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Show 1 100-- Hrip Wan-- d ENGINE'S FARM CDw.CAff 100 MANAGER EljSf tor GENERAL and hi. flrM lion. Tonm Sine LOS (Mr. Firm. Sena to ; Firm. Bo m. loaete, uTi m;a nun OPENINGS IN All ENGINKRING DISCIPLINES MATH & PHYSICS MAJORS ELIGIBLE U S Witd !0O-s(- p GT1ZEN TO AG 26 salary $24,000 string DAYS FIELD CLAIM REPRES&JTATIVf AUTO CLAIMS Auto claims representative, exp-enot required 17,346 annually Excellent benefits, including cost at living adiustment. Office location 15 h East North. Logan, Ut Inquire STATE FARM INSURANCE Equal Opportunity emp yer m. f 30 PAID VACYR tXTENSIVt GRAD TRAINING 00 Hetp Wonitad Mut b, OEFICE experience. PteawV telephone personality help. Good frirgo benefit, osur., promitering, vocation. od m. Orange St Aony m person, (10 W ) GENERAL OFFICE Secretory 10.400 yr. NO SHORTHAND Relaxed Pubic Atmosphere Contact. ACME Rta keov Employment agency. State GENERAL 3 So. HOSPITAL SERVICES ECG TECHNICIAN Full time rotating May and turning shifts. You wMt work 2 wee-ndper monm. Must have 6 months working experience as an ECG Tscfc m a madi cal setting. UNIT OFF ICE Typist $650 friendly. Congenial Crew. PUBLIC Rita. EMPLOYMENT AGENCY I State 532-4GENERAL OFFICE 0 3 eft yr, Good benefits. I need you Nancy CONTACT ACME to So. acme employment cy to So. Stare S32 42H Hay cross FILE CLERK HOSPITAL a7 1045 HOSPITAL SERVICES 'employer FM PART-TIM- E: CLERK-Every NURSINGWARD other Saturday and Sunday, 7 to 3:30, on-ca- ll Editor Training American Express is currently seeking a skilled technical editor who has had two to three years previous editing experience working on technical andor training materials. The successful candidate will edit materials submitted by instructional developers to achieve consistency and style, format and ease of use. Candidate must have both a goo.d command cf the English Language and excellent interpersonal skills. American Express offers excellent benefits, and the stimulation of our committed professional environment. Send your resume with salary history and requirements to: Manager Employment, American Express Company, Travelers Cheque Products, CFS Group, 64 East 6400 South, Suite 200Code Murray, Utah 84107. Tele- 3, phone Experience required. Tso- SLT-- week. during DIETARYBOOKKEEPER CLERK-- 16 hrs per week, computer and bookkeeping experience helpful. STAFFINGWARD on-ca- ll afternoons. CLERK-W-ork days and Experience required. LDS HOSPITAL 325 8TH AVttJUE forappt. equal opportunity employer 321-186- 1 mfh tradition of excellence" "a You With DIAL 1st SOUTH BELL STAFF Fart time graveyard posittor avail. Must be depenabte. friendly and aoie to fit? luggage. Friday and Saturday, ! ipm to 7am HOTRUTAH Member, Pref. Hotels Worldwide Apply Mon. Friday lOam-toMam at South Temple Equal Opportunity Employer HOTEL Experienced SOUS CHEF with references. Must be hardworxer, also need experience WAITRESS with references. Please contact tor appt. Steve Equal opportunity employer HOUSEKEEPER Mothers Helper Caring individual needed ter warm family. Working mother with girl 12, boy 10. Beautiful suburb, 40 mm. to NYC. Private quarters. Must drive. No smoking. Call collect eves. , 91 HOUSEKEEPING Position avail, part time. Must work weekends. Exper. pref. For appt. equal opportunity employer Con Sell Anything a Classified Ad 237-200- The Tanner Companies now has openings for experienced grader operators for construction projects in Arizona. Prefer experience on CAT 140. Tanner, a Phoenix based company, has been serving the Arizona construction industry since 1923. We offer excellent pay, benefits and or send working conditions. Call work experience to: Deseret Generation and Transmission is a new utility. Our rapid growth has developing created exceptional opportunities and plenty of advancement Wo are looking for the following qualified peoplo to help us continue our growth at our Bonanza Plant in Vernal Utah. Plant Engineer Startup Coordinator Operations Supervisor Training Instructor Power Plant Mechanic Power Plant Electrician o Power Plant Instrument and Control. offer salaries commensurate with experience, a liberal benefits package and excellent working conditions, dual Hied applicants pltase mall resume including salary history to: Wo Personnel Director Deseret Generation and Transmission 8722 South 300 West Sandy, Utah 84070 DESERET I-- ! fif EE a ttonmmwon Cop'wo Equal Opportunity Employer MF t evw. 140. morn. NSURANCE Farmer insurant Group Inc fiN it a interviewing eroMteCtt to iHTritefl