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Show y ff 8 C tT 1, 1982 Sunday, August 200 y r Ijy Unfurnished Apartments 200 RENT WITH AO TILL AUG. 5 CANT LAST AT THIS PRICE ALL THIS FOR ONLY t2Q5 up FREE RENT TILL AUG. 5 UNIVERSITY TERRACE FREE FOOTHILL With Its Beautiful Views on the East Bench Offers you .. 5 Specious Ptoor Plant Decorator Cutor schemes Extra Closeti Wood burning Fireplaces 2 Pools, Gama Rooms, T V. Roam, Steam Rooms and Saunas Setected small oats permitted wltn deposit Off Minutes to $i Areas, Shopping and the University AH Adult Community 2260 FOOTHILL 486-357- 4 - 9 E)6 ASPEN Tennis Court Aid Pool bedroom luxury act. Townhouse end garden ttylea. Offering elegant decor. Firomece, iw bams, complete rec. facilities. Channel One T.V. avail. 83e0. SO 200 EAST 00 SO 752 EAST i77 so 200 2736 S Aderrs(430 AUTO THEFT? Push the button and drive your auto Into your own private garage protected from theft, sun, chipped paint and dirt. Play a game of billiards, taka a swim or lust raiax and socialize while watching color T. V. In the game room. This Ufa style Is yours while living In your spacious 2 bedroom apt. at King Row. Call today. Make an appt. to start a new lift. new 114 7 345 E.)6. 33rd East 5Q. RENT WITH AO TILL AUG.S FREE JEAN bedroom garden apt, and Heat, trash, watar turn. Laundry room, rac. room. Heated pool. 8290 end up. 3440 So. 5th East 43. II e.m. to 6 p.m. 2 townhpus. SHALEH MEADOWS ADULT COMMUNITY WEST OF COTTONWOOD 277-266- 6 Close to the Airport and Maior Shopping Cantors, Beautifully decorated I and 2 bdrrn. apartments, with all maior appilancat Incl. Stop by and see our other extra. Ilk swimming pool, saunas, gama room and racreatlon cantor. 176 No. Redwood Rd. 8 1877 SO. 200 EAST 0 SO 7 752 EAST 114 2904 SO 200 EAST 00 4804403 2850 SO 200 EAST 2736 S. Adorns! 430 345 East 33rd So. Office . E)0 RENT TILL AUG. 5 LEXIA HAVEN CLOSE TO FREE . , TOO LOW TO LAST Deluxe 2 bdrrn. ALL THIS FOR ONLY 524 UP Clean Like Air cond. H4 file rm., huge Hollywood type bdrrn. His and Hers closets, large Ilv. e rm. with fireplace. Femlly kitchen with dishwasher, carport. disposal, range, refrig., Access clubhouse, swlmm pool, tennis court. See Open House 8 e try I p.m. 103 4545 So. Atherton Or. (Turn 5. 750 West. No stop lot) Also 3730 $. Adems(430 E) 6 345 East 33rd So. Office . RENT FREE WITH AO TILL AUG. 5 EVAN MANOR POOL OPENI Deluxe 2 bdrrn. 8249 UP Like new, Sparkling clean, air cond. IW HI baths, dressing rm., hug Hollywood type bdrrn. His and hors closets. Lrg. Ifv. rm. with fireplace. Family rm. type kitchen with dishwasher, dlspot-a- l, range, refig., carport. Access club house swim pool, tennis court. SEE OPEN HOUSE 8am-8e2736 S.Adms(430 E)6 183 4545 $. Atharton Or. (Turn So. 75C W. no stop light) 3 BEDROOM TOWNHOUSE Very specious, with living room frplc., separate family room, kitchenette, plus kitchen with all applls, Including compactor. Lota ot cloaat space, 2 vs baths, huge fenced patio, 2 car carport right at your door. This It a vary specie! and vary prlvata residence. 278-462- 752 EAST 100 SO. 345 1 SPRING LANE (50TH S.) E. 1500 H0LLADAY Luxury living In beeutiful wooded ere I block west of Cottonwood Mali. Charming 2 bdrrn. tpgrt-ment- i, swimming pool, deluxe conversation appliances, pit, wood burning flrapiaca. CHATEAU FORET 4856 SWIMMING owes COTTONWOOD MALL SANDPIPER WITH AD ' SHADOWS REDWOOD HIGHLAND BEDROOM APT $210 Carpeted end Draped Afifllliflfii ROBERTA STREET APTS 832 ROBERTA (245 EAST) 7 CONDOS East 33rd So. Garages, entries, ' Prlvele All appilancat, air cond. bedrooms, patio baths sq.fegt From 1315, Of rent to buy. No pets. 5235 So. 700 Witt. Glendon Wav Con Jot, NEED AN APARTMENT? Equal Housing Opportunity POOL Our adult community 1 bedroom aptt. offer easy eccets to downtown. Live close to work and shopping, while relaxing at th pool er near by park. and BEAUTIFUL bdrm., air cond. dlihwashar waatw dryer hookue. Storage. Off tt. parking. I child no port Free 2 veer on tlto Spa memoerthip. 136 Edison Avo. (150 Eeet) , 533165. I 2 SARA LEE bdrm. luxury apt. Id. ft. Heel, air, hot water paid. Pool, cabio T. V , carports. Now car-poNo children or pots. 3760 So. 9th East, 1,000 2 2 MARK IV bedroom. Ail the extras Large beautiful carpet including draoes air cond., pool Covered panting Extra storage and laundry facilities. Patios on lower level. Channel avail. From $275 3530 SO. 2900 W, ABANAAPT INCREDIBLE Super family complex with 2 and 3 bdrm. homes, swimming pool, fenced play area and acres of grass to roam. Call for an appt., or stop by our oft Ice between 10 a m. and 6 P.m. Sorry no pets. 37)4 hlghlend Dr. VILLA TOWNHOUSE 3570 SOUTH 3RD EAST bdrm., 2W betrn, swimpoot, play ground, air cond. Washer end dryer hookup. Covered perking. Cell manager CLOSE to school, Sega mouse shopping plus bos line and Westminster College. Children OK. 3 or 6 mo. rental contract; 8108 dep. Top floor 2 bdrm., 8258 plus sloe. Mein floor 3 or 4 bdrm. 8358 plus elec. Owner pays water end 6 eft. 5 heat. 764 Garfield. AVENUES drapes, shower, newly painted. Immsc. clean. $229 mo. Includes heat, water and garbage. Tenants pay lights. No pets or children. Deposit 8110. Will be shown Sun. 81, 6 to 7 p.m.; Mon. Tuee-dey- . A vs. Wed. 7 to 8 P.m. 487-l- CONVENIENT LOCATION Super access to work, shopping and U of U. 1 and 2 bedroom aptt. NEW 2 BEDROOM bath townhousa, dishwasher, air, hookups, carpels, drapes, refrig. Quiet telex. $305 642 East Candlelit (7745 So.) LIKE CONQUISTADOR Ivy 2 Dalux bdrm., gas log frpl., air cond., paneling, vanity bath, buffet, bookshelves. Dishwasher, compactor, floor. Security locks, patio, Pools. Swimming carports. water pd. Adults only. Gas 3349 South 13th Eest. a, VALLI HI APTS. ON 2 CAPITOL HILL bdrm., ail fin features. 