 4660609, eves. $450 or best AUGUST 14TH Utah Dressage Society's 11th Annual Horse Show. Training through 3rd Level HIDDEN EDEN RANCH offers pleasure and racing horses, singles and matched pairs. I Appy matched pair. ARABIANS, top quality. Reas, prices. Mares, geldings and colts. Bank finance available. 4 HORSE GOOSE NECK trailer, sleep area. $3,250. Will take a 2 7 horse trailer on trade. OLO FARM Equestrian Center Westor Lesson English Riding ern. 4142 SO. 600 East. 2669341 STALLS arena, bridle peths avail, at The Old Farm Stables. 4142 So. 400 East. 2669341 HORSESHOEING Bob Talbot, LIQUIDATE reg. Charolais cows each or may trade. or recorder NINE-Yea- r old, reg. Vi horse mare. Gentle, but spirited. $1500. YEARLING Loud Colored Appa-loosfilly, 3 Bars breeding on the top, $600 or best offer. VERY gentle, reg. paint, gelding, 6 yrs. old, consistent youth $1,500. YOUNG Angus $750 Seiltradelease. ARABIAN MARE, grey, yrs., Egyptian Prince socks, 4 1000. 2561404 YEAR OLD registered quarter horse filly, top blood lines. 51000. 7 YEAR old Quarter horse, well broke, gelding. $750. Saddle $275. or REGISTERED 2 year ok) Game Plan Quarter horse filly in race 1 training $2,200. 1 SLEIGH, horse, useable antique, collar, harness, rigging, TWO $400. livestock 500 Livestock breeding bull, excellent confrmatlon, approxi mately 1,200 lbs. $700. HORSE TRAILER Single, factory built, heavy duty. $500 or best offer. REGISTERED Pinto, Flashy Gelding. M hands, well broke, has been shmvn $1000. 10 YEAR old registered quarter horse gelding. Nice disposition. $1000 firm. CALVES (from $95). Lambs, (from $30). Bottle or feeder size. Also, pasture wanted. MARE 15 hands, I years old, all around good horse anyone can ride. $675. WANT to buy womens Hamley $3000 OC. saddle, v horse tree, 14", show TWO ACRES, booming Vernal. quality preferred. good comm, or Utah, zoned PAPERED 6 year old quarter and appy. light industrial application,40 $800. prime location. Great Hiwy. frontage. 2 YEAR OLD ARAB ARIZONA BAY GELDING. $400. 2564598 Prescott. 3 bdrms., 3 bath custom 1 surrounded acres on home 15 ARABIANAPPALOOSA filly, by pine trees. $198,500 terms. very gentle, good 6H protect. SUN LAKES ARIZONA-On- e house, lot and one coach lot, both adjacent to golf course and club house. 20 minutes from Mesa. Call Collect 4d ACRES. High Country Estates, Herriman. Contract sale. BETTER-DAYREALTY 2465628 Shirley 40 ACRES, $225 per ac. 1 12 mi. from Town, Delta area. Sevier River frontage. Power nearby. Terms by owner. CASPER, WY, 2 bdrm. condo, $49,500, rented at 7400 mo. Down payment $10X00, owner will car-r- YEAR old reg e 4 yr od mare BULLS-Hfifer- s MMEfiTAL no Pairs PORTABLE Cornts $275 compete 322-- 91 532 3JC3 ARABiAN 2 CON O'tO 2 fiHaa COCKER PUPPIES LHASA fomawt 2 mart 0u'cr4, Cal 254 3155. uoa. C Thompson uroo CuCxbR Bvft). Mofoar, bPutvi or Povo 2267389 cfiocoafe COCKER pupa, AKCa ood. maiM, I biacK. 1 buff $ 2$ or offer Can 91 LXL COCkER pup, AKC Cnpmpton tln Buff mala, papqrad, toon. i' SC or tr km 5816453 AMERICAN COCKER Reg Party Color 9e7.$a2 COCKER PUPPIES, r40ist4f4d. Buff color 3 mam $150 aach. HORSES AND COWS HORSE PASTURE tor rent W$t VaMtv, $20 mo HORSE West $90, boarding, Bn HI T reining avail GELDING, QUARTERHORSE reg prof HORSE BOAROiNG stj correct Sanpy Qh SORREL mara, 4. trained, beautiful REGISTERED Qua rrtr Gruouo. fast, barrt.it $900 YEAR Spirifed Sorr pnd 7 tack $i300-esaparafe MUST Sail Braaoar of Persian Cars Price. REGISTERED American Saddia 5 bred, yrs. o.d IUQ0 33-2FEEDER CALVES RABBITS. trmd PENSOM, ROLLERS. Emanoa Taylor, McSurdv bioodlinaa. Moat 0 co tori $5, up. Jaff, LAYING bans, feadara, broodaix and nastt, avarytfimg aisa. 2061 Edit 3900 So. ROLLER 30 at $2 aach Call 2561491 and up. PIGEONS Roiiara, Homara and Fancy Indian Fantaiia. $2 to $10. . English Gama Bantams, 4 aach 20 Ptdgsont, Roiiara, Homan, $2 aach. OLD at $3 GEESE-5- 7 Rhode Island rad and white Leghorn pullets. YOUNG f ANIMALS BUNNIES FOR SALE 6 weeks old. $3.50 each 3 YEAR old nanny, 1V5 year old billy goat, lire year cld nanny. $40 tor all. 25450$ BULL DOG FLOPPY EARED RABBITS. Approximately 30 at $10 aach 254508 FRENCH LOPS PET OR PEDIGREE FROM $20 253074 RABBITS, exotic dwarfs, check 3 llanti, 171 4453. rax, meat, 5 FRENCH LOP BUNNIES 6 at $20 each. 566005 FRENCH LOP, 20 Rabbits at 2 months. In 7 colors. Pedigreed, $how quality. $35 each. REX Bunnies. Lynx, Opal, Lilac, Blua, Sable, Seal, Black, Castor, Chinchilla $10 up. Others FRENCH LOP RABBITS Pedigree and non pedigree. All colors, $15, to $35. REX and New Zealand rabbits many colors. 