number of ayanev Hors m greater Salt Lam area Quel red aeWicani will earn during me irvtiel training period e part hme agent, after wtwcti. hw will be placed e in a agency wim a substantial income guarantee It you nave ever toil voo would like to own vour own bunnes. and you ernov people mis rgftt be your Far inter go toen opporrumtvf n appointment and details. can me district sates office m 00 a m to 12 00 week from noon, daily Ask tar ken 5662091 INSURANCE CLAIMS Sent'Y insurance currently has Odenmg tor an experienced Years multi line ad tuster experience dmraote. tee after a ccmpefetive bvefifssalary, oomprerenwve package and opportunity tor growth It caM Cart toadeil , interested Sentry Dairyland insurance 3 2415. 4405 So TO East Equal Opportunity Employer INSURANCE LONG Established Casualty Insurance Agency looking tor person to manage experienced Ltfo Employee Benefits Opportunity tor rignt person. Ail replies wtU be confidential. Send resume Coot i care of this newspaper, P O Box 838. SLC Utafi 841 H). INSURANCE TITLE INSURANCE GENERAL MANAGER Notional title insurance agency has immediate opening tor a general manager' examiner for Utah State oceratuns. Person will be responsible and accountable tor the management of all as of operation. Thorough knowledge of fide insurance and related industry necessary. Must have title insurance license tor the state of Utah Salary and with commensurate benefits Send resume and experience. m to Code salary history care of mis paper, P.O. Box 838, SLC, UT 841 10. JANITOR-Nighreeded, must be experienced must be able to run floor butters. Apply 1024 Sa 200 West 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. JOB DEVELOPER TEMPORARY THE TANNER COMPANIES P.0. Box 20128 Phoenix, AZ 85036 Eqiul Opportunity Employer FINANCIAL ANALYST 1 The rapid growth oI Sorenson Research, a maior subsidiary of Abbott Laboratories, and a leader in the medical devices industry, has created a career opportunity for an individual with strong analytical and written communications skills. This position requires a thorough understanding of PL Statement Balance Sheet mechanics, as well as discounted cash flow techniques. A special emphasis required of this individual would be one who is task oriented and works well under time constraints. The successful candklate will have a degree in accounting with 4 years experience in manufacturing accounting, involving costing and financial analysis. An MBA would be helpful. We are offering an exceptional growth opportunity with an outstanding compensation benefits package. For consideration, send resume with salary history or apply in person. 2-- SORENSON RESEARCH COMPANY 4455 Atherton Drive Salt Lake City, Utah 84115 Ext 256 (801) An Equal Opportunity Employer 262-268- 8, M w . Ul LJ J 4 lug rigip wontgo womwQ MANAGEMENT Availaoi wnmaefcatety. exciting management poufter wtm uni. .tv i ted future ano ownership poterv rtai Must have several veers full service restaurant experience Business and personal references mandatary Must oe ante to trfefl Resume requested immediately m advance along w.th personal am and financial information interviews wifi be done Aug Cantor appt MANAGEMENT RETAIL 1 MANAGER APARTMENT tar large protect m SLC Must 2 years rwv experience m ail management phases of apt at so Maintenance exper wnce Mature couple pre-ta-r required red Apartment pue salary Send r6 Respond immediatefe sumes in care of mu paper to CODE T 7. PO Box 8JB. SLC. Utah 64 U0 MANAGEMENT MANAGER-MOT- LITHOGRAPHER 2 3 years experience required tat 4 color stripping. Salary negot. Call Kathy Cencor Employment Agency, 66( East 4th So. MACHINIST OIL FIELD MACHINIST Experienced Machinist needed to operate hoi taw spindle lathe to API connect tans and thread machine drifting tools. Overtime, shift premium, paid vacation, thrift plan, paid company benefits and good working conditions, Sal. commensurate with exper. Equal Opportunity Employer For further into contact: Joe Stenger, Oncor Corp., Evanston, WY, (307) 789 5555 MACHINIST t District manager Maior domestic ard mterrfehonal MANAGER-TRAINEE r freight forwarder. West Coast headquarters seen exper nced Opportunity tor 300 per week to D strict Manager for it's Sat start Management positions now Lake C tv office Applicant available Experienced menageis r fretght ear should have thorough tvno SJ0 0D0 per year and up forwarding knowledge ano expeon commission and salary. rience, with emefuus on sates. Small appliance divison of Salary negotiable Rest to Code Consotaoated Foods )0 ei