8325. ADULTS ONLY, NO PETS 1 $ SAVE $ (OGDEN UTAH) Hud rant subsidized aptt. to Sr. Citizens and handicapped persons. In the New St Benedict Manor. 30ih and Polk. Avail. Sept. 1. For Info, and applies In S. L C. tions call 100 CIRCLE 278-877- 0 $ SAVES 0v6i(.: 1 bdrm. end studio prs. for senior citizens grid of persons. 25 nendicepped fnonmiy income pevs rent and utils. Convenient downtown loc. Ceil Jeckson Apts. 534332 or for eppiicetton. Equal housing Opportunity Now 3 Center Street PANORAMA APTS. 2 blks. North of Tempi So oar. 1 bdrm. with all nppls. View, pool, air cond. All util, furnished except elect. Security bldg, and aacurlty un8325mo. garage. derground Adu Its. 8 Hillside Ave, 299 THE BRITTANY Outstanding daslgn for total comfort. Clubhouse, pool, air cond., beamed ceilings, fireplace. W pay utils. No children or pot. 4652 South 7th East. RENTAL SERVICE Want an apartment ImmadT W have 788 unlit af 20 different South st was) loc. Super clean 1 345 East 13rd So. Office FREE 0, 5 t er MURRAY Bdrm., off street parking, washing fsells., extra storage, patio. No pots. 211 East 4588 So. 10. AT THE TOP Walk to town. Exclusive studio, 1 or 2 bdrm. Pool, air, balcony, fireplace, undargrocrv barking. 1265 up. WE PAY ALL UTIL EXCEPT ELEC. 1 and 2 bdrm. spacious apt. Carports, cloa to shopping, LDS rm. church. Air, pool, gam Small children welcome. No pets. 610 No. Redwood. 531 1482 LIVE WOODLAND PARK APTS. Exclusive Complete amenities. adult living. 2 bdrm. Units avail-ablIncludes hast. 4070 So. 980 E. SUPER BARGAIN $210 up. Llks new. Spacious bedroom, pool, carport. Extras. 2218 East 33rd So. 0. 5238 up 4900 Highland Circle. No pats. Must . MIDVALE new lrg. 1 bdrm., S250, tlr cond. carpet, drapes, dlshwashsr, disposal, rafrlg , stove, carport, washing f sells. Haalwator furn. Adults only. No Mh Tangkimod HUTU SOUTH 700 EAST 2 bdrm. Laroa dalux renea, rafrlg. dishwasher, compactor, carpet, drapes, laundry fad Is. 4538 carport, pod. ADULT ORIENTED LUXURIOUSLY FURNISHED AND DECORATED APARTMENTS Including All the Amenities You Expect in a New Apartment M-- Racquetball Covered Parking Heated Swimming Pool and Therapy Pool Stonehedge Clubhouse with epa Covered perking Term and volleyball 1 Covered Pool Streams snd pond 2 Adult Only 4150 South Sih East 262-589- Special to work Convenient to Shopping 3856 West 3500 South ,. move-i- n discount ends soon! - a rtj A.x k..'jr UN Tbrmii Courts, Rant. Putting Crbbfi, Swimming, Veil tail, Pokar Room, gi marts, Lahbt, Trmrt, Automatic fircplacii. Cempactara, Cturtt ad Garbage Security fonvpnibfit StOTIgB. W00DLAKE Rent a luxurious new apartment . , -F- Drtvii 275 Fum. From 295 BDRM 2 Bath Uni. From 330 Furn. From 360 Clot VILLAGE 4050 So. 300 East 266-384- 1 ADULT RESIDENCE 9 Two hydrotherapy pools Two lighted tennis courts Much, much more 1050 East on Fort Union Blvd. . 6 Co., BOUNTIFUL DUPLEX: Large 3 hook-updisposal, flrapiaca and garden. Very nicel 8380mo. Availed. August 5th. eves. bdrm., with 2 BEDROOM posal, hookup, laundry roam, covered carport, air, tencad day yard, S265 mo., 8518 So. Slat THE HILLRISE APARTMENTS UP. Llk new. Gorgeous 1 2 bdrm. Pod, clubhouse, tennis, carport. No pots. Must so. 23rd East 6895 So. NEAR Fashion Plact Mall. 2 bdrm., Covarad parking, and 1) pool. Easy access to ski areas. Lease required. 8350 8 mo. or eves. 2 BEDROOM pt 2 beths, close to U, 2 car gar., ttova, Overlooks rafrlg., dishwasher. city. 8650 per mo. 1115 South Wasatch Dr. 571 4TH AVENUE On bdrm., $195. plus gasdcM sir, washer hook-ucarpets, drapes, oap. $188. Raft, raoulrad. 3 Kids ok, no pat. 8260 tnd 2 WEKS FREE RENT bdrm. In Air, hookups. Carpeting. Ideal loc. Ith So. 1840 Eest. 5268. No pets. LARGE SUNNY STUDIO Second South, 6th East. Includes all utils 81 75. 314 SOUTH 7TH EAST 8195. Clean 2 bdrm., rang, rafrlg. Heat and watar him. Adults SANDY AVENUE of Near U of U, Trdlty Sq. deluxe. Carpet, drepes, covered prkg. No pett. 1 townhousa (7000 South) Phone 566-513- 2 tor storm. Call NEWLY REMODELED 1 bdrm. Cpt. drapes E. 1 BEDROOM, Sugerhouae, excel shape, eerthtunes hookups yard, 8225. 517 Eael S'rlnghem, (2 So), H 2504 ST. IMPERIAL Lovely large, quiet bdrm., frplc., petto. Utils paid. No smokers or pets bdrm., applt., 8195. No MIDVALE, 8260, 2 bdrm. See to appreciate. Convenient location, 2 children, no pot. after S 8 or all day. SOUTH 10th EAST bdrm. tnd study, 4 piex. 8285. 