2 months and up. at $5. 5 al $20. 560436 WHITE and Calif. Rax; does and bucks, all ages. Soma brad, all Call prices, DWARF bucks SIS aach. 3 lop does $30 aach. California buck, $)Q.2 black dost $5 each. REX HERD and EQUIPMENT. Must TL5, T75, EZY, T1 lines. REX RABBITS $10 and up SELLING out axcellent stock of flna rabbits. Breeder and young. Several colors. $3.00 up. RABBITS-Maat variety and Pats Call RABBITS, 4 breads, quality, quantity. REX RABBITS 1 Reputable stock, all ages PEDIGREED dwarf rabbits, show or pet, REX BUNNIES $5 UP PETS AIRDALE pups, ready to go now I Mountain Bred. Make good hunters, companions and guards. 1 man-family type. Will consid- er trade guns, coins, ate I after 5 P.m. AIRDALE Terrlor pups, regl fared, $150. Ogden AIREDALE-pups- : Champ. Aftons Spectacular Bid. Fern. Pick of lifter and one other. AKITA-Can you or someone you know give a home wife snow end akt of space to our big, beautiful dog? 2V4, neutered and wa will deliver out of state. ALASKAN MALEMUTE PUPS, AKC. Excellent pedigree. BeeutL 943X467 ful markings. ALASKAN MALEMUTE (5) at $50 wch ALASKAN pups, Mllgmutt chpmplon line, show quality, axctllant marking,. $200. ALASKAN Mala mute pup$, AKC, shots, excelb.it quality. AMERICAN ESKIMO PUPS S reglstared, smalt whit a and fluffy. $100 each. 969 4 AMERICAN ESKIMOS-UKfemalev beautiful markings, 7 weeks, shots. $80. 56107. AUSTRALIAN SHEPHERD Pup Blua maria, tamale, 8 weeks. $30. Call 571780 or 563661 BASSET PUP AKC 4 month mala rcgistorto. 5oC?S. mui BSC POULTRY PIGEONS. rx $ 7 shots woafcs. COCKER Puos, back and tan, 0 shots, champion linos 2 at S7MIS9, 3 $100- - maias, $125 COCKERS, English, pot or show. 15 So 3rd Watt 2c6294, COCKER SPANIELS BLACK AKC 571636 avas. COCKER Soaniai pup, AKC worth morg, but only suing $150. 667911 Amarkans. COCKERS, AKC. and beautiful pa'Ty coiorad Will daily champagne 6082 or COCKERS-Oarlimild man i narad puoa; rod, buff, blade Tha Turff, DACHSHUND femait noo ds to ba brad this waak. Will glva puppy for stud AKC min. DACHSHUNDS, 4 wfcs. raal 10 $17$. DACHSHUNDS 2 maias. 4 waaka. Black with brown markings. 100 aach. 3 Purebred DOBERMAN pupa, 7 weeks old, FREE to good home. Call attar 6pm DOBERMAN female. 6 mo. old. Needs good home. Friendly, purebred 99-4- 1 2V. DOBERMAN pupa. AKC, fop quality, back and ran, tails, dew claws, shots. Champion lines both sides, gentle dispositions. $150, terms d DOBERMAN, male, tars, dew claws dona, ard shots, ' $75. ofo gtlferad 8 Ftmamt MALTESE POODLE femt. fraa with pvp agr44mnt or 150 cash. Has shots Can 322 333. MALTESE POODLE PUPPIES; iSOandVS MALTESE Poudia popptts Smail, cufe and fiufty. $75. 027, MALTESE, edortola, lovs aouifey not kkfs. boon, nootoroa 85C or offer MALTESE POODLE mu puppies, 6 vmu. Aoorabie. fluffy wt.lfe !7$ech Can MANX KITTENS, (taiiess), grty femaiat 825. MINIATURE SCHNAUZER AKC. 8300 Includes PUPPY; old y2-shots, 10 woe MINI Cor, Mountain Dew stock car body, New motor, loads of fun for kids and adults 8700 vai ue, 350 or offer NORWEGIAN ELKHOUNC PUPS. 7 weeks. AKC, 4 at 85G475 aach Call FREE TO GOOD HOME, Eiknound, 7 moa. Norwegian mala NORWEGtAN ELK HOUNDS AKC Registered D06IESHEPHERD pupa, 825. Call Mika ENGLISH BULLDOG. AKC registered. Maie. MUST SELL! 8250. II or ENGLISH SETTER PUPS, great bird dogs, registered with shots. Bargain at 8125 ENGLISH Springer Spaniel, AKC pop left, mala, liver and Reg. whits, 14 wks. old Good markExcel, hunting andor pet. ings. NORWEGIAN Elkhound, 6. AKC, beautiful markings, shots. Asking $100. OLD English Sheepdog puppies, ranch-raise3 femaies, AKCOFC. $150 aach. (307) 332 7319 or OlD English Sheepdog puoa-- 7 $175 or weeks, 4 mafes-AKC- . ENGLISH Sponger Spaniel, AKC, whelped Ivr.wWte, xcel. bloodline, bred for hunting, good family pet, $150 sable femgla spayed, shots. Tama and playful. eves. 840. FREE CUDDLY KITTENS and older mousers. Vaclnated. 0 FREE Watch dog, good with kids. LabradorDobarman mix. Has shots. 256730 FREE-small med. brown pups, trained, love kids, both female. avas. or 8 days. GERMAN SHORTHAIR; 10 mo. old female, hunting dog, can ba reg st a red, ISO. Call 9686311. GERMAN Shepherds, AKC, weeks, 4 blacktansiivtr, excellent Wood lines C00165-ttf- e GERMAN Shorthalr pups. AKC reg. With shots. GERMAN Shepherd pups, show prospects, 19 champions. In 4 generations. Call befort 4. GERMAN SHEPHERD A.K.C. Top Qual. pups, champion blood ? lines. GERMAN SHEPHERD PUP. 10 weeks old. Free to good home. Mark GERMAN SHEPHERD poppy, AKC, beautiful aabia female, 16 weeks, 8200. GERMAN Shepherd, AKC pups, beautiful markings. 