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Show Solon in Idaho Starts Jail Stay A ar-s- w I ' u. r 1 'lows' ! i ij :ln' 1 i w- y 'As Wf . ,Cf State Rep. George WEBSTER, Idaho (AP) chairman of the Idaho Danielson, House State Affairs Committee, has started a two-dajail sentence for drunken driving. this Danielson, who is not running for year after seven terms in the Legislature, also was fined $300 Friday when he appeared before Washington County Magistrate Gregory Culet for sentencing on a drunken driving conviction last month. The charges stemmed from a traffic accident near Weiser last year. Culet ordered Danielson to start his jail sentence at 5 p.m. Friday, but Sheriff Jim Johnston said Danielson entered the jail at 1:30 p.m. Johnston said he wouldnt allow a reporter to interview Danielson in jail, citing jail policy. Deputy Prosecutor Charles Kroll recommended a suspended four-da- y jail sentence and two years probation with the condition that Danielson use no alcohol and continue his membership in Alcoholics Anonymous. Kroll also asked that Danielson be fined $250 and ordered to pay $294 in court costs that were incurred when Danielson and his Boise attorney, William Roden, failed to appear for a June 3 trial date. Instead, Culet ordered Danielson to pay a $300 fine and $11.50 in court costs, accepting the explanation accounted for Roden and that an office mix-uDanielsons failure to appear on June 3. Danielson was convicted of drunken driving by a trial June 18. He jury after a day-lon- g testified he was not intoxicated when his car hit the rear end of a loaded beet truck on U.S. 95 near Weiser on Nov. 10, 1981. He suffered a head injury and a broken leg in the accident. - I : i N M. " CLOUDY RAIN M SNOW SCATItKEDr-SHOWERS id WARM FRONT" COLO FRONTS STATIC FRONT" MIAMI i rm HtOH TSMMftATUtlS Temperatures will be in the I most of I high 90s throughout 91 FOtlCAsSI 4T ICnil SHOWN the region Sunday, with to 25 winds rising up mph. Chance of Rain Persists With Highs Near 100 National WoatlMr Sarvica Data Highs will bo In the 90s both Sunday and Monday, with winds ranging from 15 to 25 mch. Lows will be In upper 60s, and there Is a slight chance of an afternoon thundershower on Monday. Lo Pradp Hi Utah Antelope Island Blending Brigham City. Bullfrog Cedar City Coalville Delta Duchesne Fillmore Green River er 94 70 91 103 96 91 55 59 76 54 56 97 95 95 99 54 63 63 Motorcyclist Killed 52 Evanston Kammerer Salt Lake Weather Data: Precipitation for the period ended Saturday at 5 p.m. none. Pt ampliation for July, 2.57 accumulative excess 1.87. Precipitation since Oct. excess, 1961, 17.55, accumulative 3.99. Sunrise 6:24 MDT. Sunset 8:44 MDT. Wyoming 86 84 Montana Helena W. Yellowstone ELECTRICAL SHAKERS WIRE CONDUIT LIGHT GLOSES LIGHT FIXTURES SAVE AT KETCHUMS 400 S. 800 95 93 59 57 WEST Pacific States 65 Anchorage 54 Fairbanks 90 Honolulu 70 Juneau 87 Los Ar ales 70 Portland 76 San Diego 64 San Francisco 64 Seattle 88 Spokane 54 47 77 52 67 58 69 52 54 60 Bismarck Chicago Detroit Duluth Kansas City Minneapolis OkiahomaCtty Omaha Rapid City $t. Louis 86 60 63 57 60 62 59 73 63 56 66 81 67 92 85 79 77 89 89 ....88 92 91 0dn .06 .02 .01 giiinniiiiniiifigl 0 a 0 a 0 a Warehouse Liquidation Center 0 0 0 0 175 West 1300 South 0 0 0 0 0 ditcontinusd, floor models or reconditioned merchandise. Limited quantity only. All merchandise tif action or your money back. Saars fully warranted. Chary welcome. Outlet Store hours: 9:30 a.m. until 6.00 p.m. Open Monday thru Saturday. This ad is effective thru Saturday Aug. 7. All items subject to prior sale. Phone: 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 321-446- 9 Cut $50 Sew Machine Was $109.99 1227, zig-za- & Love Seat Floral velvet, industrial nylon Sofa LXI 0 Cut $100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 ... levels Built-i- Dishwasher n 79241, 18 61948A, electric Cut $200 Refrigerator 60791A, white 17 cu. ft. Cut $130 Brown Swivel Chair Was $279.99 19581, vinyl 17.7 Cut Dedr-Wo- 3230 Was 330.00 Unit 40843, storage 0 Cut $140 Wood Night Stand Was $189.96 14506, wbrass 28751 .... Cut $130 Twin Headboard Was $169.99 1458 woodbrass., Cut $25 Twin Bunk Board Was $39.99 (only 20) Cut $120 Queen Foundation 79917 0 Was $159.99 0 Cut $60 Gym Set Was $149.99 72267 55. Arizonan Dies In Crash KANAB (AP) A