8125 dap. All utils, paid. No pats. No children. PARK TERRACE, adult 2 bdrm., large balcony, view of park. frplc., storage, carport. 2686230 NEWLY redecorated 2 bdrm.. Adults no pets. 5240. 227 E. 1508 EAST Main fir., air, hkp., pats. 8240. 809 1 EAST 27th SOUTH I bdrm., dining, frplc., 8258. 8125 doe. Gat. watar No pats. Small child ok. paid. BEDROOM and studios. U, Ave, Downtown, Sugarhousa, So. Salt Lake, Mae-5331018 No pals. ASPEN GLEN 2 bdrm., all appl., hook-uppool, 1 child ok. Nb pats. 461 East 5600 So. 2 BEDROOMS, 2 baths, frplc., dlshwathar, air cond., tannlt, cov. parking. Rants tor 8305. 6798 So. 88 Watt. 1 BEDROOM, 8280mo. Washing faclls. NIc area. Storage. 27th East. 40th So. Rat. manager apt. AND 2 278-5-1 . 22. 271-9-1 77. AVENUES CHARM Oak floors, Handsome no flrapiaca, tor quiet nett, 8350. Heat paid. AVENUES Cozy. 118 1 "E St. bdrm. carpet, SANDY-detux- e dt apes, hkp., . 1800 So. 200 CLEAN, 1 bdrm. New carpet, yard, 1137 So. 1040 E. S240mo. After 5, Sam, NEAR "U" 2 bdrms., $2)mo. Available Aug. IS No plus utils. pets. $160 plus utils. 3 rrm , 1 bdrm. Stove, refng. No pets. 1435 E. BEDROOM 8190. All utllt. paid. 135 SOUTH 300 EAST Studio 8165. 1 bedroom 8115. Nice, clean. No kkts. 3638618. 555 EAST 100 SOUTH 1 bdrm. 8190. No kids, no paft. remodeled 2 bdrm., new carpet, drape, paint, stove, refrto , excellent loc, 8295. Cell 2 COMPLETELY remodeled, bdrm. In nice Bountiful loc., new linoleum, peiitf. carpets, drapes, eves. 8295. Cell SPACIOUS 2 bdrm. near downtown, carpeted, with prtv. balcony and extra I tor eg rooms. 8245. Cell eftor 3pm, 2 BEDROOMS, upstairs, newer with drapes, carpet, epptt., air, hkupt., 8235 mo. 2538 So after 7 Redwood Rd 3. 1 BEDROOM, air, cerpett, No pots, no chlldron, no drapes. smokers. Laundry facilities. Off St. parking. 8190 and up bdrm., washerdryer refrig., stove, disposal, aft 5. 2 E :DROOM duplex air carport, hookups, $270 mo. $100 dep. after 4 p.m. No pets. 245. 1 ONE bdrm., balcony sun Bdrm. porch $215. gas pd. 2 hook-up- 8179 Cute S77 to ith loc BDRM. IN 2338 EAST 2015 SOUTH S27S barm, weifcout terrtf. apt. Covered park me. Incis. all utfe. No ynofcers, no pets. 2 dose $250mo$12Sdep pool, hot tub, no pelt, Marlenno, clubhouse 731 So. 3rd East 3556666. stor- age, no pats, convenient 8280mo. 3634)528. LOC., 8365 UP. In tennis Large 2 bdrm. Carpets, drapes, weiherdryer hkups, extra 1 So. MODERN 1 and 2 bdrm. Near Trolley and U, air. pool, laundry faclls. covered parking 3280936 MODERN 1 and 2 bdrm. Near Trolley and U, air. pool, laundry faclls. covered parking 320936 WEST JORDAN Large 2 bdrms., hook-ups- , 8270. ONE bdrm., balcony, 8245. I Bdrm. sun porch, 8215. gas pd., . LARGE 2 bdrm apt. 3800 So. 2700 Watt, carport, wavier, dryer, hookups, 2688188, 2531 LAKE PARK CR. (2700 So) Redwood Rd.l. 2 bdrm. 8265. ONE bdrm. utilities paid except tights, garage, new car pet, 1030 So. 400 LARGE 3 bdrm., air $295 plus lights. References, no pets. 1473 10 or So. 300 East 407-SUGARHOUSE. Lge. 2 bdrm. basement aof. Fireplace. $295. 2 or Carolyn SUGARHOUSE. Lge. 2 bdrm. aert. basement Fireplace. $295. Carolyn 268822 or AVENUES. 2 bdrm. duplex, cute clean, utility rm. yard garage $250. 165 H Street. 363137. BELL WINES bdrm. Newly decor. No pets no children. Security. 530 E. 1st So. 1 BDRM.'s and Studios remodeled. $165 and $200. 130 So. 3rd E. Call Dave $280-39EAST 2700 So. 2 bdrms. fireplace air cond. dishwasher no dogs BEDROOM $105. Fenced yard 18th East 2700 So. wfcdays after 1 pm CAPITOL HILL 1 BEDROOM Basement apt. $21 5 mo. plus utils. RebeccaBob: $210-BEDROOM 1 miles, from U. No smokers or pets. $220, NEAR University 1 bdrm. $185. Adults no pets. 156 So. 12th East. BEDROOM hookups carpet Cable TV storage covered park-in- 2 LARGE clean 2 bdrm., air cond. 195 Allen St. Midval. Heat pd. $27$, $200 LOVELY 2 bdrm. no smokBEDROOM. Fenced yard, ers drinkers nets 1156 E. 3rd So. A open hook-up- . 65 No. 10th West. 5190. 3646496 2 BEDROOM; $275, $100 dep. 5836011 LARGE 2 bdrm., hookups, air, plus its. Washerdrver, garage 345 East 2878 So. 8255. Baby ok, no children or pets. s AVENUES studio, $145 ind. no pets. no smoking or pets, 129 B 2 BEDROOM. Carpets, drapes, 2, Street 5150 stove. retrig., disposal, BLOCKS TO U. 1 bdrm. deposit. 8235 mo. Lease. 3660101. $1B0. large 1 bdrm., utils, no pets, carpets, drapes, oft street prkg FREE utils except elect, small S. 300 E. 347 ok No pets. kids pets 8195-Rose Park BEDROOMS, Inch. gas. TWO bdrms. coder, storage, Ieundry bldg , no area. 8280month. 4862963. o.k. 8100 Baby dep pets. 2 BDRMS. No smokers pets. 2 r wesher-drye2 BEDROOM, kids OK. Utils pd. $29$. hookups, perio, no Pets, 3725 So. GRANADA near U Tech. 2 200 East 2. Call bdrm., from $265. $175. 1 bdrm., utilities fum. ex1236 EAST 1ST SO. 2 bdrms. Bet. drapes. cept lights. Carpets, $350. U. and business area. 355Q1UI BEDROOM. $180 plus lights. LARGE 3 bdrm., dos to "U", 527 East 800 So. lots of charm, 8375 mo. No utils. MODERN 1 bdrm., conven. to downtown, $21 5. NICE I bedroom apt., near U. 8175 mo. plus lights and deposit. 