100. GERMAN Shepherd puppies, AKC rag. From 150. GERMAN Shorthalr female. years, spayed end shots. ISO. GERMAN SHORTHAIR PUPS AKC, 2 males, shots. 850. each. GERMAN SHORTHAIR PUPS AKC registered GERMAN Shorthalr pups, AKC, excellent bloodlines, Pointer GERMAN Wlrehalred pupa, AKC regulated. 5 left, $150 aach. GOLDEN RETRIEVER puppies, 5 weeks old. AKC registered. $150. Call eves, wkendi, 463143 GOLDEN RETREIVER mix pups (2)115. Call GOLDEN RETRIEVER, ragl lered. 9 weeks. 2 males, 1 female. 70, GOLDEN RETRIEVER pups, AKC, 5 weeks old. Champion. Richfield $150 aach. GOLDEN RETREIVER pups ,18 AKC register, excellent atid hunting docs. $75. 541031 GOLDEN Retriever pups. Ready to lova. 4 males, 1 female. AKC, 1100 each. GOLDEN RETRIEVER PUPPIES, 2. champion bloodlines, $150. GOLDEN Retriever puppy, AKC registered, 7 weeks old, male, ; ENGLISH Sheepdog pups, registered, shots, perfect mark-ings- . OLD 100. KlTTENS-purebra- SIAMESE BLUE POINT each SIAMESE KiTTENS, H.ac point, mala, 3 females, 825 aach. $50 SIAMESE ? week female $20 Siamese adult female $J0 Yorkie male AKC HOC. 998104 SIBERIAN HUSKY PUPS, AKC reg., 175. HALF SIBERIAN HUSKY PUPS. Only males only. 820 aach. West 2250 South Siberian Husky, stud, AKC, too quality, bieckwhtte, blue eyes. 150. 2 Siberian Husky pupa 16 AKC $150 Husky-AKSIBERIAN month tered female, or best offer. SIBERIAN Husky bioodlines-Ogde- MEDIUM Sized green Parrot wife large sturdy steal cage. $100 Includes supplies. PARROT Young Yet tow Nape Amazon, 8500 able. $20 pupa, 85. Call cute and lovegood companions. Make n SPRINGER Soaniai pupa; AKC bieck white, liver white, reg. $150 5811888. SPRINGER SPANIEL PUPS Liver and white 1 mala, 1 female. SlQOeach SPANIEL PUPS, SPRINGER AKC, liver and white, $110 aach. AKC. PERSIAN MALE, SHADED CAMEO. CFA, GORGEOUS! 8115.277 9665 PERSIAN beaut., KiTTENS, CFA; sail or trade. Malemute pups. 15 min, from SLC, PERSIAN female, 1 yr., cream, reg., breeding age. 80 to good home only. AKC, ST. BERNARD good home. TERRIERS mix, POODLE-TERRIE- 11 months. All shots, needs fenced yard. $20. POODLE Mix puppies 2 males. $25 each after 3 POODLE PUPS, LOVELYI POODLES Sweet toy female puppies wife lovely silky curiey half. (2) $60. POODLES 3 toy purebred males. shots. Varied Veterinary colors. $125 aach. PUPPY-fre- e small 4 month old female, soma shots, neads good home-lanlord wants out e ROTTWEILER-maipup, AKC, excellent bloodline, 8875. Call AKC, SAMOYED PUPS Champion bloodlines, Lxtra beautiful. SAMOYEO PUPPIES. Show and breeding qualify. $175 to $200. - W WIRE Hair Fox Terrier popples, 10, WOODEN Nesting cages 85 each. YORKIE Pups-males, shots. Call YORKSHIRE TERRIER (Yorky) Rag. 5 mo. old, male. Good pet, good for stud. YORKSHIRE Terrier pups, AKC, reg., Clearfield. GREAT SALT LAKE DOG TRAINING CLUB Obedience Classes REGISTRATION. August 4, 7 p.m , at Armory, 80 So. 1523 East. No dogs first night. Info: AKC. 571 8302, DOG RUNS Portabie-4'xlO'Other $166. sizes avail. Acme Fence Co 3310 So. West Temple 87 731. FREE to good home 8 week old half cocker pups 0 after 4. PET CARRIER. URGE DOG SIZE. Used once. 839. SMALL MIXED BREED puppies. Musi have fenced yard. $20 each. Watchdog year old LabGerman Shepherd mix, Call 29 GALLON Aquarium, every accessory, vicious South Amerl 532-108 8200 can fish, 8250offer, SCHNAUZER miniature, male FREE KiTTENS to good home, 3 and female. 100 and up. months old, adorable, Call SCHNAUZER, AKC, 4 choice SALT WATER AQUARIUM with excellent both Sat pups, quality. some accessories. 30 gallon parents. SCHNAUZERS, 6 weeks, 4 fe- 30 high 50. male, registered puppies. $200 2 MALE BUFF COCKERS PUPS, AKC champ line. Shots included. each. SCOTTISH terrier mix puppies, $75. Call male, 4 females, $65 each. FREE 7 WEEK OLD FEMALE BUCK KITTEN. Sha needs a 9 SHELTIE (Mini. Collie) pups. home. Call Pure bred, no papers. Full colLOVING, playful kittens for sale. Vi Persian, Vi Siamese, Neeas $70. lars, beautiful marking. 5 or Sharon lots of attention. SCHNAUZER Min. 9 wks. Shots, AKC, axcellent pets. SCHNAUZER MINIATURE AKC, MALE PUP 2 $150. Toni, GOLDEN Retrievers, AKC, the best field, show or pet. 2 ferns, wks. $200. ; p GOLDEN line, 7 weeks. 5 left. Own parents. Excellent hunter. $150. GOLDEN RETRIEVER pups, AKC reg., had shots. 