Arizona woman was killed Saturday when the car she was driving ran off the road and rolled over, the Utah Highway Patrol said. Advertisement Hearing Tests Set For Senior Citizens tests will be Electronic 0099 llO 39" 49" 39" 14" 39" 89" ... per- Anyone who has trouble hearing is welcome to have a test using the latest electronic equipment to determine if his loss is one which may be helped. Some of the causes of hearing loss will be explained, of how the ear works will be shown. jand diagrams test at least Everyone should have a hearing 0 once a year if there is any trouble at all hearing clearly. Even people now wearing a hearing aid or 0 those who have been told nothing could be done for B 0 them should have a hearing test and find out whether the latest methods of hearing correction can help them hear better. The free hearing tests will be given Monday and Tuesday from 9 A.M. to 5 P.M. at 2112 South 1100 East. If you cant get there on Monday and Tuesday, 0 and arrange for an appointment at call another time. testing is also available. 486-930- I! n In-ho- L! 101 THE STATE OF UTAH INVITES YOUR BID ON THE FOLLOWING HOUSE AND LOT: 2907 Pingree Ave. 549" 1 ll Was $189.99 46995 149" cu. ft. Refrigerator Was $789.95 61884, ice maker ... Cut $240 329" 179" OAS7 Was $519.95 Was $669.95 19" Q 1 Q95 Cut $200 Lady E Dryer 0 0 0 Cut $230 Portable Dishwasher Was $559.99 70074, 3 water Cut $150 White Table 0 0 37088 0 0 0 22098, almond Was $314.99 The Tribune Special The Utah Veterans of Foreign Wars will hold its annual family outing at Saratoga Resort Sunday. The event is to start at noon. All members, people interested in becoming members and guests are invited. LEH1 0 form the tests. Cut $250 Glassbrass End Table Cut $135 VFW Sets Annual Outing to Trooper Roger Cutler identified the woman as Viola Dunn of Phoenix. A passenger in the car, Robert Stalder, 52, Phoenix, suffered minor injuries in the accident. Cutler said. The trooper said Mrs. Dunn, who was driving, apparently lost control of her car on U.S. 89 about 19 miles north of the Arizona border. He said the car left the highway and rolled over. Ogden, Utah 111 U 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 Rot. No. 201348 SOCIAL SERVICESRECOVERY SERVICES HOUSE SIZE: Dwelling 806 Sq. Ft (Storage) BSMT. 484 Sq. Ft. 2660 Sq. Ft (0.6 Acres) LOT SIZE: 23"X95" Minimum Acceptable Bid: $11,000.00 This is an older home in need of some repairs. If has been newly roofed, wired, and has a new gas furnace. The lot is fully fenced. This home and lot have been appraisod for $26,000.00 in Dec. 1980. of the bid price in the form of a cashiers check or money 5 order must accompany each bid. within 60 Payment in full must be made to the State of Utah days of the bid closing. 486-181- 2 Ext. For further information contact Diane Winter at 627-054146, in Ogden call George Miles at All bids must be submitted to room 147, of the State Capitol Bfflg. on or before 10:30 A.M. August 17, 1982. 1 - Denis H. Browning State Surplus Property Coordinator Area Deaths Rachel 29. 1982. MANZANARES, Dora. East Cartoon City, July 30, 1982. NIELSON, Norman M., Edmonds, Wash., June )1, 1981 OLSEN, Reymund P., Emery, July 30, 1982. ORTON, Elco, Cedar City, July 29. 1982. ROSE, Ruth T Sait Lake City, July X, 1981 SCHOW, Clifton P., Lehi July X, 1982. SHARPLES, Lkd A., Salt Lake City, July X, 1982. SHEPHERD, Erschel E., Provo, July X. 1982. STREET. Pearl, Hater City, July 31,1982. TAYLOR, Mar earet, Salt Laka City, July 31, 12. TOOTH. Martha C., Manti, July 31.1982. UFFENS. Joseph D. Salt Laka City. July X, 1982. Ruth T. Rose Ruth Thomas Rose, 90, former resident of the Belvedere Apartments, passed away July X, 1982. Born June 25, 1892, Malad, Idaho, to William Henry and Ann Edith Reynolds Thomas. Married Harry H. Rose, June IS, 19X. Member, LDS Church and the Hidoen Valley Country Club. Goll ladies was state enthusiast; champion. Partner In the Rose Printing Company. Survived by sister and brother, Kathryn Zabriske and T. Paul and nieces several Thomas; nephews, including Louise Neal of Salt Lake City. Graveside services will be held Wasatch 1:00 p.m., Monday, Lawn Memorial Park, under the direction of Larkin Mortuary. T 81 T t Clara Margaret Taylor V., Salt Lane City, July 30, 19R2. Arnolds BALLING, River Hetgnts, July 31. 