1 BEDROOM Sugar house. No eves-Gre$ pets. 322 1356 bet. 46 p.m. NEED single, student, studio apt. 3 BEDROOM, frplc. 459 3rd Ave. 3 incl. utilities quiet, Cool, 8350 plus utils. 3556357 NEWLY dec 2 bdrms. Murray 4844)709 area. $250. 2 BEDROOM. 8275 plus gat and the. No smokers or pats. 718 ROSE PARK. 1 bdrm. No kids no pets. Lights pd. $180 East 2820 So. 4666769. 4245 So. l Highland. Large t NEAR bdrm., pert utils., bdrm.. hookups, 1220. Large parking. $105. No pets. 3 bunt. 8190. QUIET, sunny studio apt. All utils, paid. $170 mo. STUDIO $156 AND I BDRM 175. 234 1st A ve. Call $455. New 2 bdrm., 2 bath 145 E. 8250. ONE 100 So. You deserve Superior recreational facilities plus elegant apartments make a Prowswood Open Space Apartment Community the perfect Summertime place. Cobble Creek Our unique community for active adults 13th East at Van Winkle e 278-045- 3 Fox Point at Old Farm Our most intimate adult community 4090 South Fifth East 261-197- Cinnamon Springs Our private adult community 4700 South 2000 West 968-130- 5 Plumiree Our most conveniently located ' apartment community South State Street .'6900 Aportmtnt 4 nfu Apartments BEDROOM. $200. ' wrk.nw, tsundfv fo! Nice quiet street. 3334 So 025 East. th professional. 2 bdrms, 2 33rd Sobeths rac rm., central air. Lots LARGE 2 229 200-U- '9 New paint, clean, coin laundry. 3250 So.), 466 East Wooo'and, $275. No pelt. NEW 2 bdrm., dishwasher, dis- kind of Summer. The Springs of Country Woods has just completed dozens of new apartments. With no previous renters, it's just like moving into a brand new home. Plus you can enjoy all the benefits of the Prowswood lifestyle. Come out and see all the features that have made the Springs the most successful adult apartment community in the Intermountain West. .i-- Largs 2 barm., $338. Pad storage, covered parking. Gena Gan McClain Pa'ar W Inbrow 308 ,r,rit"rr 1 bdrm., air no pets, $195 Incl. heat. 2 Bdrm. $150 DOWNTOWN-170. Security. MODERN kg. 2 bdrm. drapes, . car petir. Hoi iaday, $265.272-02SPACIOUS 2 bdrm., upstairs remodeled, carpets. $220. BEDROOM, $135 to $180 mo. Rooms, $100 CAPITOL Hill 2 bdrm. $100 par Of month. "U" AREA: lovely G Racquetballhandbail courts 5 Bountiful. a Prowswood . Two swimming pools one indooroutdoor pool AVENUES Spacious, lovely convenient Studio, 8151. 3428 SOUTH " East 257S07, I BDRM NICE, CLEAN FREE RENT FIRST WEEK 5th East 250 South, see Ron or 699 Dalux $190. bdrm, 838-up- . Ea$i Ifti So SALT LAKE. 2 bdrm, SOUTH BOUNTIFUL DUPLEX: Largo 2 air, hookups, play area. No pets. bdrmo., with houk-updispueei, $290. 2548 So- 9th East. 46 996 flreoiec and garden. Very ntcei 2 BEDROOM Apt. $215 8295, mo. eve. HERITAGE APTS 205 So. Allen 2 BDRM. apartment, St. Mtdvale, Utah separate utility rm. Ns pots. Child ok. S2s0 MIDVALE bdrm apt. Washer per mo See at IN W. Angelo dryer hookups. Parking. 1 child Ava. (3138 Se.) Call eves no pets $200 DELUXE 2 bdrm., flrapiaca. BEDROOM $20 mo. Covered carpal, drapes, air, dishwasher, parking. Pool, view. 24 East dlsp.. 82eS. 286096, 43k5 So. Helmt3fr45 So.) Mrg. 9. 6 v. 093 E.) ARLINGTON PARK, $27$ LUXURY 4 piex. Eael Sandy loc. 2 bdrms., , child ok, no 2 bdrm., i 'I apois., carport, pets- 40 So- 4725 west. 825. No washer dryer hook-u7 BEDROOM apt. South Salt eft. 6 smokort, no pet. stove, Lake refrig. Drapes, 1 . hookups. No pets. $15. 1 UTILITIES paid, 82U. bdrm.. BEDROOM West side. In1442 So 248 Eeet. cludes utilities $190 Lee or Glen weekdays. BOUNTIFUL bsmt., large 1 UTILITIES paid, 8355. 2 bdrm., bdrm., kitchen, frplc., garage, 1442 So. 248 Eest. non smokers. $300. ECONOMY APTS, for Sr. Citi2 BEDROOMS-J22379 1st Ave. zens, Newly remodel. Utils pd. except Call Its. 722 E. 3rd S. 2 BEDROOM utilities paid exDARLING 1 BDRM-J17- 9 cept lights, Murray area. Gary All utils pd. except Its. 446 East $300mo. 2 BEDROOM dose to U dean, 3rd So. street. 127 So. Lincoln (90 quiet LOVELY 2 BDRM.-S21- 0 East). $200. Wes, Air cond. AM utils pd. except Iff. $250. basement apt. 150 South 7th Edit. utils, paid, hkups. 1155 Hillview Dr No pets or children. SUGARHOUSE $215 2 BEDROOM 29$. Dishwasher, I bdrm., uftllttos txcepf lights, air cond. Wyntord Apts. So. H 67 Remonk. epplls. Main, Midvale. See Mgr. 20. NEAR Trolley Sq. 2 bdrm. apt. NICE STUDIO APT. Radecor In.erlor. Security syst, $14Smo. plus utils. TQ So. Adults Air cond. 500 East 1. Craig: Mgr. 3556034, 3264719 SUGARHOUSE ., TWO bdrm. basement apt., newly Lrg. home. Washer, dryer, remod., fenced yd., off street garage $4io mo. 8250 Park Eest loc. Liberty prkg. 2 BEDROOM. Nearly new. 325. mo. 8)80 dap. Leas. Less for lease. 3204 So. 3rd East. 3 ROOMS with heat Incl., laundry 4061590. Eest Bench. Prefer facilities; NEW this year, 3 bdrm. twin couple who can assist In upkeep home, Centerville area, $350mo. af home. Rent negot. Available Acg. 1st. LARGE NEW 1 BDRM TWO bdrm. (3 unit complex old Stove, refrig, carpet, 8210. Air cond. Sm. pet ok. 3371 Sandy). $220 mo. No pets. So 5th Eest. BEDROOM apt. 1264 East 2nd GRANGER So. 240 mo. Locked garage no 8255; 2 bdrm., 3759 So. 3375 W. pets. Call hookups no pats. Call 823 EAST 2nd So. large 3 bdrms. s I BEDROOM downstairs apt. In off street parking frplc- new horn. 8235 include utils. Utils, paid. $450. no Prlv. entrance, Holliday era. LARGE 2 bdrm. near Sugar smokers Drinkers pets. House. Gar., fenced yd., air. 335 incl Utilities. 