540320 GOLDEN Retrievers, AKC cham-Plobloodline!, 1150. GREAT DANE puppies, AKC, wkl. old, $450. HIMALAYAN KITTENS: Seal Point. CFA rag. Pleaia call attr' 5P.m.bafor9a.m.: HIMALAYAN KITTENS, 265363 rag Price of Item In Exceed $100 Ud Not lo WHEN PLACING YOUR "THRIFTIES" Please KlttanSaalpoint, black and tan. males, female, 1 trained. Call for Information. IRISH Setttr Pupa; AKC reg., good hunting stock, pups at $100 ea. days. IRISH Settar, F AKC, top quality, guar. $300. HOUNDS, 1 KEESHOND PUPS 6 3, AKC, 4 weeks, $200. KITTEN, male, 12 weeks old, black. A sweetheart. Good Shots. Free. KITTENS, cats, shots, soma spayad and neutered. Donation required. 963120, KITTENS -O- RANGE. BOX TRAINED. NORWOOD following 1. Cell 9. No KITTENS Grown cats. FREE to good home 3432491 KITTENS, FREE, 1 black, 1 long haired, prefer they both go to the same home. KITTENS, Beautiful, long hair, $10, V6 Persian. Cutt and Box cat. Alio mother tralnad. West Jordan 566547. KITTENS-frewa naad good homat, we get (long great with chlldrandogs, KITTENS-S- ott, fluffy tabbies, black slamasa. 8 weak! old. FREE to good homo. 2633346 KITTENS-darling patio kltttns good with children. Haalthy. week! old. $5, 9738587 KITTEN, black and whlta mala, F rea, a LAB famala. Neads good homt, houtabroken, good disposition, likes kids 4 weak! LAB old, I male, 2 females, $50. Cell evenings. LAB pups, AKC, chocoietes end black. Champion pedigrees Shots, etc. Going fast, call now. KITTENS-FRE- BLACK LAB pupt, 6 excellent hunters. $40. Call AKC LABRADOR registered, yellow, excellent bloodlines, weeks old. S100 each. LABRADOR, BLACKGOLDEN RETRIEVER Mix. 3 months otd. Parents $30. Free Family wonted! only garage Min GET THE THRIFTIES' HABIT Read this column everyday and when you have something to sell for less than $100, call: 237-200- 0 RD. (3320 East) KITTENS LONG DARLING HAIRED 3 females, 1 male. Box trained. S2 each. KITTENS Free tamale white kittens shots, the 2. 3 Lines 4 days $3.00 3. Item or Items not to exceed $100 4. Mult list price tor oech (torn 5. No limit on number of edi e. May cancel No Rotunds 7. No Abbrevletloni I. No commercial butlneu KITTENS-FRE- 7931 use information guide. HIMALAYAN male. Call female, 4 in months, to good home. 12- - useBcarPe? X 14'. WOOL FLORAL. $30 Bar for itepiide pickup, beat otter. SINGER Mwlng machine $49. Bobybed $35. lea cream maker $15. Pole lamp IIP. 34300. ANTIQUE Singer featherweight sewing machine, complete accav lories, excellent, $95, 982495 1 LAWN JACOBSON REEL MOWERS $30 each firm. ROLL $75 or 23" MOWER; $45. 20" GIRLS BIKE, $25. 24" GIRLS BIKE, $30. 942480. 10 GALLON aquarium 810. 30 gallon 80. Colaman lantern and stove $15 aach. SEARS airless PAINT SPRAYER, 845. 7 foot naugahyde SPFA, 820 )6 VACUUM CLEANERS unclaimed repairs. 9 95 to 8395 Full price 90 day guar. Western Sew 4 Vac. 1370 So. 188 7 AuFALFA HAY in Piee-en- t Grove I ki bale Art $ SOCD p Sie 72 mj56 BALES Excellent Hone 9 Hav Granfjv'l'e 70, ton GOOD 2ND CROP HAY, delivered SV 7&53, 60 BALE HAY 1st crop innoe bam NEW HAY end STRAW Will del. 3 JOO coiect, ROOM SWAMP COOLER 835 and 85 ROOM A R COND. $125. and $150. or 255-- FARM GARDEN FOR HOME SEWING Repo larging sawing machine, overcast and cut material in 1 operation. New $369 Will sell for $i99 cash or easy mo payments 600 YARDS of New Loop Twist commercial brown tone carpeting, reg $7 95, yard, now PRODUCE produce RAvARINO 1031 So West Tempie CHERRIES-Ap- r NEW Y ONIONS 50 Iba Sk icotsBERRlES $4.50 $4 50 mg DEWS SHAWS $7 00 bx. ORANGES SUNKIST $8 00 box Dally 3 a m 3 p m except Sun. MiTS FARM MARKET Ail kinds Apricots, biueoerrles of cherries bieck and red cur- BEETS for canning $39'yard. CANTS, OREGON'S Finest Music Camp Ranch frozen raspberries $i 12 292 2859, lb Other varieties. 255 VACUUM CLEANERS ' Hoover, Eureka uprights, 829 95 price. 1370 So. State. 7P87 to 8J9 95 foil 9410 SO. REDWOOO FARMS Red Beets, pickling cukes, did, beans OPEN 10-- 6 except Sunday THE FARMER taking orders for blueberries, raspberries, concord 7750 S 2Qfe E. grapes. THE Bountiful Fanner taking orders for Utah Canning corn and tomatoes. PICKLING CUCUMBERS SQuash, GALLONS BENNETT'S Paints, Enamels, Latex, Exterior Stams. Ail colors and white, $6 cal. 509 So. State MOVING. Entire stock of 2nd forn., clothes, books, dishes, etc. 11 am 6 pm. avail. Tuesday-SatSee at 813 W 2700 So. Magna. MOVING, Irg. antique dining .m. set, $1,000; 7 Vega Kemmbech, $75; Shredder, $200. Much more. 500 9664682 PICKLING CUCUMBERS Order at any Herrr,on't Produce Dept. THE FARMER-PickRncukes. dill and garlic, 7750 So 20fe East 4 gal. new extraction HONEY, buckets 837.50; gat. $10 BROCK'S CORN, Stands a! 3574 So 4000 West; 4612 West 3500 So. MIXED DRIED FRUIT $1 50 lb. Case lots 835. 