1982. Black, Liovd h Sait Lakt City, July 29. 1982. CHRISTENSON. Michael Salt Lake City, July 31.1982. DAUGHERTY, Emille Pearce. Oranc Calif., July 16, 1982. EARL, Merlin W., alt Lake City. July 31, 1982. FEARNLEY, Welter, Salt Lake City. July 30, 19k. GARRETT, Clara O., Salt Lake City, July 31, 1982. JOHNSON, Eva, West Valley Oty, July 29, 1982. LOWRY, Roy O., Tooele. July ALMAZAN, 81 Area Births Births reoortod at Salt Lake City area hospitals for tha 244wur period ended 9 p.m. Saturday Include: LDS Hospital Elsa Fackrell TayAAargeret lor. age 76, died July 31. 1982, in a iocai hospital, ptmape Boro FeCa ua- ry 20, I I90i Falls Idaho , I d a h o , I o and.: & Seymour Priscilla Sparks Jr Fackrell. ned G. Douglas Taylor. January 1. 1938, m the S. Salt Lake LOsV. W-TempleHe passed away in 1975. Graduate " of the U of U. Member of Delta Delta Delta Sorority and Daughters of the Utah Pioneers. Retired school teacher-librariaLibee Edward and Vista Elementary Schools. Survivors: sons: Stephen D. and Roger F. Taylor, both of Sail Lake City; daughter, Ann Bowler, Columbia. Maryland; 16 8 grandchildren; sister, Carol Tofea, Clea' Lake Park. California. Preceded in death by her usr band and one son. Funeral services will be Tuesday, 100 p.m., Valiev View Stake Center, 2200 East 3900 South. Friends may call at Mac Kay Cottonwood Mortuary, 4670 Highland Drive, Monday, 8 p.m. and at the stake center on Tuesday, one hour prior to services. Interment, Salt Lake City Cemetery. ,1 81 T 82 N3 D. Uffens Joseph Joseph D. Uffens, 71, died July X, 1982 in a Salt Lake Hospital. Born May 21. 1 191), Salt Lake I City to Uffo anal Seinie G. Ut-Member! tens. LDS Church a n dr Owned operated Jffensji Auto Metal! Works tromf to 1973. Survived by his wile, Dorothy Burg Uffens, one son, David, Joseph Mesa, Arizona; three grandchildren; Jason, Jeremy and Jacob; three brothers. William U., Menlo George Park, California; Nephi, Dr. LeGrand, both Sacramento, California; three sisters, Virginia Smith, Pearl Nvgren, Dorothy Thompson, all Salt Lake City. Funeral services wilt be held Monday, August I, 1982 at 12:00 Noon, Larkin Mortuary, 260 East South Temple, where triends may call Sunday 8 p.m. and Monday one hour prior to services. Wasatch Lawn Interment: Memorial Park. T 81 T 731 1945 Mkhael Christenson Lance Michael Christenson, age 20, our special Michael, passed away Julva Mr. and Mrs. Bert Pederson, 4570 S. 200 East, Murray, son. A Ar. and Mrs. D. Craig Wells, 3615 S. 6(30 West, West Valley City, son. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Knight, 310 S 1300 East, daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Morris Draper, 07 S. 50 West, Farming-ton- , so Mr. and (Art. Stephan S. Rigby, 1033 E. Cantor St., Bountiful, twin sons. Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Jones, 323 W. 1400 North, Bountiful, son. Mr. and Mrs. Steven D. Woodland, 5745 Beimlon Drive, son. Mr. and Mrs. Craie Mlxson, 3075 E. 4636 South, daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Scott Hansen, 1102 S. 900 East, son. Mr. and Mrs. William M. Anderson, 602S Brass Place, Kaams, daughter. AAr. and AArs. David T. Eyre, 339 W. Main, Grantsvllle, daughter. AAr. end AArs. Wayne E. Demka, 6040 Bran Place, daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Michael N. Jacklln, 4433 Trinity Ave., West Valley City, ton. Cottonwood Hospital AAr. and AArs. Richard J. Brews3409 E. Crest Road, West Valley City, son. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Clawson, 2231 W. 13460 South, Riverton, son. Mr. and Mrs. Keith P. Dyson, 3(54 S. 7000 West, Hunter, ion. Mr. and Mrs. Kent H. Freebalm, 11400 S. 1(24 East, Sandy, daughter. Mr. and AArs. Randolph O. Llebor, 3M9Squlracrast Drive, Kearns, son. Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Pace, Coalville, daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert R. Parker, 3127 S. 41(0 West, West Valley City, daughter. AAr. end AArs. Karl R. Plngey, 3436 Crown St., ton. ter, accident. Born May 20, 1962, Salt Lake City, to A.P. "Bud" and Kay B. Hokanton Christenson. Member of the LDS Church. He attended Olympus High School. mothSurvived by: father er; sister, Holly Brown; three and Todd. Darren, brothers, Drew; grandmother, Mrs. Lucille Hokanson; niece, Sarah Jane Christenson, all of Salt Lake City. Funeral services will be held Tuesday. 