ca e of m paper p O. Opportunity Employer Equal Bux 838 SuC. UT 841 MAINTENANCE BOILER OPERATOR Full time Knowledge operations experience able to work position available. of boiler and plant 1 year necessary. preferred. Must be rotating shifts. ST. MARKS HOSPITAL 268-706- 6 equal opportunity employer handicapped MANAGEMET RETAIL MANAGEMENT Casual Comer the nations leading and most rapidity expending retail Cham has an immediate in the Crossroads opportunity Mall. To qualify, you'll need retail management experience including the ability to motivate ard train sales people, organise merchandise and above all demonstrated sales ability. Full benefit package including profit sharing, an exceptional advancement potential. Apply in person. CASUAL CORN 3rd level Crossroads Mall. MANAGEMENT RETAIL MANAGEMENT PIC IT SAVE Our rapidly expanding retail chain offers excellent advancement opportunities to ambitious, career minded people. A brief training program wiil qualify you tor quick promotion to a store management position in the Salt Lake City area Generous company benefits. Retail management background is required. Submit resume to Pic 'N' Save, P O. Box 58667, Los Angeles, CA 90058, or phone (213) MANAGEMENT TRAINEES company is bldg, a mgmt. staff in merchandising, marke. ting safes dept. Specialty 2i0'wk. plus comm. Training provided. MANAGEMENT couple tor 23 unit apt. building. haip Wond Sunday, August MECHANIC FiBERLGLkkS Bund ptue and form moms. Make proto-typparts and work tor motor home 4 plus years expemanufacturer rience in fiberglass production work Excellent pev and benefits. Contact Jao Service lfo0 North J3C West, Provo. I MECHANIC PRODUCTION LINE Mm 2 yrs on automated maexperience chinery. electrical knowledge end beverage experience preferred, interview by pc only. Cathy v IX Equal Opportunity Employer MECHANIC Experienced auto and equipment mechanic wanted of electric hand Maintenance tools, smell gas engines and service trucks. Some welding req Will require experience reftor appt erences Can MECHANIC Experienced diesel itecnanic, ebon 1 MECHANICAL DESIGNER Design euto. etecYrorwc mectene-r4 ytv drefrtng design exper. or equivalent educ. 977 179 MECHANIC CLIFFORD AUTOMOTIVE Experienced meeftentes needed. Apply 605 So State MECHANICS Helper Solitude Ski Resort MEDICAL 100 Help Wontod MANAGER RESiOENTIAL PRODUCTION ScJt Lake Gfy position. Motor mortgoge banking company. Send resume to TAfC 1 5 Spokane. Washington 99220 S0) JU64940 equal opportunity employer MANAGER Degree required, prefer mechanical or petroleum engineer Oil fieto drilling exper. required Sales background preferred. Salary open. Salt Las City location. Long well established oil field service companv Fringe benefits mrluoed. Send m care of resume to Code this paper, PD Box 838, SLC, UT 84110. MANAGER SERVICE MANAGER Experience a must. For all sizes ot turck, auto and industrial tires. Must be good with customers, able to supervise e to 8 men. Apply 2627 So. 3rd West. MANAGER, exper., needed for new restaurant adiacent to Best Motel in Roosevelt, Western Utah. Must have proven track record tat restaurant mgmt. and food preparation. Send resume to P.O Box 1083. Provo, UT 8401 MANAGER, Assistant. apt. complex in Rode Springs, WY. Musi be exper. couple Duties inci : maintenance, office, cleaning. yad care. 1400, mo. (S LC ? plus apt. Cali MANAGER PART TIME at Street nn. Sat and Sun. p.m. 1135 East So. Temple Call MANAGER BUSINESS for pub! school district. Closing date 87 82. For into, contact Superinendent. (503) MANAGER RESIDENT Mature couple only. Adult com-pteCall 4866068. Bram MECHANIC-AUT- O UNDERCAR pay and benefits program plus profit sharing. Apply 3300 So. 900 E. Top DAVID EARLY TIRES MECHANICAL METROLOGY MANAGER GIANT EASTERN LIFE INS. CO has immediate opening tor second line manager to supervise safes staff in established agency. Prefer fully licensed person. No managerial experience necessary. Salary open Coll Bob 363-397- 5 MANAGERS, ASSKTANTS Large new apt complex, mature experienced couple, wife to do office work, husband to do maintenance. A fulltime position wth PF West, a progressive co. Salary plus furnished apt. and benefits. Call MANAGERS, mature ambitious couple with no children or pets, to live in and manage new Best Western Motel in Roosevelt, Utah. Send resume to P.O. Box i063, Provo, UT8NI03. MANAGERhome improvements. Will tram. Salarycomm. 1200 mo. Bonrue SneL ling and Snetling Employment Agency. MANAGER: Office. Auto dealer Full charge ship. Wyoming books. 