2664552. No SOD SPECIAL 262-589- 8 Star Pine, $100 or best offer. SOU FERTILIZER MOUNTAIN topsoil, dark, rich, 14 yds., deltv. ID FUEL. COAL. WOOD BAFFLE STOVES BIG FACTORY DISCOUNTS STOVCO hydraulic HEAVY-DUT- ipllttar on trallar. Call 21173!. log ORIGINAL SOUTH BEND COAL ,;ANGE OAK firewood, $85 dal. $75 whol Mia 5 ten, or barter, PINION PINE: $V0ton. $5.00 delivery. 485411, cut traai FREE flrewood-Yo- o and 1t'$ youre. PINION-SPLIDELIVERED, 4C lb. 1 ton minimum. 943-- M3. B3 doll. BRUSH 7 ft. X 7 ft. Painting, titled "Orchid", by noted Utah artist Tony Smith. Appraised 83000; soertf 100boffer. KENMORE freezer, 20 cu. ft. Almost new I 8300. King size bed, box springs, mattress, frame, match headboard 8)50 3 SNOWBOBILES with trail or, 1500 BTU Freon air 7 cond., window mount. Paul or or Jan, DISPLAY Fixture, metai stands, tablet and lighting fixtures. Must see to aoprec. at 165 7 East 6)00 South, MOVING, must sell fast, unbeliemodem style low on prices vably furniture and mlsc. items of all sorts. 334887, CUSSIC KIRBY, still In box, Irg. 6 amp. unit. Lifetime free servlet. $169 cash or small mo. payments. 3679 So. State. 6 p.m. 500 GALLONS BENNETT'S Paints, Enamels, Latex, Exterior Steins. All colors and white, $6 gal. 509 So. Stata d DECORATOR couch, wood for kina or queen, chrome counter-fostove. Make offers. AIR FLOWERS LAWNS TREES live SALES. REPOSSESSED KIRBY Vacuum cleaner, new guarantee. Pay tai. of 888 26 or EZ TERMS. 1370 S. State. 863 EAST 4500 SOUTH 7T4, BLOSCH J 509 So. State TRAMPOLINE, 13 ft. octagonal, suoer $ movie projector, manual genealogy typewriter, elec, heir clipper, lady's coral ring size Iw, from Hawaii rants. bieck and red raspoerrles, green beans, canning beets Utah com. swiss chard 86-- 5 BILT TILLERS, all factory prices matched in Oram, at SumsiOn s. discounts Greatest now f'oo soeezo available. Can TROY MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE ANTIQUES, Holladav tree. PrF veto party moving to condo In St, George. Selling hou$e full. ESTE Dump organ, walnut dental chest from England. Twin brass bed, Large oak china cupboard. Bad 6' 'oom sized roil top apothecary cheat with 0 draw era- -' tell, 3 cut glee bowls, loti of china dishes, eome hand painted. Sugar and creamer sett, pitchers, pewter, china cupboard-ful- l of dishes, sliver napkin rings, crystal, Llmoge dessert plates, English Demltasse sat of 8 hand painted porcelain, copper tub, 2 albumi-1890'small photo mounted cub beer (unuauel).-mounte- d birds and deer heed. School marble clock, mantle clock, collection of kitchen primitives, rail road metal sign, wicker chair, lots of good pictures end framts-some oils. Many more items. FRIDIGAIR6 MACHINE MODEL 50 OFF 1 used 450 lb. cubelet machine, $895. Ask about O.J. COON. plan. So. Utah, Nev., NEARLY new Honda V. Refrigerated generator air cond, used season, high efficiency Carrier 4 ton unit. Truck rack for smail pickup. Hang gilder 220 Rainoow spirit, Lika new with variometer, hamesa, NEW ICE '81 RCA Victor color T.V. 21" wife button fine tuning and realpush FTA-7am-fstereo receivistic er end 2 speakers, Phono and , ux. tape quad mon., mono, loudness hook-uSee at 130 So. 900 East 310 all day Sat, and Sunday after 5pm BLOND end tablet 835 each. Chest of drawers 845. Nauga. chair $125, blond twin bed, box sprngs, mattress $125. Port, aft. 10 a.m. $125. PEFRIGS. and ranges, $49.95 up, .rasher and dryer, upright freez-tevap. cooler, etc. TRADE-V.ASTORES, 3114 So. Main, 447195. SEWING MACHINE 2001 Electronic with all access., 2 months old, paid $1 100, sacraflce ton $95 or will trade tor older pick up ton truck, GARDEN PLOW, lawn mower, bikes, 20", 24", 26", boys and Qlrls. Lionel train set, mounted. 1225 McClelland, SLC 6 channel REALISTIC weikle-teikie- t. Rechargeable batteries. Wife charger, $175., or best offer. 93-22anytime. AWNINGS summer wife awStay cool felt nings. Commercial and residential. Utah Canvas BIG BEAUTIFUL AND MISSY. Sizes 8 to 52. 1104 East 7200 So. Family Center BEAUTY Equipment, like new, 2 dryers, 8200 each, 1 hydraulic Chair $100. LAKE Powell Houseboats avell. Share equity. Cheaper than rent! SCI Boats, COUGAR skin ruo, over O' long. Beautiful mount lob. 8900, offer. DUNHILL smoking pipe, group S. Like new. $275 or otter. 4 Jett. NEW Metal Detector. GE Color T V. guaranteed. 6250 or would prefer to trade. BRAND NEW HOMELITE XU POWER SAW, 12" (extendi to 14"). FlretS125 take!. NEW Little Giant ladder, 6125; trampoline, one can move around easy with dolllai, 500. ADMIRAL copper, excellent cond. Also 2 bicycles. Mmt lell, moving. FRANKLIN STOVE, uncrated, never been used, Sears Beet. 125. Call anytime. WINDOW AIR CONDITIONER 220 Volts. 