10:00 a.m., at MacKay Cottonwood Mortuary, 4670 Highland Drive, where friends may call one hour prior to services. Interment, Holiaday Memorial Park. T 81 Norman M. Nielson EDMONDS. WASH. Nor man Nielson died June II, 1982, in Edmonds, Washington. Bom In Provo and raised in Salt Lake City, he graduated from the University of Utah. World During War How It Goes Rizza said each charter adopts a foreign political prisoner. He said the organization, which opposes violence, only adopts prisoners who have been non-viole- The chapters duties are to write to the prisoner, or to the government that jailed him, to demand his release. We believe that if we produce enough pressure, something can happen," he said. He said most activities are directed at foreign governments and not at local issues. He said residents in both Boise and McCall requested his visit to help get chapters started. Marla Schneider, Boise, said she thinks Boise needs a chapter. Rights Situation Boise on the whole doesnt have a lot of awareness of international affairs, she said. We have a lot of rights here, and I dont think were aware of the number of places where human rights are abridged. Ms. Schneider said recent small infusions of refugees from Poland, Laos and Africa into the Boise area might be the spur Boiseans need to become more involved in international affairs. Although a meeting with Rizza Thursday night drew only a people, Ms. Schneider said she thinks more residents are interested in working to help free political prisoners. Garrett Grantsville Utah, to James k ano Eomund Annie Josephine Johnson Clark M a r r e Herbert William G a r r e I t November 26, s i later, in solemnized the Salt Lake LDS Temple He died April 26, 1941. Active member of the LDS Chorcn Member of The Kennedy Ditch Camp of the DUP. Survivors: children: AArs. Dan (Mary) Potter, Sandy; Beverly Frank land, Salt Lake City; AArs. Don (Dorothy) Robinson, Enterprise. Alabama; James W. and Harry Lee Garrett, both of Salt Lake City; Fred D. Garrett, West Valley City; Mrs. Hvrum (Elaine) Reich, Sandy; 32 grandchildren; X sisters: Mrs. Ethel Hays, Taylorsville; AArs. Marion Fulton, San Leandro, California; Mrs. Florence Brown, Grantsvilte; AArs. Alice Shields. Tooele. Funeral services will be Tuesday, 10.00 a.m., Emerson Ward Chapel, 1053 Emerson Avenue. Friends may call AAonday, p.m., Russon Brothers Mortuary, 255 South 2nd East and at the church on Tuesday, one hour prior to services. Interment, Salt Lake City Cemetery. T1 81 Eva Johnson WEST VALLEY CITY Eva Dean Allen Johnson, age 49, diod July 29, 1982, at her home. Born April 2 1933, in Bick net!, Utah, to Paul Knowlton and Eiia Baker Allen. Married Harold Johnson. November 2. in Elko. Nevada; later solemnized in, the Salt Lake! LDS Temple 1947, Mark. Elsinore; Park. T 81 T Clifton P. Schow Iris Irene Tidwell, May 17, 1971, Elko, Nevada. She died February 4, 1973. Bricklayer and Vemechanic. teran of World1 War II. AAember of the Lehi 8th LDS Ward. Survivors: three Mrs. Leona Schow, Lehi; Mrs. Edith Schow, North Hollywood, California; AArs. Lucile Schow, several II, he T wife, Wanda; daughters, Sandra and Carol; son, Richard; brothers and sisters: Loa, Ogden; MassachuMonson, Dorothy, setts; AAervIn, Tucson, Arizona; L.A. "Bud", Salt Lake City; Beverly, MacArthur, California; Marlene, Bountiful, Utah. Burial was June In 16 Edmonds, Washington. Funeral directors. Beck Funeral Home, Edmonds. 81 81 T nieces and 81 T 81 died July X, 1982 in Ferron, Utah. Bom July 6, 1892 In Emery City, Utah to James Peter and Sever ene Simonson Olsen. Married Eudean Worthington on May 19, 1915 In the Manti LDS Temple. He was a rancher. Member of LDS Churcn. Mayor of Emery City for many years. Served a mission for the LDS Church in the Northern States, counselor In the bishopric for 16 years. Was president of the Muddy Creek Company for many irrigation years and was secretary of the Grazing Board. Survivors: Son, Earl R. Olsen, Salt Lake Oty; daughter: Cleon Killpack, Ferron, Utah; nine X great grandchildren; two great great grandchildren; brother: Alonzo Olsen, Emery, Utah. He was preceded in death by his wife and a son Marvell Kent Olsen. Funeral services will be Monday, August 2, 11 a.m. in the Emery LDS Ward Chapel. Friends may call Sunday evening from 7 III 9 el the Fausett Mortuary in Castle Dale