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Show Secrets of Sail-fre- e Ccoliing by jearme jones Gear Your Home of Mice, Rats, Roaches and Other Pests and Keep Them Out! is a home-siz- e version of the commer- PEST-PRUF- E cial pest control device thats safe for people, pets and the ecology. Try it in your home for 30 days. They dont call them pcsis for nothing. The bugs and rodents of this world can make life miserable. T raps, sprays and poisons seem to have bttle effect . . . and professional exterminators dont come cheap. But now you can eliminate troublesome pests and keep them out thanks to new utltrasonic E unit doesn't kill The electronic rodents or insects it repels them. Early laboratory research showed that ultrasound was effective in modifying the behavior of mice and rats. As commercial exterminators began using ultrasonic sound to control rodents, other studies indicated that certain frequencies affected the behavior of inseas, too. Now. professional pest control companies acknowledge the usefulness of ultrasonics in controlling certain rodents and PEST-PRUF- PEST-PRUF- a complete Si cookbook low-sodi- um insects. UNIVERSITY TESTED Reduce your salt intake thats what more and more Americans are being told by their doctors and experts on nutrition. Now there is good news for people on diets. low-sodiu- m In Secrets of e Cooking Jeanne Jones shows that a diet low in salt need not be low in flavor. Here is a cookbook that tells you how to make over 200 delicious dishes without salt or artificial salt substitutes. Salt-Fre- Who would imagine that a person on a diet could eat and enjoy Irish soda bread, pork sausage, restuffed baked potatoes, or French onion soup? With Secrets of Salt-Fre- e Cooking youll learn how to cook these favorites as well as unusual and enticing dishes like Veal Oscar, turkey canneloni, wild rice a I'orange and blueberry mousse. low-sodiu- m And that's not all. Secrets of Salt-Fre- e Cooking reveals the sodium content of over 500 foods, and for each recipe lists the sodium content per portion, along with the caloric content and the diabetic exchange values. also gives complete menu plans for a seven day diet thats easy for any dieter to follow. There is mounting evidence that salt is one of the major factors in causing high blood pressure. Yet the average American adult probably consumes more than twenty times what the body needs. Do yourself and your family a favor. Let Jeanne Jones show you how to e leave out the salt and leave in the flavor. Order your copy of Secrets of Cooking today. It low-calor- low-sodiu- Salt-Fre- r PARADE GUARANTEE This book is fully guaranteed. If you are dissatisfied in any way, you may return it for a prompt and full refund. rn Send your name, address, zip code and $6.95 plus $1.15 Tfl I U L- fll postage and handling to Parade Publications, Box 4, Dept , Kensington Station, Brooklyn, N. Y. 11218. N. Y., Pa., Ill- Mich., and Ca. residents add appropriate sales tax. Please print clearly. 3M-H- -, GENERAL OFFICES: IMS 39th St., Brooklyn. N.Y. 1 121BJ (U. S. Currency Only) Save! Order two for $13.00 plus $2.30 postage and handling. The heart of this new, electronic marvel is a special quartz crystal speaker. It enables PEST-PRUF- E to emit ultrasonic sounds that only pests can hear. -These ultrasonic frequencies attack the nervous of rodents and and systems auditory certain inseas causing pain and discomfort. The pests are forced to abandon the covered area and will not raurn while vou continue to use PEST-PRUF- E. A leading university tested PEST-PRUF- E " B small and unobtrusive . case has Mack finish with brushed silver face. Measures only 3-JVi. Weighs about one pound PEST-PRl'F- E rugged, xfx It will repel pests from areas that are difficult to such as garages, farm outbuildings, boats and vacation homes. One unit proteas an area up to 2500 cubic feet. BRING SPACE ACE PEST PROTECTION TO YOUR HOME. PEST-PRUF- E is technology. Until now, commercial units used by professional pest control companies cost up to $200 but lower cost solid-sta- te components allow PEST-PRUF- E to give you the same pest repelling power for only $49.95 (plus $2.85 shipping and handling). Now theres no need to empty messy traps or buv poisonous chemicals again and again. TRY IT FOR 39 DAYS seal-o- ff as WITHOUT RISK. absolutely safe for humans and pets. And since there are no poisonous chemicals, the ecology is not harmed in the slightest. The ultrasonic output is above the hearing range of humans and household pets, so is safe for use anywhere. It will not interfere with any eiearonic burglar alarms, fire or smoke deteaor, TV reception or other electronic equipment. SET UP A BARRIER TO KEEP PKSTS OUT THIS WINTER. E When you get your youll begin to notice some results in a few days. In two to six weeks your infestation will be eliminated. Then continual operation of your unit will prevent further nesting and inhabitations. Even with colder weather approaching, you can keep pests from coming indoors as long as your is in operation. E JUST PLUG IT IN. All Theres no installation with AC outlet. The you do is plug it into any e electronics and quartz crystal speaker require only 5 watts of power just pennies per month and its maintenance free. Put anywhere: home, apartment. store, warehouse, or faaory. Its the perfect answer for facilities where food is stored or han- unit for We urge you to try the PEST-PRUF- E 30 days. If you dont see proof that it is the most advanced, efficient pest eliminator available torefund -iday. raurn it for a complete, ncluding raurn postage. You are proteaed by a oneyear manufacturer's warranty as well as Shelburnes ar reputation for satisfied customers. dled such as schools, hospitals, and nursing homes. at no obhgatioa PEST-PRUF- PEST-PRUF- E HERES HOW TO ORDER. To order, simply send your check for $49.95 plus $2.85 shipping and handling to the Shelburne Company at our address below. Credit card holders can speed their delivery by using our toll-fr- ee number. (Md. residents should add 5 CREDIT CARD HOLDERS CALL TOLL-FRE7 days a week 24 hours a day E: PEST-PRUF- (800) PEST-PRUF- E. 1 PEST-PRUF- Mice E is effective hi repelling: Rats Carpenter Ants Roaches SUverfish Crickets Water Bugs Locusts Fleas . . . and many other pests Sole: In spile of some claims, studies show that ultrasound is not effective in controlling bats or spiders. 638-61- 70 OR 6 (800) Maryland residents call 228-260- solid-stat- PEST-PRUF- E sales tax.) 363-43- Ga rid of rodents and insects without using messy traps or poisonous chemicals. La PEST-PRUF- E clear your home promptly and effectively. Order one today and try it for a full month Utas Shelburne MSpEf Painters Mill Road Dept. Owings Mills. MD 21117 (301) 363-431 10 The Shelburne Company IW2 S-- |