23,000 BTU'I. $75. 460773 ROUND Doughboy swimming pool, with all accessorial. Vary good condition. $450 YELLOW chroma tabla, 33"x47", 2 extra lea res, $35. 3 Saddle blanket i, HOeech. 546967 PHILCO refrigerator, brown, 14 cubic feet, 1175. Air conditioner, Amana window unit 100. UTILITY Trailer, long truck bad. New 4 ply tire. $250. 2510 Tlerra Rosa Dr. 94 7330 LARGE safety glass patio Hldlno door, 5' wide by 11" high, $25 make otter. Celt BONE CHINA Mlkasa, whlta. 5 place place settings. $40. Staln- less flatware 30 BELGIAN Carpet, 100 virgin wool 4'- 7"x 99", never used, 750. Cell LAWN MOWERS to price. 2 left. I year guarantee on new mowers. Starting at $75. TILLER has 14 Inch tines. Engine In excellent condition. Best otter over 1)00. STRAIGHT axle to 43 Econolire, all new parts. Fits soma care, or usa tor a trallar. $100. STEEL WORK BENCH $40.Jack stand $5 pair. Push mowar $10, Power mower $30 FOOSBALL TABLE. Like new. $250. Love teat makes Into bed. ir $50. gold rockerrecllner, 85. Car seat 815. Dressing table, 820. Stroller 820. DINETTE with 4 chairs Table butcher block took. LAZY BOY 885. KENMORE PORTABLE SEWING MACHINE 3664563 WITH CASE. 835. 356 RECORDS, albums and sin20 ft. contractors gles, 25c each. tape 85. Call '73 YAMAHA 80 condition. $75. motorcycle. Fair FOX RADAR DETECTOR' 871 WHIRLPOOL troth compactor Harvest gold. $100. 966-298- CRAWFORD GARAGE DOOR 7x16. Includes ell hardware. $100 or best offer. MAYTAG WASHER GOOD CONDITION 75. EXCERCYCl E WITH DUAL ACTION 885. 650x16 snow tires. Good treds, mourned on 5 hole wheels. 4 OLDER white Hotpolnt electric range, $50. Early American drop-lea- f table. $50. Cell 275511- KASUGA Electric guitar with hard case $40. Chasslc lounge with pad 115. Tim 70x80 THERMOPANE white aluminum sliding glass doors, brand new, $75. 3t3433 SUIT, size 44 Extra Long. Llkg new, $40. 75 albums. $15. We re expanding, have light oak dressarettes, styling chairs, good conoitioh 8200 aach Soma tntac. Welt 2250 So. 9 72 kief J080 92 8 FOOT TOY TERRIER MIX Adorable, small, cream coiorad. $15 each. 10 wkl. old, ViZSLA PUPS Igrei AKC reg., 75. weeks, shaded silver. 3 at 8125 AKC Pups-WEIMARANER each. s bred.pe-rentPERSIAN Kittens and cats, CFA males, 8175 ea. qtuty 925. axcellent hunte. reglstared. Good assort, of coF wonderful WHIPPET female, ort. Reasonably priced. ancestors but doesn't brag much! PERSIAN. SILVER Needs home with kids, fenced 2 males, 1 female yard, no cats. Quiet, clean, excel watchdog. Spay 850. POMERANIAN mate, orange and Terrier female white. Papered, I year old. $200. WIREHAIRED pup, 8 weeks, AKC reg, POODLE puppies, AKC red 8 wks., championship bloodlines. Oram POODLE TOY PUPS; AKC Real cute. Whltabeige, have 1st 92-59shots. Ranch mix puppies to PUREBRED hairdressers wire bates 82 SO ton Straw 81 bat WHITE Call SPRINGER Soaniai pups, AKC Beautiful markings, registered. PEKAPOO puppies for sale, to champion lines iovlng homat, can SPRINGER Spaniel pupa, (7) 16' mattress STRAW 50c PER BALE regis- old, $)00 TANDEM Flatbed Metai King-su- e and craoenza. box springs, red velvet headboard, spread, matching bench Warner and dryer. 800 w, 46., anA,M black desk NEW Hay Irg Hay Cubes StfG Will del MR SmELT'ES AKC, sable, 2 ma.es. Shots including Pervoe, were $200 now $150 99 UiA mix SHEPHERD Doberman puppies, 7 weeks, otd free to good home SHEPHERD. HUSK Y mix FREE, female, bieck silver, a months oid. Had shots. SHIH TZU, 8 months old. feme, $50 Blua heater, spayed, SJ0. Loving homes onty. SIAMESE Kittens purebred 100, Retriever FREE Gcden ao puppies, AKC, $ue SHEuTiES work ShEcT E PUPS AKC wntte SaD guoo markings cnarrp sire 125 ShELTiE Puos AKC, 7 femaies. a weeks, shots See 3 mates SIAMESE see i point, for So I Ms 530 rs NORWEGIAN Stud Elkhouno se.'vice AKC. Beautiful merk-IngS- , 8200 or offer, NORWEGIAN Eikhounda, AKC, idea! watchdogs and family pets, PART Shepherd - oeautiM ma. puo oo markings. St 50 SfO ShELTtE PUPPIES, AKC, (mm sired bv Chamoion Show coin) Vvt t'flft kAM 1' KA wyitt ShElT.E PuPPiES. tri coior AkC Papers. Good bloodline 9 10 ShElTiE pup akC Shots, full OaauTifui collars, mertufig Excennt otoodune I1 50 fef SHELTiE (Mmlefo'e Coule) Mate, 10 weeks, AKC. shots 875 Offer FERRETT, month 3 fe7- SElTE month aid mam Rut Gotdon. Shots $75 MALTESE puooma. tiny, white ind fluffy txcattanf 25- COCKERS, AKC, d8 LHASA POODLE maa $35 Ca" 93-3LHASPO Apto AKC rag or fraoa. AKC, toon or offer ?4j PUPS COCKER blade 023 LnASA A? SO AKC Puoi Can fe? 265 Of rrf AKC $125 aadi m! C 15 192 1, Sunday, August IfcS AKC 8200 sail pupea AP50 3 93-- . 