and I hour prior to services at the ward chapel. Interment will be in the Emery Cemetery. T 81 T 81 90, Arnold Balling UTAH RIVER HEIGHTS, Arnold James Balling, age 70, died July 31, 1982, at his home. Born August 24, 1911, in Logan, to Emelia Jensen and Christensen Balling. Married Beth Bott, November 2, 1937; marriage later solemnized In the Logan LOS Temple. He was a farmer and worked for A.H. Palmer and Sons Plumbing for 35 years. Sportsman. Loved hunting and fishing. Served as Eiders Quorum pre dent end High Priests Group leader in the LDS Church. Survivors: wife. River Heights; two dauohte.t: Mrs. Michael (Judy) Sargent, Brigham City; Mrs. Tetry Porter, (Arlene) Preston, Idaho; 11 grandchild; sisters ren; one and brothers: Mrs. A.B. (Anna) AArs. C.P. Crockett, Logan; (Nina) Sauer, Oakland, California; Harold and Mark Bailing, both of Logan. Funeral services will be held Tuesday, 12:00 noon. Hall Mxtu-arin Logan, where friends may call Monday, p.m., and Tuesday. one hour prior lo services. Interment, Locan City Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, the family to the suggests contributions Heart Fund or Cancer Society. T 81 T 81 Martha C. Tooth MANTI Afertha Carlson Tooth, age 89, of AAanti, died July 31, In the Gunnison Valley Hospital. Born March 12, 1883, In Logan, Utah, to Carl F. and Josephine Married Carlson. Jourgemon Edward K. Tooth, October 10, 1917, in the AAanti LOS Temple. He died April 16, 1979. She was an active member of the LDS Chruch-- a Primary teacher and counselor in the Primary and Relief Society. Relief Society teacher for over 40 years. Member of the AAanti Old Folks Committee for 20 years and a charier member of the Utopia Club. Survived by: daughter, Mrs. Howard (lots) Kribs, AAanti; three grandchildren: A. William Petersen, Bruce M. Peterson; Ann Peterson; five greatgrandchildren. Funeral will Tuesday, 2:00 p.m., Manti Vd4th LDS Ward Chapel. Friends may call Buchanan AAortuery, Monday, p.m., and one hour to prior services. Interment, AAanti City Cemetery. T 81 T in Heber City. Later solemnized In the 1909, Peter Olsen, d 81 Manti LDSl Temple. He died May 11, 1974. Served many years in positions of leadership in the LDS Church. Survived by: sister and brothers: AArs. Francis (Alice) Probst, Midway; Lewis Leonard Galli and John Lester Galli, both of Salt Lake City; numerous nieces and nephew. Funeral services will be Tuesday, 12:00 noon, at Olpin Heber City, where Mortuary, 9 friends may call Monday, p.m., and Tuesday, one hour prior to services. Burial, Heber City Cemetery. T 81 N3 82 Elco Orton CEDAR CITY Mary (Elco) Orton, age 58, died July 29, 1982, in a Salt Lake City hospital. Born February 1, 1924, In r City, Utah to Kenneth and Reta Bauer Gubler. Married Harold Orton August 4, 1941, In Si. George, Utah. The marriage was later solemnized in the St. George Temple June 7, 1977. Survivors: Cedar Husband, City; four sons, three daughters, Roland, AArs. Gloria Johnson, and AArs. Steve (Tamara) all Spanish Fork; Harold, Jr., Falrview; Kirk, Salt Laka City; Mrs. Reed (Vicki Lynn) Davis, Richfield; Kelvin, Cedar City; 24 grandchildren; two brothers, two sisters, Kay, Cal, both Hurricane; Mrs. Don (AAaggie) Shatter, Cedar City; AArs. Jerrle Learry, Virginia. Funeral services will be held AAonday. 12 noon, in the Cedar City 12th Ward Chapel. Friends may call Sunday, 7 to 8:X p.m., and AAonday, 10:30 to )1;X a.m., at the Boyer Southern Utah MorCedar Chy tuary. Interment, Cemetery. T T 1 Rachel V. Almazan Teas. AAarried Tom Lopez in Elko, Nevada, they were later divorced. She then married Max N. Young in Tiiuana, AAexko in 1975. AAember of the Catholic Church, St. Patrick's Parish. She was also a member of the Women of the Moose, Chapter 92. She is survived by her husband and one stepson. Max Young, both of Salt Lake; aisc one stepdaughter. Sherry Fair-fiel- d of Ogden. A memorial Mass will be celebrated Tuesday 7 p.m. at St. Patrick's Catholic Church, 1040 West 4th South. Funeral Directors Neil O'Donnell 6 Sons Mortuary. Roy D. Lowry ' ' ' : J A. Lloyd ' Sharpies Arden Lloyd Sharpies, age 67, died July X, 1982. Born July 5,8 in East 19)5, tol Millcreek, Beniamin ancj Gravest Mary Sharpies. Mar- - ried Oonnai Lucille James,! later divorced AAarried Graced Boyce Wilkey, u.i Evanston. f LDS Church. Veteran of World War II. Worked