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Show The ninth weeks winners are. . . THE NINTH WEEK of The Salt Lake Tribunes annual Summertime photographs. But they can still be overwhelmed and thrilled by a fresh viewpoint or a unique color harmony. They want to become involved with your photograph. They want to feel as if they were there. Snap- shot Contest produced more than 200 entries and four photographs. This weeks winners will receive $10 and their photographs will be examined under the final judging at the end of the summer when four color and two photographs are chosen as the big winners in The Tribune contest. Those winners will receive a $25 bonus, and their photographs will be sent to Rochester, N.Y., for a shot at the $55,000 grand prize total offered by Kodak International Newspaper Snapshot Awards (KINSA). VACATIONS, SPENDING MONEY and cash equivalents for those who prefer to stay home are among the prizes awarded the first and second place color and snapshots winners in Rochester. Each year during the final judgings of the KINSA contest, at least five photography experts look at the more than 1,000 pictures. All KINSA judges have seen a lot of prize-winni- CONTRAST, LIGHTING, composiall are criteria judges tion, quality apply after they have become involved with your photograph. To win at the international level, your picture first has to catch the judges eye. Winners will be announced for one more week. Because of deadlines, the final day we could accept entries for the 10th and final week of the contest was July 28. So thank you for sending in your favorite photograph or photographs taken since July 1, 1981. black-and-whi- The ninth weeks winners are: BLACK-AND-WHIT- black-and-whi- E Gunter Karg, Salt Lake City, Utah. Anne Menzies, Salt Lake City, Utah. COLOR George R. Janecek, Salt Lake City, Utah. Michelle Potter, Salt Lake City, Utah. 81 Anne Menzies, Salt Lake City, Utah Contest rules The 1. The contest is strictly (or amateur photographers. 2. or color pictures taken after July 1, 1981, are eligible. 3. Snapshots may be taken with any make of camera, on any brand of film. No art work or retouching is permitted on negatives or prints no composite pictures, multiple exposures, or multiple printing. 4. Any number of pictures may be entered. Contestant's name, address, must be written clearly, in ink, on the back of each print or on transparency mount. Mail entries to Snapshots, The Salt Lake Tribune, P.O. Box 867, Salt Lake City, Utah 84110. 5. No pictures will be relumed. Contestants must be able to furnish the original negative if requested by the Contest Editor. (This requirement does not apply to color transparencies or instant print.) The sponsors assume no responsibility for negaUves or prints. 6. Contestants are permitted to submit pictures to only one newspaper participating in the Kodak International Newspaper Snapshot Awards. 7. To be eligible for a local grand prize, a contestant must sign a statement that the picture, or another closely similar picture of the same subject or situation, has not, and will not be entered by him in any contest and will not be offered (or publication. 8. IMPORTANT: Be sure you know the names and addresses of any recognizable persons appearing in your picture. 17118 is necessary because, in order for it to be entered in the international judging, you must be able to get the written consent of such person or persons to permit use of the picture for purposes of illustration, advertising, or publication in any manner. Salt Lake 1, 1982 II 3 t lr ., |