10 00 ml'"' 530$ 530-- Mi 530-- M 7 YEAR Old Overo paint mare, APPROX. Vi ac.. Mobile Home, 15 hands, very gentle, has been gar, rec rm. $33,500 Woodland, Ut shown. $1000. will accept some trade LOUD Bay Overo paint filly. HOME ON large lot, fruit and nut Excellent breeding. Show pros$1X00. pect. vines, irrigation trees, grape WELL trained, beautiful 12 year water, near St. George. NEW 3 bdrm. home with carpet old quarter horse mare. A steal and light fixtures. Loc. in new at $400. Call 042419. $150 YEAR Old registered Quarter tubd. in Nephi. $48X00. rse gelding, broken gentle. BASSETT HOUND, AKC regl TRADE OR SELL 23 ACRES 241500. farad 7 year old malt. Good with k South East Indiana. Close to $V00. $100. Call children REGISTERED show lake. Morgan large BASSETT, loveable, mature, ORCHARD Land near Holden, orldino, ride and drive-expeor rider. enced acres. Call papered. $50 or otter. Utah. 0 0 YEAR old white and gray or BEAUTIFUL wooded 5 acre lot mare, great kid's horse. $450 BORZOI Pupplee (Ruulan Wolfwith saddle. In Blackhawk Estates, Indianola. hounds) AKC reglitereu, rods. $300. Terms. Call 4 YEAR Old Quarter horse geldGood price and terms. 5664030 10 well and hands, gentle ing, BOUVIER tamale, I mo, part TRADE R.E. anywhere USA. broke. $050. REAL-AIGood with obedience trained. 5 kldt. Very smart. papered Appy geld6H ASSUMABLE 2 bdrm. atart-r- , BEAUTIFUL 5 years old. Can be used for ing, BOXER puppy, AKC, tamale Orem, $51 ,900. $1150. 2557333 brlndlt. $175. 963506 DELTA LOT with dbl. garage, everything. 11 REAL Nice Palomino mare, lod commercial, ret. 5660910 BOXER, AKC, faun, 1 female, 1 years old. May be rode by every. male, 11 weeks, all shots. $150. HOME FOR sale or trade, St. one $000 wkdtyi or wkendi area. George BEAUTIFUL Black Welch Pony, BRITTANY SPANIEL (4) PUPS 7 yean old gelding. Good kidt AKC, Midwest stock. Champion horse. $275. lines. $75. APPY GELDING 0 YEARS OLD, BRITTANY Spaniel pups (8) GOOD HORSE. $375. FAMILY AKC. Good huntars or pal. WE have too many horses and Shots. 175 or trade. are offering for sale 15 head of quality Paint., Quarter and T. B. 4 HORSE gooseneck. Extra tell. BRITTANY Spaniels, rag., excel-!n- t horses. Terms avail. Let us fit Dressing room. Excellent cond. hunters, good temperament, $3,500. 203047 p.m. Sun., Mon you with your race or show prosnc marking!, $76. pect. Also for sale 80 Bolens OLD Colorado Saddle $00. West, BULLDOG female pup, 7 monthi, tread '80 horse Anamlll tractor. srn Chaps, matching hat $75. $500. Call or will ba In mill . Low down. Easy terms. And English suit, vest, $00. 5034)051 Salt Laka City Friday attar 12:00 don't m4s this deal. 1978 King 37 TRAILERS-lNEW HORSE p.m. ft. 6 horse gooseneck trailer with stock. Western Honda, 00th So. BULL finished camper and tack comTerrier white tamale, AKC $300. partment. First $4,500 cash end MS lust east of fwy. 503215 adult, registered. takes. See this and more at The REGISTERED Mart, 967479. Morgen Horse Store 10932 So. Redwooo good kids horse, 1750. Pony cart, BURMESE CFA Kittens, regl Rd. 2562028. $150. Pony harness. $150. fared. Excellent pedigree. 3 COLTS, $150; $175. Wtlih Pony Main, 9 weeks. 1200. 7556013 ABABIAN HORSES $200. Shetlsnd $125. Appy Colt BURMESE Kittens, purebred $2M. 467114 female, & PO.ISH LINES) (EGYPTIAN REG. QUARTER MARE. $3X100 CAIRN TERRIER male puppies, firm. Full slstsr to World ChamFOR SALE OR LEASE AKC reg., shots. pion. Ssndy252776 543045 e have fine proven pedigreed mares, fillies, and colts with staleach.'TIlght cage $30, ore, lion potential. Contact Ace or Jan 1000 IMERIAL HORSE TRAIL large cage 125. ER $000. Sandy 252770, Avery. 11490 So. 1320 East, CANARIES-- ) 15 to 145. Sandy, Ut. 84092. ARABIAN Mart, registered. 4862056. Performance possibilities. $000 250-263- 7 otter. Contlder trade. HORSE TRAILERS BEAUTIFUL PALOMINO MARE CANARIES 3 linger $45 each. 4 hens $25 each. 10 Finches $10 UTAH'S LOWEST PRICES AND COLT, $950. aach. Call Flying L, Shelby, Kiefer Trailers CATS YOUNG MALES, 2 HORSE STANDARD $1X95 d $050. Strong, tall, SHOTS, NEED NEUTERED, 2 HORSE DELUXE $2X95 reg. quarter gelding. For all ages LOVING 7 HOME 6'x16' COMBINATION $2,595 or hunting. Call 6'x16' GOOSENECK $3,495 with white, wall tabby HORSESHOEING Also used trailers In stock. with children, tampered, good 254251 Tarry Oiborne Lone Peak Trailers, Alpine, UT clean, Free, Call 521 8641 EVES.WEEKENDS HORSESHOEING-255-90- 8 CHESAPEAKE BAY Retrievers. QUARTER HORSE SALE Extordlnary bloodline!. 