for Gibbons and Reed Concrete Products. Survived wife, Gract by: Sharpies; three sons and one daughter: .. . Thomas,. Rogers, Gerald and Arnef, all of Sait Lake City; 12 grandchildren; three three brothers and six sisters: Mrs. Howard (Myrtle) AJIington, Mrs. William (Dahlia) Odd, Mrs. Jack . (June) Ocwmes, all of Ogdenr . Beniamin Ralph, Roosevelt; Nephi; Elmer, AArs. Lucy Sto-dard, Donna Lee Sharpies, ail o( Sait Lake Cit; Mrs. Milton (Bess) Hobbs, San Jou, California. Funeral services will be Tuesday, 12:00 noon, Lee Ward, 601 AAansfield (3065 South). Friends may call AAonday, 8 p.m.. White Chapel Mortuary, 124 South 4th East, and Tuesday at the church, one hour prior to services. Interment, Murray City Cemetery. TB1 N3 82 Walter Fearnley Walter Fearnley, age 71, died July X, 1982, of a lono illness. Bom April 5, 1911, in Leeds, Yorkshire. England, to Albert and Sarah Emily Lake City, FearOsborne AAarried nley. Mary C. Smith, November 19, in Sait 1934, marriage later solemnized the Salt Laka LDS Temple. High Priest in the Salt Lake City. 26th Ward. Served ki the U.S. Navy. Active Scouter. Survived by: wife: sons, Walt AAemphis, Tennessee; a Albert, Richard Smith, Salt Lake Citvi daughter, Mrs. Ed (Kathleen) Millham, Murray; 11 grandchild- ran; one sister,, AArs. Laura Lind ley. Salt Lake City. . Funeral services will be Tuesday, 11:00 a.m., Deseret AAortu-ar36 East 700 South, where 8 friends may call AAonday, p.m., and Tuesday, one hout Interment, prior to services. Centerville Cemetery. 81 T 8V T w- - Emilie Pearce Daugherty Emilie Pearce Daugherty, 45, died July 16, 1982, in Orange, Calif., of a short illness. She will be missed deeo- - j ly by all whof loved her. She was bom! Jan. 27, 1937, ini Richfield, Utah. She graduated from South High 1955, School, and moved to CaliforniaBill Married later 1951; , 1 dl- - vorced. Survivors: parents, Wesley and Louise Pearce, 2140 E. Crystal Ave., SLC, UT 84106; som. Bill, Rick and Sage Daugherty; daughter, Susan; brother, E. Jay Pearca, LaCanada, Calif. T 81 T 81 Dora Manzanares EAST CARBON CITY-Gen- eva Dora Manzanares, age 61, died July X, 1982, in a Price hospital. Born June 1, 1921, Governor) New Mexico, to Antonio and Maria Lucero Gallegos. Married Manuel O. Manzanares, October 29, 1937, In Durango, Colorado: Member, Catholic Church. Resident of Carbon County since 1945.- Survved by: husband, East Carbon City; six sons: Bennie, Grants Pass, Oregon; Ray and Joe, Edmond, Washington; Ron, Ferron; Kenneth, East Carboy five Steve, Hiawatha; City; AArs. Tom (Elaine) daughters: Grabiee, Sadie, Mrs. Bob (VirgiMrs. Jeannie Sanchez, nia) Maestas, Dolores, all of Price; 4C grandchildren; brothers and sisters: Willie, Mancos, Colorado; Gilbert, Mvssa, Oregon; Mrs. Carlotta AAartinez, Saiida, Colorado; AArs. Joe (Logarda) Manzanares, East Carton City; AArs. Bill (Pat) Connell, Ontaria, Oregon. AAass of the Christian Buriat. 10:00 am.. Good Tuesday, Shepherd Catholic Church, East Carbon City. Holy Rosary will be recited AAonday, 7:00 p.m., Mitchell Chapel, Price. Fiends may call Sunday and AAonday prior fo mass. Cemetery. T Prica Burial, 81 City 81 T Merlin 1 81 W. Earl AAerlin Wright Earl, age 67 died July 31, 1952. following a long illness. Born AAay 27, 1915, In Tremonton, to Andy and Agnei Utah, AAcComb Earl. Married Alice Miller Dunn, June 12, 1937, in She passed away, Tremonton. June 8, 1976. Retired employee of LDS Ideal Cement. AAember, Church. Lived in Clearfield and AAorgan prior to moving to Sat Lake Citv in 1978. Survivors sons and daghters: Mrs. Ellis (Ann) Rust, AAorgan; Jim M., Ogden; Dennis L , Salt Lake City; Mrs. Linda Reagan. New Jersey; AArs. Freehold. Michael (AAarsha) Tuttle, Roy; AArs. Terry (Debra) Ross, Clearfield; Raymond A., Ogden; 16 grandchildren; brothers and sister: Jessy J. Earl, Deweyvilie; G. Everett Earl, Ogden; Mrs. Rebecca E. Dansle, Riverton. Graveside services will be held 11 :X AAonday, a.m., Elysian Burial Gardens. Friends may call AAonday, a.m., AAortuary, 4760 South State. T TOOELE Roy O. Lowry, age 75, died July 29, 1982, in a Tooele hospital. Born September 12, 1907, in Salt Lake City, to Ralph Roscoe and Sarah Frances Dunyon Lowry. Married AAargaret Bryan, December 31, 1927, Loa Angeles, California; solemnized April S, W55, in the Salt Laka LDS Temple. Worked as a machinist tor over X years with Texas Gulf, Inc. Former resident of Moab. Survivors: Lee, wife; ton, Rupert, Idaho; six grandchildtwo ren; Preceded in death by a son, David. Funeral services will be AAonday, 11:00 a.m., In the Tooele Stake Center where friends may ceil one hour prior to services. Interment, Tooele Citv Cemetery. 