30000 yr. Bonnie Snellirw Shelling Employment Agency. APT ad TECHNICIAN calibration, repair and adiustmenf on dimensional, laser, optical or mechanical instruments weighing and precision tool inspection. Requires one year specialized training in mechanical metrology and three years ot related experience. Please mail resume to Mr. Kelly Smith at: COTTONWOOO HOSPITAL MEDICAL CENT HISTCXOGY Opening tar a Hisfofecfinologist in me teboreronr Registry preferred. For further into cell ext 2218. 577b SOUTH 300 EAST Equal Opportunity Employer teo, CA 94402. M shift. Wage negotTwin Pmes Cara Canter Highland Or. See OebCxe. equal opportunity employer NURSE iable. CALL NAVY NOW Toll Free NUCLEAR Medical Technician 3520 with background. chemistry Contact Mar fey Jackman or send resume to Box 1233, Twin Falls, Id 83301. RN. Skilled norune teciHtv, day don. Berman Care good benefit. Center 969-- 451. NURSE NURSE LDS HOSPITAL P.O. Box 524 Brigham City, UT 84302 Equal Opportunity Employer LABORATORY to 5 p.m. Experience nec For ext 2218 further into call 5770 SOUTH 300 EAST Equal Opportunity Employer MEDICAL ASSISTANT Mature. Experience necessary. Must have own transportation. Call Sharon, MEDICAL DENTAL See our ad undr SALES. Praxis Computer Systems. MEDICAL Receptionist. Mature wiffi pleasant telephone manner. Apply 350 So. 7th East. MEDICAL ASSfSTANTEve surgeon's office in Sandy. Experience desired, but not necessary. Win tram tor eve examination and assisting in surgery Long Generous form commitment compensation pkg. Hand written fetter and resume to John F. Ramsey, M.D , 9720 Sa 1300 E., Sandy, UT 84070. No calls please MEDICAL RECORDS ADMINISTRATIVE ASSIST Assist the director in planning, the organization and functions of the medicM records dept. Complete diagnsls and operative insurance form tor biF tang. Assist tat coding and abstracting medical records end also assist with the development of quality and implementation control and work measurement systems. Requirements; Current as an accredited accreditation record technician (ART). Thorough knowledge ot medical anatomy and physiology and general aspects of mediIndividual cal records dept. should possess a strong knowledge ot coding and abstracting techniques medico legal aspects and information systems. Apply Personnel Dept. Bannock Regional Medical Cntr. Memorial Dr., Idaho Tuition Reimbursement Scholarship Opportunities COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS HAS AN EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY AVAILABLE (in the S.L.C., Utah area) are searching for an experienced self motivated sales individual with managerial and construction knowledge to be a part of our regional team. We offer an excellent salary, many benefits and career opportunity. Call Hal Jensen or send at resume to Scottsman Mfg. Company Inc., 2419 1st We 80631. SR. MAINTENANCE TECHNICIANS SEMICONDUCTORS BEVERLY R.N. BELL, NURSE RECRUITER 350-472- ; 2 SLC, UTAH Nurse & Nurse Proctioneer Practioneer Nurse 46 RN RN Salary, 10.33 hourly. Primary involved in clinical and emergency care, distrltxrfton of medicines Requires screening. Utah RN I kens plus 3 mars Mi time paid related oprotessionai employment Contact Bten Freestone, Equal opportunity employer MFH NURSES HOLY CROSS NURSE LPN full time, excel, wage fits. Care Enterprises Children Are CXtr Business RN Ful, part time or pool. 70c shift differential. Tuition reimbursement, self scheduling. Positive work atmosphere. Contact: Nursing Office SHRINERS HOSPITAL 7 HOSPITAL NURSE mo DIETARY AIDE R.N.'s SURGICAL DIABETES I xn BEVERLY 1045 NURSE AIDE Nice intermediate care facHHy now hiring Mi time Dietary Cook, Dietary Aide and Nurse Aide. Must be neef, clean, dependable and entov working with people. Excel, benefits. Mur., paid vacation, paid hofidevs and sick leave. Apply 950 East 33R) South anytime after 8: 30am Equal Opportunity Employer NURSING CERTIFIED Nurses' Aides, home health aides, and mature companions tor home care. Minimum I yr. experience, references required. BELL, R.N. ' E. 1st SOUTH SLC, UTAH 84102 UPJOHN HEALTHCARE SERVICES Equol Opportunity Employer N. NURSE Needed, 12 hr. ihift plus incentive, mostly days. Paid taisur-sr.e2 10 pd. hot (days yr weeks pd. vacationyr. PlantaCenter. 835 tion Convalescent Vine Street, Murray, Equal Opportunity Employer. NURSES. Aides and Orderlies needed tor all shifts, Experience in Geriatric Nurvng helpful . Central Valiev Medical Carder, 1255 E. 3900 So. ext. 39 Equal Opportunity Employer. 