253 EAST 3170 SOUTH 260 indudes 2 BEDROOM apt. 2 bdrm. apartment with laundry utils. 45th So. 7th East. all hookups. 8250. 2 900 EAST 133 SOUTH Completely remodeled. I bedroom $225, 2 bedroom 8258. No pet. I child o.k. 3634618. APARTMENT MANAGER 18 Units. Lrg 2 bdrm. apt. $180 ailowanca 8235 rant. Non smokers. 2740 So. 13th East. Fruit Heights, close to Hill Air Foie Base, beautiful 2 bdrm. condo. 8375 mo. Incl. some utils. 0 or Call Gan McClain Polar Wlnbrow 6 Co. 8258. LARGE beautiful 2 bdrm., dot to but, shopping. No smoking, drinking, pots. 1 baby. See mgr. Apartment B. 1SC9 So. 18th East, chil- 2 bdrm. dtshweeh ieundry rm., cover od pm- $203. XM E. Wilton (1750 So) 21043. No pet! 2SM. North, utili Lme NEW LEISURE VILLAGf 380 EAST 3360 SOUTH 1 and 2 baaroom, swimming pool covarad parkino air cond. disflwaafttr. From $231 a flnast for tha least $205 amount Lovaty spec. 1 and 2 bdrm. No pars. 47 So. ttti East. 623 So. 6th East. 359 5126. 4388 Highland Dr DELUXE 2 bdrm. disbwashar disposal hookups. Laundnf rm covarad carport. Air, fancad play fawn $230. 208 So Mam yd. LrMidvatt. 2 bdrm., 8388. No pets. Leas. tZ3. er, dtepoeel y 453 y 2 13 St. 40MUM. 2 BEDROOM DUPLEX Ramodalad. 1 child o.k. No paft. 134 Kensington. 8295. 3634)618. AMENmtS INCLUDE BDRM. Unt. From J 2 RELAX Mtto. No pars. 150 West East 1 Apartments 550 HOLLADAY 2 bdrm., IV bams air, ieundry rm. in aacti unit. Covered prkg Newi No pars. 272 531 TX days 3425 mgntt PLEASANT newly decorated 1 bdrm. apt. ooaa fa busane-churc- h Fashion Ptaca Mali, prlvata anrranca with carport imtrcoms for streurtfy no 400 'yty-ywy.- 200 Unfurnished bedroom $223. 3 tearoom Weft 400 North. LARGE 1 bdrm., store, nd except Mem. No per dren, fmokerv $230. buitt-kt- So. 7200 "rr""ir,r i WEST SIDE bedrooom. Carpet, air carport, $250-- drapes, storage ) 130 Rooms in Hotels, motels nice et . r cooled utih. paid but lights Aomts. NEW GRAND HOTE Rttz Apts., 435 East So Tcmtxc. SUMMER RATES aflfeitive apt. All Mo.SPECIALcomer on 4th So. I. utls. paid but lights. Adutts. Mam.East 2 daily. Alao twenty 228 1st Avers Rhodes Apts., color TV. mcl. switcnooard, rates bdrm All attractive Prime loc. Security. 3aa-5utils, pad tM lights. AAAts. WINDSOR HOTEL Ashbv Apts., 358 East 1st So. 241 So. Slate Downtown location. $390-or 3 adults. Clean 3 bdrm., Newly remod room. Vwk main673 or No smoKers pets. air cond. tained. Qut. clean. Free cour 6fh Ave T. V Budpet rates from $0 niyMt-J$40 week 5324300 or 532 0 NEAR Liberty Park. 1 bdrm. Off faclls. laundry $ disposal, CARLTON HOTEL-Aime- s No pets kxh. $180. week. Etticiencv am IV 50 wk am 1 baseDial bams. bdrm. COZY and quiet, Semi pt tv. ment, near 3id So. 700 East. pnones. T V. H&O m every ream. 140 East So Tempie. $205 a month with utils. 42030. FURNISHED kttchan apis 5)4 50 $235 LOVELY 2 BORM. Duplex. Nice furniture, 41 Emerson Ave. per week and up. S Rancho Motel. 440 West No. Temple, Open, STUDIO $150, $110 dep. Heat and office water paid, carpet, drapes. 635 SLEEPING rooms from 140 per East 100 So. Call Sherry week and up. Se Rancho Motel BEDROOM, close to town, 440 West North Terrene, office. dean, quiet, $175. 664 So West LARGE CLEAN ROOMS per Temple 345S week. Ample prks 10 $115. SMALL Studio, util., dean, So. State Mr laaer parking, good neighbors, qutef MIDVALE kitchen, air. maid. 36 No. 6 West man. 30 NO. MAIN. $338840 BACHEOLOR Apt., 1 bdrm., ROOMS, kitchenettes, apts. from near Memory Grove, utils, except S3S and up. 2Y48 So. State week lights. Call NICELY Furnished 1 bdrm. stuFURNISHED dio, security. Adults, no pets. HOUSES 225 South 400 East. I BEDROOM, 550 So. 5th East, $185 to $230. Laundry, security June '83 . Going to Hawaii until . locks. By appt., POOL ELEGANT 1 BEDROOM apt. for $.rgle ,n Hoiiadav. tastefully furnished. magniti-cent 3 2 No baths, mstr. bdrms., pets. Vic. working person. ouiet yard $750. 270) So. 3rd E. $15. 1 2 BEDROOM, Murray, poolside, $210. Hoiiadav area. Large bdrm. No smokers, pets. 4945 tennis, completely fum. Avail, tor lease Aug. 5th. to Dec I. $39$ Viewmont St. 2. 2 to 6 BLTCKS TO U. 1 bdrm., part per mo. Call Monday Aug. 6 p.m. Ref. plus dep. utils, no pets, $180. 3 bdrms., I'd COTTONWOOD S. PARTLY FURNISHED STUDIOS carport, washerdryer, bath, 2nd North 2nd Wept, frplc. $440 mo. $400 dep. 362 3W4 $195 ONE bdrm., carpet, drape, in Cottonhome 4 bdrm. LARGE 6 no pet. 1885 Me Cletland wood Heights. Furn. or unturn. MIDVALE kitchen, air, maid. Avail. Seot I. Lease-- yr. 9435508 39 NO. MAIN. 5338848 J BEDROOM duplex. Washer-drye2 BEDROOM apt , 2 blocks from dishwasher $425 mo. U. $225. No pets. 578 East 6th So 4844042. 2 WEEKS free rent.l bdrm 215, 4 BEDROOM, views, spa, Jutv-No- v studio $185, gas pd, 272 0d21 . $750. 9430102 $140 bsmt. studio. 