81 . 1 Rachel Vicky Gallegos Almazan died July X, 1982 in a local nursing home. Bom October 17, 1924 to Jose and AAaria Gallegos in Texicana, T ' Funeral services AAonday. 00 Noon, McDoogal Funeral Home, 4330 South Redwood, where friends may call Sunday 6-p.m. and AAonday one hour interment: prior to services, Valley View AAemorial Park. T 8f T 731 Pearl Street HEBER CITY Pearl Malinda Street, 89, died July 31, 1982, in a Suit Lake Citv hospital. Born June X, 1893, Midway, Wasatch Courw ' ty, to Joseph and Anna Chris tensen Gaili Married Joseph Kay Street, December 27 Raymond P. Olsen i 12 81 LEHI-Cli- fton Philip Schow, eg, 66, died July X, 1982, In a Salt Lake Cit hospital. Born Decemb-- j ar 30, Lehi, to J; Peter and Schow. Brown Sandy; ' Va:evClty. 1964, Frank, Sandy; Steve, Cleveland, Utah; AArs. Ray (Kay) Olsen; Kearns; AArs. Fred (Veda) Manes, Murray; Mrs. Mike (Faun) Zitterquist, Sandy; Gayle Sexton, Salt Lake City. Funeral services will be held Tuesday, 12:00 noon, Granger North Stake Center, 3175 South 3450 West. Friends may call AAonday p.m., McDoogal Funeral Home, 4330 South Redwood Road, and at the church, one hour prior to services. Interment, Valey View Memorial Married Utah." Wyoming. Member of the! Church Active in the Granger 4th LDS Ward and employed by Granger North Slake. Surviving: husband; five sons and one daughter: Catherine Westlund, Cass Lake, Minnesota; Lyle (Albuquerque. New Mexico) Bruce, Kevin, Kenneth, and Kim Johnson, all of West Valley City; 13 grandchildren; parents of Magna; six brothers and four sisters: Rovce, Taylorsville; Paul, West Valley City; George, Richfield; Price. Marriage later solemnized in the AAanti LDS Temple. She died AAay U. 1939 He married Roena Joh; n&on Young. November, 1943, Pocatello. Idaho; later divorced, Married Ruth Trentham, 1958, divorced in 1982. Lite Insurance Salesman High Priest in the LDS Church. Five sons, tour Survivors: daughters, Don L. and Jerry G , both Salt Lake City; AArs. Lynn (Elaine) Eatchel, Taylorsville; Bruce K., Idaho Falls, Idaho; Bill. Salem, Oregon; AArs. Dale (Sharon) Kehi, Bennion; AArs. David (Lorraine) Serf, AArs. Gary (Sherrie) Gillespie, and Terry L., 16 all Sandy; X grandchildren; one sister, Mrs. Larry (Velma) Burns, West October LDS1 AAember, Center, ing where he hao f manv friends. Born March 12, 1901 in Anti mony, Utah, to! William a no fTMatilda King Black AAarried Belma Leonard. I July 23. 1925, I f 1925; T Lloyd H. Black Our beloved father, Lloyd Hr Black, age 81, return to hts HeavFather, enly July 29. 1982, while living at the Golden Liv- - Survivors: AAr. If Boise talks, Russia may listen, BOISE (AP) Amnesty International representative Nick Rizza said. The San Francisco resident is making a trip through Idaho trying to start Amnesty International chapters in Boise and McCall. He met Thursday and Friday with Boise residents interested in joining the group, known for its annual worldwide reviews of human rights violations. If the people act, governments will know it, Rizza said. Amnesty International has groups in big cities and small towns. Our idea is to get all the voices we can. Governments will hear us. They may ignore us, but theyll hear us. O. Clara Olivia Clark Garrett, age died July 31. 1982. m a local hospital following a short ill ness Born March 29. 1904, in 78. nephews. Funeral services wfll be Tuesday, 11:00 am. Wing Mortuary Chapel, Lehi, where friends may call AAonday, p.m., and Tuesday, prior. Burial, Lehi City Cemetery. served with the Army Air Corps In England as a flight engineer. T and AArs. AAlchael Fant, 559 E. 1650 South, Bountiful Bountiful, ton. AAr. and Mrs. Stephen Wray, 72S W. 2075 South, Woods Cross, daughter. AAr. and AArs. Drew Pearce, 5292 Perish Drive, daughter. AAr. and AArs. Steven Allgler, 11 5 Glendale Drive, ton. AAr. and AArs. Gordon Todd, 10 E. Jennings Lana, Centerville, son. Mr. and Mrs. Rod Sweat, 530 S. 200 East, Bountiful deught Mr. and Mrs. Phillip LePore, 4912 W. 3(05 South, West Valley City, son. AAr. and