263-290- 0 Equal Opportunity Employer NURSING SERVICES RN's IMMEDIATE 1 YR 484-616- : 1 OCCUPATIONAL THERAPIST Utah State Hospital mmed. full time position on Geriatric units. Salary range hour. Will be paired to obtain Utah Licensing ntact Jesse Logan, Personoet Officer ext 242. , Equal Opportunity Employer OFFICE HELP expend. Busy office. Good typist; excel, bene-fitCall Frank Corbett, 972-1- 77 WANT AOS 237-200- 0 MAINTENANCE SUPERINTENDENT Utah Power and Light is an established leader in the expanding power and energy industry. We are cut.ently under a hiring freeze. However, a maintenance superinten-den- t position has been vacated in Hunting-toUtah. Utah Power and Light company is now accepting resumes for this position only. The successful Personnel Department feed-throug- with a major emphasis on the ability to leak check, and identifysolve pumping problems in high vacuum systems. r. chanical systems. cants. For prompt consideration, submit a resume to: Sperry Univac Semiconductor Division, ATTN: Marilyn Vase!, M.S. EWA03, P.O. Box 43525, St. Paul, MN 55164. PER3Yy UTAH POWER & LIGHT P.O. Box 899 Salt Lake City, Utah 841 10 siitali UNIVAC S.L. All return wilt b confidential An Equal Opportunity Imployor kpt An L'lunl Opportunity Employer M ' NURSE-R- Community Based Blood Service needs Ml time and perdiem RN's, Duties include: History evaluation, phlebotomy procedures and other activities with volunteers and doners in the Full time community setting. employes must be able to travel to 1 week at a time in the Region. Perd terns must be able to travel on a limited bases. Call American Red Cross ext 239 Equal opportunity amptover mf Excellent salary and benefits programs await selected appli- gauge tubes, capac- itance manometers, ferro fluidic and bellows ' MINIMUM EXPERIENCE CALL TOOAY A technical degree with experience in troubleshooting and repairing high voltage RF and DC power supplies is also required. Ideal candidates will also possess a working knowledge of electrome- h, sess comprehensive experience with vacuum systems, matched with electronics training and expertise. Specifically, experience must include support of the following high vacuum equipment: diffusion pumps, turbo pumps, cryo pumps, mechanical pumps, high vacuum valves, ionization gauge tubes, thermo-coupl- e - NEED PRIVATE DUTY candidate should have substantial training in technical and engineering subjects, personnel management, plant-systeoperations, budget accounting procedures and personnel and public relations. Experience in various plant functions including operations, maintenance, engineering and chemistry as necessary to have gained a thorough understanding of plant management responsibilities and techniques, including at least five years experience in power plant management or a similar environment. The candidate will direct the maintenance program, personnel and resources to maintain plant equipment and systems in an economically optimum state of availability, reliability and efficiency. Utah Power and Light offers good fringe benefits and a salary commensurate with experience. Interested applicants should send a resume to: high-growt- bene- NURSE n, Sperry Univac Semiconductor Division in suburban MinneapolisSt. Paul has immediate opportunities for technicians seeking a professionally rewarding environment. The candidates we seek will pos- . Employer Salary, an hour Requires Utah license plus compter tion ot an accredited nurse practioneer program plus I year of Ml time d employment as a nurse practioneer. 11 84102 Equal Opportunity PRISON STATE UTAH 35(W722 MODELS for Fashion Shows at Royal Palace Restaurant. Beginning July 30 25 per hour. Free training. Port Folios Avail. Apply at Camera Memories Models, 3804 Highland Dr. 10 00 ajn.-6.0p m. Mon-Sat- . MOTHERS ASSISTANT. Light housekeeping, care of 3 small room and salachildren. ry Send resume andor fetter to: care ot this newspaCode per, box 858 SLC UT 141 10. intervention. 