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Show 6E The Salt Lake Tribune, Sunday, August Film 1, 1982 An Officer and a Gentleman A new, but old-fashion- g has been going on for generations, a left trail in the community. and has tragic Tribune Staff Writer v Keith David plays officer candidate Sid Worley, a An Officer and a Gentleman is an a strong, yet naive, sense of with man young and sometimes corny love story set in the promiscuSid becomes Zacks first real friend, the ous 1980s. It is a movie which starts out hopelessly morality. Zack can depend on. first person pessimistic, and ends with bubbling optimisim. These 13 weeks of training turn into the most It is an anachronistic movie, and one that period in Zacks life. Through the physical significant contradicts itself time and time again. It is a movie of and emotional trials of Officer Candidate School and extremes at one moment tragic, the next being confronted by three people his lover, his best romantic. irrepressibly he is forced to friend, and his drill sergeant But it isnt the inconsistencies of the film that stay scrutinize himself and his own insecurities. He with you. Nor is it the scenes filled with the seamy learns to care for other people. side of life. is full of An Officer and a Gentleman D.I. Instead, it is the films last, exhilarating scene sentimental cliches. Foley is the that stays in your mind, and leaves you feeling very who really has a heart of gold. Paula is the easy catch who actually does care for Zack. And Zack himself is good. Richard Gere plays Zack Mayo, the son of a the hollow man who needs a mirror shoved in front boozing, whoring Naval petty officer. We first meet of him to show who he really is. Zack when he is 13 years old, and arriving in the Yet through the performances, particularly those Philippines to find his father after his mother has of Winger and Gossett, there is depth to these died. (Young Zack is played by Tommy Peterson.) characters and situations. Throughout the movie Hie boy soon becomes an urchin on the streets of his Geres character grows on you too. Early in the film, fathers port of call. Zack is aloof, distanced, an American Gigolo with a We next see Zack after somehow he has graduated scraggly beard. But as the challenge of becoming an from college. He looks lean, mean and trusting of officer takes its toll, and as he realizes his feelings for nobody. For a graduation present his father has set Paula are more than skin deep, a more complex him up with a prostitute, but the old man ends up in character is revealed. We are watching someone bed with her himself. Tliere is something on Zacks come to know himself, and its a happy revelation. mind, and he stammers as he tells his father that Hie one thing An Officer and a Gentleman hes going to Port Rainers Naval Aviation Officer could do without are the drawn-ou- t scenes featuring Candidate School. He says he wants to fly jets; his Winger and Gere in bed. Not that the scenes are father laughs. offensive so much as they are too long and, well, From this beginning, we watch Zack shed his past, boring. open up and become both an officer and a gentleman. Hie road isnt easy, however. Louis Gossett Jr. gives a convincing performance SAN DIEGO CHARGERS as the tough, intimidating drill instructor Sgt. Emil vs. Foley. Foley revels in reviling his troops. He carries a stick on which he carves a notch for every officer SAN FRANCISCO 49ers candidate who D.O.R.s (drops out on request). His stick has several notches. Debra Winger creates the films most charismatic character, Paula Pokrifki, a young woman who Includes: works in a paper factory and dreams of better