2 lrg. rooms. No children no dogs. UNFURNISHED CLOSE to U and town, studio. HOUSES $175. Utlis. paid. 3 ROOMS-pv- t. carport, entrance VALLEY RENTALS no smokers, $250. "SINT 1971" ROOMS, kitchenettes, apts., from Experts , $3Sweek and up, 2928 So. State. Utah's Leading AVENUES-Oeastudio. No pets. MURRAY Ata $165 ind. heat. 2 bdrms., kids fine hurry $180! NEAR Fashion Place Mall new small advance fee studio. No pets. $165. S BEDROOM Suoarhouse. All Large 3 bdrm., no lease $350' ' utils, except lights $205. 381 9691 small advance tee TOTALLY fum. decorated, DECKER LAKE near U, Familysized 3 bdrm. fenced $220 1 BEDROOM apartment $100 deposit, bsmt., $345. yard, near Capital. 989338 small advance fee BELVEDERE 1 bdrm. Elegant $80 DEPOSIT furnishings $375, bdrm. aparts. Suoarhouse 4 rm., kids pet $180 FURNISHED small advance foe Color TV. Weekly rates. $165. STUDIO, all utilities exc $350 4 BTOROOM lights, Aves. With bsmt., fenced, kids option -1 small advance tee Ail HACIENDA tnn(s), ft PLUS: iigji'n 200 Unfurnished Apartments Unfurnished Apartments 200 3 OR CALL DELUXE BDRM. THIS FOR ONLY 8215 ub new. Matchlessly Air cond. Huge Holtowood type bdrrn. His end hers closets. Tile bath, shower lrg. Ilv. rm. with kepi. Family rm type kitchen with dishwasher, disposal, rango, .refrig., carport. Access to club house, swim pool, tennis court. SJEE OPEN HOUSE 8em-8pALL - MALL VISIT OUR CLUBHOUSE FOR INFORMATION 49)5 SOUTH 1794 EAST Cant last at this price y y 2 FRANCHE LARIE - 1338 WOODLAND AVENUE bedroom, carpet, drapes sir condition. Off street perking. No 4 pets. From 1200 VILLA east i ua-a- Office 9TH EAST SOUTH 3975 i 264 START AT $280 2 bedroom. 1,000 so. ft. luxury unit. Carpets drapes throughout. Private carport. Channel One T. V. avail. 2 blocks from freeway exit. No children pets. 4720 So. between State and Main 2 THIS PRICE ONLY Cl HP 1. Accmi to swimming pool, club hour tennis court now OPEN. 2. Tilt baft), huge barm with hU Atb hers :ket. 1 Sserkling dean, like new. din. A Lrg. living rm. with flrepl. Area. Air cond., disposal, refrig, carport. Carpeted thru-ou- t, ,$EE OPEN HOUSE lem-tp0 4844.63 28e0 SO. J00 EAST 46443 East 33ro So. WESTWOOD S LONG AT 345 8 0 1728 East 4050 So. Woodsidt Dr. gas, water, paid. Laundry hookSt. ups. Near bus shopping Marks Cononwood Hospital Mail. Covered parking. Large lawn. LUXURY LARGE 2 bdrm $200. LUXURY LARGE 1 bdrm.. 663 EAST 2nd $20. ALSO SOUTH, near U of U Downtown. Luxury large 2 bdrm, $20. Sorry no pets, no children. EAST 800 SO. 7 8 1877 SO. 200 EAST 2964 SO. 200 EA$T114 2736 $ Adams (430 345 East 33rd So. Office ARDA JEAN MANOR LAST Office HILLS WITH AO TILL AUG CANT 1877 SO. 200 EAST 280 SO. 200 EAST 752 RENT FREE Lrg. deluxe 1 bdrm. Sparkling cteen carpal, lrg. Ilv. rm. firpi. draws range refrig., carport. Access club house, pool, tennis. SEE OPEN HOUSE 8em-p- LOW RENT HIGH QUALITY Deluxe I bdrsn. ALL THIS FOR ONLY 015 UP SUPER CLEAN LIKE NEW. Air cond. Huoa bdrrn. Tila bath, shower. Lrg. ilv. rm. with firepi. p kitchen range Family Accaaa ciub refrifl., carport. house swim pool, fotvws court. Sea Open House I a m 4 P m. PLACE 4 new shag carpet WITH AO ng)- 200 Unfurniskbd Apartments Unfurnished Apartments 200 Unfurnished Apartments y y 255-712- 1 1 BDRM very dean, no pets. E. 2620 S. 48 036, 277 0539 In $730 TWO bdrm. basement Hoiledey. Call $200 161 Meant To 100 Rent For Down! 2 BEDROOMS FULL BSMT. 566-329- 3 WOOCN VILLAGE TUWMtOMCS 6940 South 700 East Models open 10am vO 7pm Harm Lambart Raaftorf BEDROOM APT. $275; 2 BEDROOM APT. $295DOWNTOWN BELVEDERE LOCATION, VIEW. 407x4376 CLOSE IN 1 bdrm Clean, quiet. $175 wicl. pas. AVENUES 1 bdrm. Tastefully remod $250. 32lrd49; SP337? TWO bdrms., 3K No. 10th West. . $280 Adutts, no pets. 99-95-1 $20. Lrg. 1 bdrm. air, adults. 143 1st Ave BEDROOM near Liberty Park, fireplace. $175. 395 EAST 3045 So. (Adults). 2 bdrm $240 2kd053 25 WEST 230 So. 1 bcm $TC I lilts. Of 503 4389 bdrm. 2 2539 So. Parkcreat O60CW). 974 1st AVE. 2 BEDROOM apt $195 pios dep. 189 and 175 E. St. bdrm Plus dep. 5 $200-- 5 ROOMS. 254 West femt vpts. TjO North. ROSE Park 2 bdrm., air cond., $255. hook-up- 6 bdrm. duplex, $200 utili-tie- s pd Sugar House. $170, 1 BEDROOM 830 East 17th South $190, 1 BEDROOM 1375 South 9th East 2 BEDROOMS, ail utils, paid. or $285 mo. INCLUDES util., newly $375. 531 8538 dec., 3 bdrms. 1 BEDROOM, spacious, utilities 7 month. $22$ paid. I In triplex, BEDROOM Avenues, $225 mo., 253 NORTH Center St. SLC. 1 bdrm., gas paid. $175. 100 EAST 8530 SO. 1 or 2 bdrm. Gas, Its, paid, 3D. $235 LOVELY like new 2 bdrm. 7 dose in. 29541525, NICE 1 bdrm., laundry facilities, by appt. air. no $250. TWO Bdrm., pets. 741 No. 1590 West. $240. TWO bdrms., no child pets. 1889 West 3300 So. BEDROOM $195. UITLS. PAID Adults, no pets. CUTE 1 bdrm., air, new carpets. SMALL f 057 East 7U0 So. $105. ROOM, hardwood firs., carport, 217 Canyon Rd. Adults. $230-$- 2 40. 2 bdrms., no pets. Near U. 938 East 3rd So. 3644640 5 $2002 BDRMS. no pets. Near U. 930 East 3rd So. CITY VIEW-hillto-p near U. Most 2 utils. bdrms., adults MURRAY area, dean 1 bdrm., $230mo. utils- induded, REMODELED 2 bdrm. No. SL. $225. U a hal REMODELED 3 bdrm. $25. 