1045 E. 1st SOUTH MEDICAL Receptionist, medical terms, type to 560hr. Quality Employment Agency MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIST MT (ASCP) To supervise rural hospital lab. Stiare call rotation with I other exper. helpful, reg. tech. but not necessary. CaH Bill Re er. Administrator MECHANIC Please submit detailed review of care of experience to: Code this paper, P.O. bon 838 Salt Lake City, Ut. 84110. Equal Opportunity Employer foatumg a multidisciplinary learn in a therapeutic milieu. Our program includes cruis mfh 83201. company The candidate selected will direct nursing activities for a d primary nursing unit call for interview Donna Vogel, R.N., M S. NURSE RECRUITER 325 8THAVE equal opportunity employer NURSE RECRUTIER truck strong clinical ICU MFH Progressive a 3--5 (mntnum background years psyduatnc nursing v eperi-enc- e duding supervisory ) MS degree preferred. hour shifts, nights 12 exper., applicants tor itw petition should posses PRN POOL Student Nurse fcN'v LPN's. Aides: You can arrange work schedules around home or school, to part time. Part shifts avail., 12 a.m. and 7 to 11 p.m. ext 334 Equal Opportunity Employer JOURNEYMAN DIESEL MECHANIC LEADING MANUFACTURER OF MOBILE AND MODULAR RN days, p.m. rotation (208)232-615- Corporation SUPERVISOR ONCOLOGY Pocatello, THI0K0L PSYCHIATRIC Pisrs ICU HOSP. HOLY CROSS CRITICAL CARE CLASS Part-tim- e 40 hours in 2 weeks. e RN. minimum 2 years ICU experience in acute care hospital. Demonstrated teaching and leadership skills. BS degree preferred. Position avail August 23rd, resumes b August 11. THORACIC needs to expand work force, prefer, persons with Cummins and Cat experience. Avenue, Greeley, Colorado R.N. Part time GYN ONCOLOGY Pert time ooentaw tor Medical Transcnpftamsf, Saturday 9 a m. TECH SCRUB Need for traveling assignment to Wyoming Free housing, excellent wage and travel allowance. Call Ruth PROFESSIONAL NURSING SERVICES Equal Opportunity Employer NURSE LPN Mentally and physically handicapped children and adults. Part time. Negotiable tfutts. to00 So. 3350 West, West Jordan. Cad Betty, to uo66. Equal opportunity emptouver NURSE days, p m. rotation Experience preferred MEDICAL CENTER Hlp Wonftd 00 EXPERIENCED OPERATING ROCW1 MUSIC store chain needs part rime help Piano background helpful Flexible hours. Salary plus comm. NANNY-full time, live tai Salary, board end room Utah Women Employment Agency. Employer pev our foe. NANNY needed tor 6 months included. CaH bfwn. period pm 451 5343. days NAVY VETERANS Immediate openings most skills. Some bonuses. Options available such ts choice of home port. MEDICAL COTTONWOOD HOSPITAL 3 NORSE INSTRUCTOR Far Wienenchnitzet. Apply 2353 East TOth South. MANAGER-9unit apartment high rise Duties metooe office work, rentals, cleaning and working with semor citzens and handi900 mo. Call capped persons. for into. MANICURIST and scultpured nail, Jowntovm. Mgr., Manufacturers Rep. tor branded bovs and mens hosiery on commission. Commission earmngs from existing sales will be credited. Exclusive territorial protection Submit resume stating cur m care of rent tines to Code this paper, P O. Box 838, SLC. UT 4110. Rep! vs Confidential. MARKETINGS need 5 honest ambitious peoples Esf 7 yr debt free Co. Home, auto. misc. prod-uct- s 6 hours income MARKETING SPECIALIST needed for KF Outside safes experience required. Apply in person at 1171 So. West Temple. S.L.C. An Equal Opportunity Employer. e 1, 1932 1 2 MOTHERS helpers wanted tor 2 families, San Francisco area. Babysitting and houurwork m exchange tor room and board and salary Contact E lame Stwm-me- i. 2176 Bunker Hill, San Ma- MANAGER-TRAINE- Jouneyman. Experienced on vertical and horizontal boring mills needed. Liberal fringe benefits. 10.38 per hour. 454 West 600 No. Machine Co. May Foundry MAINTENANCE ENGINEER For prestigious hotel m S.L.C., must posess area. Applicants throughal knowledge of air cond., heating, piurrtoing repairs. Must have min. of 5 yrs. continuous in bldg, mainteemployment nance. Evidence of satisfactory completion of formal tech, school Plus factor in Ironing will be consideration. Send complete resume with home address and to: Hotel Associatelephone tion, P.O.Box 505. S L C., Utah B4111. Equal Opport. Employer 00 .801 19 E TRAINEES mature Join Amertca expenenebd feeding discount Need store Entry fever on me coupie to manage new 46 unit dept Mb traft.ng program feeding to store mngmt Outstanding benefit motel m Wendovfer Nevada. or Must be uxg ReLenr college grads willing to "ekxate. retail background Reoc withm the 13 western states req. Send Apt and salary for qualified resume Kmart Personnel. Bin coi-- ie 6 K Covina CA. 9 723 MANAGE Me NT t Employment Manager Help Shape Our Future . . INSULATION INSTALLER. mi ft fev vcqrt X0r HOD onurwiVi4 a mug Ou6ftv (800)547-202- 4 Arizona MF i Professional FINISH BLADE OPERATORS Employ I rW.ip Wonted Immediate INDUSTRIAL ENGINEER opening, Here Is a career opportunity tor hrv wk. Exper in tab developSend ment required. of staff an to kxn engineering you to: Asian Association of Fram Corp., a world leader, resume growth-orientemanufacturer of Utah. 40 East 1300 So. Sait Lake City Utah 84)15 No atK please. high quality air, oH; fuel filters. Positions req. a skilled prof with JUVENILE CARE a BS in industrial or manufacturAgency needs individuals or ing engineering and at least 3 couples without children to allow a juvenile to reside with them. in volume a exper. hta years manufacturing environment. You support 420 mo. will be responsive tor setting available labor standards through time motion studies, capital planning KEY PUNCH ( request justification, plant layout, cost improvement program Immediate temporary position. 