days. Round Trip Airfare Paula and her friend Lynette, (Lisa Blount), have 2 Nigntt Hotel designs on these future aviators. Lynette would do (Seme Ticket All Tran .ten and see the anything to marry a Baggage Handling world. We find out later in the film that this By Terry Orme Hammett finally due for release love story ed, husband-baitin- hard-as-nai- Caulfield By Deborah Los Angeles Time Writer Richard Gere in his graduation Debra Winger in a scene from officer whites embraces An Officer and a Gentleman. co-st- ar Want Ads are for buying a PIANO! meaMinB anyone Interested in learning how to construct and sell a script for . television or movies. Mr. Goldrup will concentrate on creative and technical approaches to script ' writing, including layout and format, character and plot development, . dialogue, transition and camera angles. He will visually illustrate major points under discussion with film and video clips. . The seminar will be held from 7 to 9 p.m. on Aug. 12, 19 and 26 in the Chicago Bridge Room of the YMCA, 737 E. 200 South. Mr. Goldrup has been assistant story editor at Fun ta Ml ladtcatai 'ill v ' ''" 'j , Chuck Wagon Omeleti Fruit & Paltry Tablet Freih Baked Salmon Barbecue Ribi Tariaki Steak Stripi Ranch Potatoes Ham, Bacon, Sausage I : srmiwm'm sMiaiss ,jln. a:.,. Lit mXBAYMGOrOXLY! Mr. Goldrup. FAMLIMGHT 9 Barbecue Beef Ribs The Doobie Brothers Final Concert Tour Buffet style,1 BRASS BAND August 1,1982 )! Ft. Douglas Band Pavilion Ft. la 41m 1, 1970 Cede FREE ADMISSION lor MATURE oudi - Persons under 17 not odmirted. unless oc PAT METHENY GROUP compomed by porent or adult guordian Persons under 18 not od In mined Adults Only Persons under 18 not odmrtted neither rated by Motion Picture nor exhibitor Picture Cgpnai t -- 0 AM to 3 PM August 2 Concert Snowbird Institute presents the Pat Metheny Group in concert1 Pat Metheny s blend of azz and rock sells out concerts across the country and puts them at the top of the charts See them outdoors on the Plaza at Snowbird Monday August 2 at 8 p m Tickets are $7 in advance $8 at the door Get them now at Snowbird Cosmic Aeroplane Records and through Datati at ZCMI stores Snowbird Institute f(Ul!3.t jf 1 I Bill 8.95 person (All the Ribs You Can Eat!) INCLUDES: Soup or salad bar Baked potato Homemade bread Fresh fruit garnish Man, Dm, tta.m.te 10:300m. W5 J Fd. IS at. D am. te )2g.m. Quality Steaks and Seafood Dinners Served Wed. to Sat. 0 PM IMHUIH Reservations Preferred ' 2 miles above Hogle Zoo 2110 Emigration Canyon 582-899- Deluxe Labor Day Weekend Package in San 1982. Diego, CA, Sept. FOOD mlcr the Direi turn of ( TAKI-CUT- S 268-963- o S' h t3 (3b dSTi t$Dl E r & M W SPECIAL DINNER FOR 2 10 off from 4:00 to 1 1 iOO PHONE r OCAl HI I of DM 7 lt in L Ml- ND IIO IMIKPKI I UOKMH.HAPm IKODl FMI KIAIVMI Including Airfare from Salt Lake 3 nights in the Catamaran Hotel All required transfers Ail required taxes. 2 Padre Baseball games Doobie Brothers Concert Gigantic Fireworks Show Al M KM At ITS Ol IAINMI AKlh n ( llt) MR V R Opportunities ANM Al MAJOR PRODl l ION Pi KIORMAV i s OR M s s MAI s t I It ( Ml Rt H l HI UOKIMV. II s OITOKU KM ORDst (Aini-KIIPI OR1 ASSOt IAIION VV.III IROI I ss AND OKI. WIAIIONS NUlos 1s I FOR APPOINTMENT AND ADDITIONAL INFORMATION CALL (('.70851 566-510- 1 1 ION Dim tor sit. Kuis M I Professional Instriuhon in SIYI is K UK A1 IKAINIV. Pork Chow Mam Egg Foo Yung Ham Friad Rtca Soup, Tea and fortune cookie 1 lt. Entertainers I) KIM AU CHINESI ( JUST KIDDIN' 1 t fit) P.M. aSMtsd mi ftcMra Irntlmer GLENCAMBEU Douglas 6:30 Ruiattm. RESTRICTED d Prairie Morning Breakfast '' '' By CAPITOL ENGLISH ernes (porentol gutdonce sug gelled) Ail ogn odmitted L3 '' ' Sett Suggested 1 lUj CtNERAt owd Suggested ernes All oges odmirted ftfl 1 )l (or fipw Served Sundays script Bw 91m was Mtr ths Mattsa at uOlMi to Chang, without nolle. 