1401 West 7800 So. $235. 2 BEDROOM air, 1391 So. 2nd East. 3634341, 1 bedroom. Near U. No smokers or pets. 532 4518. I BEDROOM apt. Part utils. or paid. $210. $150 216 N. 800 West, 1 bdrm.," RENTALS carpeted. Utils, extra. TO SHARE AVENUES. Large 1 bdrm. Air cond. Crapeted. $220. 2 BEDROOM apt. Close to Univ. MATCHING 8 $215 mo. Excel cond. CLOSE TO TOWN ROOMMATES 9 Clean, studio. $175. LARGE 2 BEDROOM close to TO FIND A ROOM town. $250. $100 deposit. OR FILL ONE 1 BEDROOM Avenue. 315 F Street. $165. No pets. Trolley Corners 7th E. $1$ So. 2H $20-BEDROOM, $C0 deposit. FEMALE to share with same 1246 East Stratford, very nice 2 bdrm. home downtown location, recently remodFURNISHEO eled need only bedroom furniAPARTMENTS ture must see to appreciate. $)7Smo. plus Vs utils. Call ext. 211. VALLEY RENTALS FEMALE wants female room"SINCE 1972" mate. Own bdrmbath. Complex Utah's Leading Rental Experts with pool, tennis plus amenities. Great drinker. $100 HEAT PAID singles ward. Jeannie, Cozy 3 room, near Forest Dale 359 3533 (days). Small advance fee DEPENDABLE mate to share RCSEPARK AREA with same at Cobblecreek. Streams pool and social center. $135 Utils, paid, cozy 3 room! Drinker but non tmcklng. $195 small advance foe mo. mornings $155 2 BEDROOM FEMALE Roommate wanted to Kids ok, cable TV hookups! 4 bdrm. secluded home on share, small advance fee Capitol Hill. Available Aug. 13th. $200 mo. plus Vs utils. OLYMPUS COVE wanted. roommate FEMALE $225 Utils, paid dean 1 bdrm. $110 plus lights. Near bus, "U", Small advance fee before 7pm, Trolley Sq. MANAGEMENT! Free 2 bdrm., manage 45 units Free 1 bdrm,, manage 28 units $25 2 bdrm., manage 21 units small advance fee $135 MIDVALE Utilities pd., dean 3 rooms! small advance fee $210 3 BEDROOM Fenced for kkts, rent option small advance fee Hundreds More To Choose From! VALLEY RENTALS 487-876- 1 2038 So. 700 E. Open 7 days PLACEMENT GUARANTEED ONLY AT RENTAL DATA The Computerized Rental Service 469 EAST 3300 SOUTH $125 ALL UTILS PAID I $171 I 3 large Advtnce fee 5 ROOM HOUSE-$22- 5 Completely furnished with part utils paid. Advance foe, BEDROOMS $195-Private yard, tingle earaew. Small pats OK. Advance toe. 100'S MORE FURNISHED&UNFURN DAILY GUARANTEED PLACEMENT 486-744- 1 RENTAL DATA POOL Our adult community 1 bedroom offer pts. easy access to downtown. Live dose to work and shopping, while relaxing at the pool or near by park. - . .t WORKSHOP-GARAG- E bdrms. with bsmt., 2 bath kids, air cond., fireplace only $400 small advance foe HIGHLAND PARK 2 bdrms., kids pets move at $275 small advance foe MOVE TODAYI bdrm. with full bsmt. $190! ! small advance fee UTILITIES PAID Spacious 4 room kids pets $200 small advance fo GARAGEFIREPLACE 4 bdrms., fenced, kids pets $300 small advance fee HOLLADAYAREA 3 bdrms., fenced kids pets $375 small advance foe RENT TO OWN 2 bdrms., kids pets carport, $770 small advance foe $350 4 BEDROOM With full bsmt., fenced, frplc. ' ' small advance foe ... CANYON RIM $385 4 bdrms., with bsmt., petti small advance foe HEAT PAID $22$ clean z bdrm., kldspefti small advance tea $210 3 BEDROOM call Rent foovwt family-size- , alter 7pm advance foe small ROOMMATE wwited to share 3 ROSE PARK AREA bdrm. home So. East loc. $140 mo. plus 13 utils. Available 2 bdrms., kidtpets fine at $220 small advance fee August 1. 2 LDS girls share with seme 4 UOFU bdrm. furnished home, West side. 7 bdrm. with bsmt., kidtpefs, Own bdrm. Utils paid by owner, fenced yard, can't last $20011 , , 261 353V, 967 8664. small advance fee 407761 ATTENTION STEWARDESSES SANDY AREA All amenities. Share mansion. 4 bdrms. with bsmt., kxfspets 2 View, hoi tub. Most elaborate. baths, fenced yard, yours $395 LIBERAL roommate needed, to small advance foe share 3 bdrm. luxury duplex In $230 2 BEDROOM lower Cottonwood area, $170mo. Great for kkts, Murray area 1 eves. small advance foe IDS GIRLS $160 HOUSE Need female roommates. Eniov New carpets, kidspets. Hurryl Home Evening. small advance foe Family ROOMMATE REFERRAL $180 2 BEDROOM SERVICE: Let us find you a Rent to own kldipeti Hurryl I suitable roommate: 487841 wnall advance toe YOUNG LDS woman wants to FOREST DALE share 2 bdrm. apt. with woman. 3 bdrms., 2 baths, fireplace $300 $150. HOUSEMATE wanted. Share lrg, small advance foe house in West Valley. $200 plus VS BUDGET PLEAS Utils. 969 9557 $299 3 bdrm. house, won't last! TO FEMALE share apt. house. small advance foe 4074761 Clean end responsible $150 plus $400 5 BEDROOM Vi utils, and dep. 3646780 With bsmt., kidspets garage!! NICE furnished home. All utili4tf 4761 small advance fee ties paid $150 mo. Call Prefer student COUNTRY ACREAGE LDS Girl wants same to share 2 3 bdrm. dbie. garage only $360 bdrm. So. east luxury duplex. 4874761 small advance fee $140 plus Id Utils UTILITIES PAID . LDS Male wentt to share $2351 home with male. Clean 2 bdrm., kidspets Taylorsville 4874761 fee small advance 7173 $140 month. 