2 :e preferred with and EPA req.). You would also yrs. exp M on UNIVAC 1810. have overall responsibility tor vyied nv Same week pay. NO FEE. Please the quality control function. and call tor appt. ere Duties demanding, calling tor evaluative PERS0NNE POOL ability, orig. and independent judgement --and offering involve1935 So Main 225 ment in all mfg. procedures. We provide a tolly comm, salary KEYPUNCH Univac 1810 Operator needed, benefits and a comprehensive experience necessary, pkg. To be considered, forward keypunch term assignment Call Lisa, tang your resume sal. history to: SOS TEMPORARY EMPLOYE REATKDNS DOT SERVICES, High saiary-w- e employ and pay weekly. FRAM AUTO. DIVISION LAB TECHNICIAN, experienced. Food related testing exper. helpP. O. BOX 1356 ful. Wage dependent on experiCLEARFIELD, UTAH 84016 ence and ability. Excellent benein care of fits. Reply to Code Equal Opportunity Employer this paper, P O. Box 838, SLC, of Bendix Co. 841 10. UT Opportunity Equal INSTRUCTOR ELECTRONICS Employer. Specialty COMMUNICATION LANGUAGE ELECTRONICS. natives UTCProvo is seeking an eleceducated in English and Spanish tronics instructor with emphasis on Communication Electronics as tor computer translation work. a speciality. Applicants must High wages, benefits. have at least 6 years of directly LAUNDRY attendant. SLC or related education andor proto s Midvale. Days or eves. sional level experience in the LEASING REPACCOUNTS electronic trade. (Communication RECEIVABLE: Career opportuElectronics). Salary is dependent Cofiectar tat for experienced nity UTCProvo upon qualification. Leasing. Degree in Finance or provides health and life insurwith knowledge Business Mgmt. excelretirement and other ance, stalent benefits. Completed applica- of credit documentation and tions must be received by August tistical analysis ais necessary. co. This good provides salary 13, 1982. For additional informaext. 207 or with car and expenses. ONLY tion call will be ieced applicants apply in person at 1200 South 100 exper FEE PAID. Please West, Orem, Utah. Direct all considered. call Carla L. Keflev, written inquiries to Personnel, PROFESSIONAL RECRUITERS, Utah Technical College at Pro-vOrem, P O Boat 1609, Provo, Employment agency. 84603. Utah, An EEOAA Employer. LIBERAL INSTRUCTOR ELECTRONICS UTCProvo Is seeking an electronics instructor. Applicants ARTS must have at least 6 years of directly related education andor professional level experience In the electronic trade. Salary Is upon qualification. dependent UTCProvo provides health and and life insurance, retirement OPENINGS IN: other excellent benefits. Completed applications must be received BUSINESS MGMT. 1962. For additionby August 13, al information call PERSONNEL MGMT. ext. 207 or apply in person at 1200 South BOO West, Orjm, Utah. AVIATION Direct all written inquiries to ENGINEERING Personnel, Utah Technical College at Provo Orem, P O 9ok MATERIAL CONTROL 1609, Provo, Utah, 84601. An EEOAA Employer. U S. CITIZEN TO AGE 31. SALAINSURANCE RY 183)00, 30 OAYS VACATION, PROPERTY, casualty EDUCATION established agency, liberal POST GRAD Own your own AVAIL., MANY OTHER BENEcommissions. FITS. business, commercial emphasis. Send resume to: Agent, PO BOX 6153. SLC UT. 84106. CAll TOM LINDSEY 301965-520- 1. Equal Opportunity I SO MAJORS PERSONNEL OFFICE coll E. Equal Opportunity Employer 35 35 CLERK time evening shift 6 months hospital unit clerk experience or Cdmpevm of an approved U.C course required. or apply in person Call FuM agen- GENERAL OFFICE Insurance co needs file clerk No Full time18 with good benefits. RAPID ADVANCEMENT and handling eOwpm, experience necessary Some typ- pnone systems.key 973MANY OTHER BENEFIT'S ing raq. Permanent employment RAL GENE OFFICE with excel benefits. CaM Bootees AP A R, payroll, well Equal Opportunity Employer light typing. CaM tor CALL TOM LINDSEY FINANCIAL Planning team organized, apot., 5664739 posiexpanding. Managtmenf (800) 452-202- 4 tions. part or