4S5-336- 1. Special Concert Repeat Performance SEAL THIS (x) of 1980. For more information on the seminar contact Q2D approved The American Indian Film Festival in San Franscisco named his Windwalker best screenplay TVrattafi aw hr ntWMi tear March 9 SOUTH STATE ST. r -- 535 E. 4500 S. 94 So. Main Suite B 200 Heber City, SLC.Ut 84107 Ut 84032 266-211- ANNOUNCEMENT tasteful advertising of ell lawful services, end of ail products that are legally manufactured and distributed. The Sett Lake Tribune does not, accept advertisements of Aims legally adjudged pornographic or legally cited ee pornographic In formal complaint Consistent with this poll y, The Tribune accepts no adverting matter In which the exhibitor himself proclaims a Aim "pornographic' by specific description, double entendre, suggestive Illustration or any other device. gfiW0HD 15 th; ST Tribune Advertising Policy The Salt Lake Tribune's basic advertising policy is to accept the MOVfE AUDIENCE GUIDE SUN N SURF TRAVEL pient of the Golden Spur Award for Best Television in 1979 for The a two-hoInnocent, episode of How The West Was Won. He also received President Carters Committee on Mental Retardation Award. fic- re-sh- ot Call Now for Reservations. MGM and was the reci- the on Coppolas DastneU Hammett tional tale of the famed author film ffered started seven years ago. Problems mthe part, to have Hnrino its making were said, of Coppolas contributed to the financial undoing Zoetrope Studios. Hammett, starring Frederic Forrest (a perenin the nial Coppola player) was initially completed Coppola executive producer when fall of 1980. But he felt viewed director Wim Wenders final product production it to be unreleasable and ordered the of the fdm back in front of the cameras. Portions last October in an attempt to salvage the were film. It apparently worked. Hammett opened at this springs Cannes Film Festival and has since played in Paris to enthusiastic audiences, a Zoetrope spokesman said. The film is scheduled to be released under the Orion-WamBros, banner this fall in exclusive the country . around engagements in releasing the film Perhaps eventually the delay will become a hidden blessing. Renewed interest in the life of DashieU Hammett has resulted in a special on his life that will be shown on public television stations around the country Oct. 6. ls Options San Diego Zoo, Sea World, Tijuana Ray Goldrup, screenwriter for Gunsmoke, The Waltons, Little . House On Hie Prairie, ' Grizzly Adams and the film Windwalker, will conduct a writing seminar, beginning Aug. 12. The seminar is for Whatever happened to Francis Hammett? Naval-officer-to-- Screenwriting seminar - HOLLYWOOD 290( - clip Great1 MSTAUZANT 275 IAST n PORT UNION ftLVD. 200 MIDVAll, UT, 54047 SUfTI EVERYDAY SPECIALS LUNCH SPECIAL includes soup or salad $25 T for avaryday Staak and Shrimp InciiNring soup or taiad CHINESE LUNCH ... SPECIAL ul.d M Noon Mm Sal E. 3900 11 STUDENTS 595 PRIME RIB 1142 BACK TO SCHOOL DINNER SPECIAL Prime Rib W PERM SALE MON & DADS SK73 Mil, Saa. J 12 M 10 SOUTH tfeu, Czu Evening .thrbug HAWAIIAN cAND HIS ORCHESTRA IN CONCERT Sh.mp The Little Ads that pay off BIG! to place your can 237-200- 0 MONDAY, AUG. 16 8:00 P.M. WANT AD ! $10 PER PERSON (tax included) Tickets at Hotel Utah Condition Precision Cot; Perm j B NECESSARY GRAND BALLROOM Emc hiding Holidaym.Oec EnpirceJM) July982 I ; Stylo t: PRECISION HAIRPJTTERS Hourti Mon. thru Frl. Inside . . . : 10-- 9 Sat. 3 10-- 6 VALLEY FAIR MALL 969-141- 0 1 |