969 Hundreds More To Choose From! FEMALES need same to share. Foothill area, own room SI 18 VALLEY RENTALS on but line. LDS GIRL needs girl to share EXPERIENCE COUNTS Murray condo, $150 plus Vs utils Vickie 262 3059, 968 5839, 487-876- 1 : LDS girls w&nt female room mate lrg. house, no dep. own 2038 So. 700 Open 7 Day room, near "U" $125. ROOMMATE needed. 3 bdrm home In Sandy $300 month. John 566 3945; after 6 pm 566 3104. DIVORCED man needs rmmate W. Valley 4 bdrm. home. MALE fo share home with same. No smoke $165,942-1624- , GIRL to share with ONLY AT 2 bdrm. pool $180. GIRL wants girl 65 utils, paid 484A505. apt SHARE house, garden, in $160, Vs utils. LDS female needs female fo The Computerized Rental Service 469 EAST 3300 SOUTH share home Cottonwood WE HAVE 100'SI! It " GIRLS needs same to share HOUSES! PLEXES! APTS! beaut, apt 8177.50. ALL AREAS! ALL PRICES! WALK TO "U", split utilities 5 4TH AVENUE $185 . wavs. $95. 2 bdrms. all plus hookto share ups. 132 unitsappiit. Female WANTED; available today Sugar House 3 bdrms. under $200. Advance foe. LIBERAL male wants male fo $325 MURRAY share, $140 plus utils. 3 bdrm. house with fireplace, air tots of fruit trees. Advance foe ROOMS SINGLES HIDEAWAY $175 Small home with full bsmt. new and paint. II Advance foe. carpet SINGLE-Doub- le rooms, downNO FEES ON THESEII town, flrepl. kitchen, washer, dryer, non smokers, no pets. Several 3 and 4 bdrm. homes vailaM tfrirunut the yflley $M) Prefer artful tenants. 532 6M0. and UP. SLEEPING Room with kit. priviFAMILY NEIGHBORHOOD leges, laundry tec. $50 wk. Love-lneighborhood 4 bdrm. deluxe home with , CLOSE-INmen only, share beautiful landscaping, $475. kitchen and bath, air condition, Dozens of larger homes available $130, daily. Advance foe CAPITOL Hill, view, clean, $100 Mouth Ol Big Cottonwood utils, paid. 3 bdrms , I'i beths, fuff bsmt, A NO SMOKING, ladies only. Ave. steal af $350. Advance foe or 521 5911, area Call ROSE PARK $210 ROOM with kitchen privlledget. 2 bdrm. house parklike setting. $05 per mo. Small children OK. Advance fee. BOARD and room for men. $110 per month 502 9174, 3281026 $225 3 bdrm.: ROOM FOR RENT Newly remodeled. I las private 5614883 yard with patio. Children OK $90. AND $125. New paint. 657 1 Advance foe East 100 So. 2786773, RENT TO OWN $350 CLEAN Rooms, shower, laundry. 4 bdrms. dbl. baths, large yard. 222 W. 3rd So. 532239, 2786367. 24th East. Several other Near U, bus, prkg., nice quief, Approx. lease available. options So 165 Up, 160 945 E. Also Studios Advance foe 3 - ; - - . Etl Furniture No Problem If you cannot find a suitable furnished apt., rent unfurnished and rent furniture you like -- with option to buy. Very Reasonable Rates-Fa- st Delivery. e Furniture Rente! 143 West 2400 So. CONVENIENT LOCATION Super access fo work shopping and U of U. 1 and 2 bedroom iptt. COZY Apt For Retirees $125 Mo. All others $160 per mo. Air cond. and secure. No. Temple aptt. 14 West No. Tempts. Apply to Se Rancho Motel, desk Manager, 640 West North Temple. 4 room FURNISHED duplex opts, lawn In front, air cond., on nr small child. $300 mo. Apply Se Rancho Motel, 640 West No. Temple, office. 1 OR 2 BEDROOM apt., air cond. utilities peid except lighfs.Apptv to: Desk Manager, Se Rancho Mitel 640 West North Temple. STUDIO ART. Gas paid. $17$. NO (tvlWrn gr pH 41$ 1ft Avon will show Manager in Apt. apartment anytime from II through 30 Call I BDRM.$1S5-$19mature adults only, refer ences.JJ35E Jk d So. I AND 2 BEDROOM wxTttudiot, U Ave Downtown, Sua'house, So. Salt Lake, Magna. No pets. QUIET BUILDING, $18220. 1 bdrm. ail utils except lites. No pets, no children. Parking 62So West Temple. See 7 p.m. ELDERLY Gentleman. Beautiful fum. apt In Mt Olympus priv. home. $225 and $350. All utils. Ind. pool No drinkers. 454 EAST SOUTH TEMPLE Clean, quiet, air cond. I bdrm. Off street prkg , security dr. laundry. Adults. No pets. Ref's. LOVELY bdrms., tsnnis, pool, hot tub, many extras, maid e service avail. Marianne, 731 So. 3rd East 3556666. PETER PAN APARTMENTS 445 East 3rd So. 1 bdrm. $725, studio $200. Furnished No pets or children. Security. 355 8937 loc. very nice. Quiet bdrm. Adults. No pets. dean 335 So. 2nd E for appt. 250 SOUTH 5th EAST, see Ron. 1 bdrm. $2 and heat pd. or 3o3-iNo pets. 51 SOUTH West TempkM'y bedroom apt. furnished $225 268- - 2417. mo. $100 dep. CAPITOL Hill Apts. Adults. No pets. 2 bdrms. parking. $250 jxer month 359 4689 bdrm. no smoke f or drlnkars 124 "G" Street. RESULTS f GUARANTEED J RENTAL DATA 100'S MORE ROOMS IN HOTELS MOTELS SUMMER SPECIALS $63, $70, $77 AND UP rm. In newly Weekly trnvel motel. Color TV, WE MATCH YOU IN MINUTES MAKE IT EASY ON YOURSELF RENTAL DATA-469- E 3300 S lit Weal 7 Days 486-744- 1 pbone. maid wrvice. air cond., pool, kitciwn available. Scott rt it ml 18m, Hotel MINI FARM Hortti Tempt HOTEL Mll.$ 3rd SOUTH WEST TEMPLE Weekly rater Roomt wlttt bath 34 hour switchboard. STRATFORD HOTEL Roome horn $40 a wk. tt 50 day. Clean, qulat. raspectabto. 180 E. 2nd So. $334(0) SOUTH JORDAN crei wim lrriglon weter. acre fn Jv5 alfalfa, batons pot fur bdrrm., 3 batfo. Lniihod fan.ll frpfc Centrat aY, bkx from Jordan River Twnefe La arant ( J $650 Mo. 2540,24 S wHti rn) |