7 chamSCOOTER Bug G spd. rating 107 Saturday, Aug. 7, 11 a m.. Near pions In dem's left 3 generations classy colorecoltitlllyi 571500 dispersal sale at the Diamond C Excel, prospects. A HORSESHOEING; Hot, Cold, or STEAL huntlngihow Ranch, Cody, Wyo. Selling brood AT $175 .Arm). mares, stallions, geldings, total Correctlvg. Lylt: 0t3530. and wkends. attar 4:30 Mon-Frdispersal of race horses, yearHOLSTEIN COWS and Springer CHESAPEAKE BAY RETRIEVlings, two year olds and weanhelferi, both ERS, excel, bloodlines, lings. 75 head in all. For info, parents avail, to Ihow, AKC, STEVE'S HORSE SHOEING or Dean H. phone $100. Aug. I, 540024 ready Parker, CHIHUAHUA AKC female, N BLACK faced ewes. Sold HORSE-STOCTRAILERS months. Excellent markings for or separately. 0 Utah' largnt deal,. Over 7S in HORSE BREAKING and TRAIN-ING- . breeding. All hot$. i50. Brandt slock al discount prices. CHIHUAHUA DOGS, 1 male, 2 It. Craig McNeil, StidOv Circle J, Ml lev. W-years, 2 female!, I and 2 years, SHEEP 561-233- 8 ham, Keiter and the new Lite $65 each. Call Line alum, series. Also complete W pups, A Trallera. $2,22t parts and repair service. The FIVE-- 4H0 HORSE (3) $300 aach, 272173. So. 500 West tech. Industri061 North Saddle house, COCKATIELS, Parakeet. Young al Park Drive. Orem. Uteh. ((Ol ) ARABIANS-MUSSELL. Marta. Love end breeders. Finches, yearling, colt. birds. 323058 REGISTERED Appeloote yearCEDAR POSTS $2 50EACH ling tllly. Beautiful big blanket. COCKATIEL-Melwith cage, Show quality. By Tripla Trouble FEEDER Cattle and locker beat. $45. Call 264 21 14. out of Mr. McDart mara. 12,000. 067311 delivery avail. Appe loose yearling Registered AKC, COCKER pups, champion FOR SALE: Yearling filly, green gelding. Colored. Superb gentle line!, black, bleckten, attar 5 pm, broke, $250. disposition. By Bust My Bi Itches. $1,000 042 1244. PAINT Brood stock, yearling filly COCKERS English, AKC mala 0 LIQUIDATION. 1 yearling filly, 4 red dun, good bloodlines. and tamale, 6 monthi old, redt. super H horses, 4 saddles end BEEF, grass-fed- , 64clb. or txcell. $51200. terk, I 19 estre kmp. extra Cutting avail. Peos COCKER SPANIELS, top qualiwide gooseneck 4 horse frailer 2 HORSE TRAILER. Tandem tor or pat. Butt, AKC, show ty. with bunk and leek room, metal black, black and tan or choc corrals with gates and feeders. axle and braket. $1650. Alio proven itud lata, 5 ett. THREE 1000 Super buys. Cell 2554)040 pound alaara, service avail. end weekends t y "Uir pfpaymi Put Stars in the Readers Eyes!! Thats what Stars will do to the readers of our Classified Advertising pages. Put two black stars at the top and two black stars at the bottom and you will say to the reader: 850. SCHWINN SPORTS Good condition. WORLD 885 969 2855 SETTINGS Cordon Bleu "SprlnQ Booutt" china. 100. SPEED Murray great shape, 60. 10 mane bike, SMALL crlbmattress, 855. Car seat, $15. High chair, $18. Rock-ar- , MOWER, good working 7. Bike seat, 85. condition. 20", $75. 8 MONTH German Shepherd female needs family and room to 3 SPEED BIKE 23 Inches, good run. 850 or offer. 255 5356. Approximately condition. $75. 468400 YARDMAN REEL LAWN PINK 20" bike $45. Chlldt school MOWER. GOOD CONDITION 865 Bob Doll end chair house $15. desk, $10. APRICOTS 8ABY ducks 12.00 mature You pick 35c pound. 44523 9 $35. PORTABLE ducki, $6 00 Typewriter Revolving rocking chelr $45. Like TORO lown mower, tew condition 90. 12" 3 ring Extreel 7' X 200 ROLL STEEL MESH each. vinyl binder!, Makes Excellent Fencing. GRINDER IX. BOSCH 3443254 $45. AQUARIUM, complete with BROWN contemporary sola. $75. iand, pump, filter, fish, many velvet curtains extras. Will sell tor $35. Gold crushed FREE German sheoherd mix 72x14. $10. male 4 months, shots, licensed, CROSSOVER tool box, fit wide lovablFree food year. BEGINNER drum sat, Wellington bed, 50. Pearl, 75. BOSTON rocker, vlevet cushions $3? 50. Coffee table. Like new COLOR T.V., poritbla 15" modal. II na 54x21.140. picture, $100. LAWN I "Attention Read My Ad First Be sure to order the Attention getting Stars whenever you place a classified ad. Here are the sizes available and the number of lines you will be billed for each size: 18 pt. 14 pt. 10 pt. 4 lines 3 lines 2 lines Remember: Daily Newspaper Classified want ads do more things for more people at lower cost than any other kind of advertising Place Your Ad Today Call: 237 - 2000 1 |