AArs. Roland Palmar, 761 E. 900 South, Bountiful, son. 81 T M. Lakeview Hospital Peace Group Seeks Members in Boise half-doze- n BIS 1, 1982 Salt Lake and Intermountain Area Obituaries d cu. ft. Freezer Was $269.99 Nevada Mostly sunny days. Highs Tuesday In the (0s except 95 to extreme south. Warming by Thursday to the mid0s to mld-90- f north end central and 100 to 110 extreme south. Fair nights with lows In the 40s end lower 50i except 72 to (2 extreme south. Southern Idaho Generally dry. Highs mostly In the (0s. Lows 45 to Special to The Tribune D. Dixon, 22, 254 N. PLEASANT GROVE-Co- rey 250 East, Orem, was killed Saturday afternoon at Pleasant Grove auto race track. Police Officer Donald Aucion said the accident occurred shortly before 2:52 p.m., when Mr. Dixon apparently tried to jump on the running board of a water truck and fell beneath the wheels. The driver of the truck was Rodeny Tunney, 18, American Fork. Officer Aucion said an emergency medical technician at the race track gave assistance at the scene. The ambulance arrived approximately two minutes after the call was received, he said. The victim was taken to American Fork Hospitad, where he died shortly after arrival. at 2112 South 1100 East in Salt Lake City to 0 0 Forecast Tuesday throve Thursday Utah Partly cloudy with widely afternoon and evening scattered showers and thundershowers meinly south and east. Temperatures near normal. Highs mostly in the 90s and lows In the 60s. Slight chance of Wyoming afternoon end evening thundershowers each day meinly north. Seasonal temperatures. Lows In the 40s northwest end 50 to M over rest of state. Highs In the upper 70s end (Os CxtMMtotf Salt Lake City Kina Mattress and Foundation 72 Dy 84, 9 Sunny and very warm Wyoming Sunday, a few afternoon thundershowers northwest. Highs In the (Os to mid 90s. Sunday night and Man-dadear to partly cloudy with a slight chance of thundershowers mainly north and west. Lowe Sunday night around 40 northwest, 50 to M elsewhere. Highs on Monday In upper 70s and (Os north, miiFOOs to mld-90- s south. Accident at Track Kills 1 hearing 0 given at the Beltone Hearing Aid Service office on Monday and Tuesday from 9 A.M. to 5 P.M. Factory-traine0 Hearing Aid Specialists will be at our office 5430 Was $349.95 0 Continued fair Southern Idaho weather through Sunday. Parity ctxxty and a little cooler Monday. Most lows will be In the 50s. Highs Sunday near 90. Highs Monday near (5. 0 5478 Was $299.95 0 0 Cut $250 Video Disc Player Was $499.95 0 59" 329" 0 1 599" 0 Stereo Receiver 199.95 9256, AMFM Wafi 0 ... g Cut $200 Electronic Sew Machine Was $529.95 1791, open arm Cut $100 Utah Fair and warm Sunday except for widely scattered thundershowers southeast. Gusty southerly winds western valleys. Partly cloudy Monday with scattered thundershowers south and east and Isolated northwest. Lows in the 60s. Highs 90 to 105 Sunday and mostly In the 90s Monday. 105 0 Cut $100 Telecaption Machine 0 0 0 Damagtd, end Prwvo Salt Laka City, Fair on Sunday. Parity cloudy Monday wilt, a at igtit cbanca of afternoon Low thundershowers. upper Ms. Highs upper 90s Sunday, and mld-90- s Winds Monday. southerly, 15 to 25 mch Sunday. Nevada Mostly sunny days through Monday. A little cooler and winds In the north. afternoon gusty Highs IS to 95 north except 100 to 107 extreme south. Lows In the 40s and low 50s north to upper 70s and low (Os extreme south. Bast Boston 0 69 66 46 Idaho Boise Pocatello SWITCHES OUTLETS SOXSS BUY 81 94 93 BHHngs Special to The Tribune REDMOND LAKE, Sevier County A motorcyclist was killed Saturday afternoon when he slid into an approaching car on a dirt road. Kelly Keifer, Redmond, Sevier County, was dead at the scene after hitting a car driven by Shawn Sego, 16, Aurora, Sevier County. Neither Mr. Sego, nor his passenger, Shane Robert, 15, also of Aurora, hurt. Deputy Tim Wilson, Sevier County Sheriffs Office, said the two vehicles were approaching each other when they met at the crest of a hill. Both drivers tried to slide to avoid each other, but the Keifer youth was thrown broadside from his motorcycle against the car. The Salt Lake Tribune, Sunday, August 81 T 81 FLORISTS BROWN FLORAL Co. 364-554- 4 5th So lithesf LORRAINE'S FLORAL SANDY-946- So. 700 SUGARHOUSE East FLORAL 1779 So. lilt) ESt MILDRED'S FLOWERS 1522 Ent JJrt . ' |