toll tune. ExceL GEOLOGIST or GEOPHYSICIST irammg and comm, tor mature SontrexJCW Inc. has opening ENGINEER tor experienced iP crew chwt tor protessionais. Resume to Mgmt DIAGNOSTIC ENGINEER permanent portion. Send resume tS,M$ Degree end 3 veers exo-- PC Box 17174, S LC 14 n esl No. Temple SLC. Utan tn MAP dtseotifientne tor tar further 64116. Phone FAB 4. ( OSE ccnrrot, imptent details. Matrix Dtagnotncs an Mep reiecfs. Wafer Fed. m ttan film GRAPHIC ARTS FIRE CHIEF must. 13400 veer. TECHNICIAN an is adminMurray City seeking DESIGN ENGINEER istrator to manage ail aspects of 5 month assignment. Must haw BSEE end veers exper. in fire supression, prea preited circuit proas municipal history logic design, droef design. MOS vention. and emergency medical cess m iamenafmg. giaestgn. Responsible to interfect services work. Dept nead posi- ver operator touch up, and film hagtetgnt wm customer to define end spec- tion to the reproduction from glass masters, MOS L$i devices. mayor.reporting directly ify custom Requees bachelors de- plus exper. with Dazk film. 31 400 veer. WESTERN TEMPORARY gree with maior work m fire sciSERVICES public adrmms SENIOR PROOUCT ENGINEER ence, business, or related held and exper. 2114 So. 1100 E. 4867543 (ration BSEE end veers exper. in in HOME PARENTS-Meturto years. couple, implementing yield improvement equivalent level. full admmstrattvecommand live-i- n. time, Exper. with program e sort end fAel tost Experience can be substituted ter Working wild processing erees to education on a year to year ba- youth desired. Fringe benefits, open. PO BOX 15888. SLC improte product mfg Sowing saivy 2,23743,321, Monthly UT 84115.969-325customer technical problems of sts. To apply, submit resume to: 32 36400 product application PERSONNEL DIRECTOR veer. MURRAY CITY CORP. P.O. Box 7520 Murray Ut. 4107 Pelocetion. interview expenses, Phone: end agency tees pent by cnenr Application deadline, August 20. compeny. Jobs ere in Idaho end 1902. Colorado. RESUMES ARE A Equal mf Employer Opportunity MUST CaM Bob Mill All Seasons Employment Agency ENGINEER-Degre- e plus experisofFLORAL ence with microprocessor tware. Starting salary up to 400 year plus comeny paid ttf fee and top benefits. Call Joe RJll-TIM- E: WEINSTOCK'S Hess Is now interviewring at CrossAM Seasons Employment Agency roads Plaza and Fashion Place CLKK-MonNURSINGWARD fora FAREBOX PULLS II RORAL ARRANGER thru Friday 7 to Jtah Transit Authority announc an opening in the Finance Experience required. Call tor 3:30. Must be experienced. Department for a Farebox Puller interview appointment N. Minimum qualificafions: WEINSTOCK'S is an I. or school Equal Opportunity Employer High equivalent skills. & COLLECTIONS CREDIT X 1 year in a position of trust f wifti a demonstrated reliability OUTPATIENT CREDIT ASST.-Mondincluding 6 rrwifts in soma as-- FOREioN Language Training. wcct of etectrorwcs repair (vencF Earn while you team. 20,100 thru Friday 8 to - ing machines, office Call machines. college fund available. 4oin sorters, etc) or completion 4 in West Valley. 5244026 type 40. General Hi Midvale or 6 af Farebox repair course or an downtown. Office experience. . equivalent combmation of rete- - 4074666 in South Salt Lake. wenf education and work exper -. GENERAL MERCHANDISING anca. Must be able to work swing oriented people to start at CARDO.OGYSECRETARY shift 3:30 p.m. to 12 am Maiar Mgmt. trainee level for career positions I. Responsible with S L. distribution firm, responsibilities: RECEPTIONIST (culifor setting up end maintaining a nary product) retailing, sales; pro-- . maintenance preventative start- thru Friday 8 to 4:30. Type Excellent order processing. gram tor fairboxes. 2. Responsl- - ing pay with bonuses and benebte for keeping and maintaining fits. 60. Good PR. 1 pm. records and reports. 1 Responsi760. mo. ble for distribution and inventory GENERAL OFFICE TECH-W- oA control of transfers. 4. ResponsL Congenial crew. Variety. I need CARDiaOGYCATH Acme Connie Die tor filling in tor other money you. thru Friday mom employees as needed. Saia- - Employment Agency, 1270 East Monday ry 5.77 an hour. Closing date: 6600 South. wkends. 2 and on-cc- ll August 11. 1902. AH interested GENERAL OFFICE $650. mo. 'persons must fill out an apptaca- - GREAT SHOPPING. VARIETY. in college, experience years fion avail, at Utah Transit Au- I NEED YOU. Connie 3600 So. West. S L C. Acme Employment Agency, 12 cardiac cath lab preferred. thority. UTA is an aqua! opportunity East 8600 South. rfoip Won teg nuiitei AlX.HT C0MM6N F f i |