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Show ... - , ioocf queries J.. - X , For her, cooking is nothing but a' joy! by Donna Lou Morgan ; "" V . EVANSTON --1 SOMETIMES I HAVE a problem with my cooking, laughed culinary expert, Marva (Mrs. Alan C.) Seegmfller. I make a marvelous dteh, then I cant remember bow to do it But Alan is trying to train me to write down each ingredient. I have to admit, it does help. . To this creative cook, blending. flavors and textures axpertiy is a natural Ive Used to cook forever, she admitted. Each day it becomes more of a challenge now that our ' daughters are growing up. Alan is wonderful to cook for. He likes every thing. Bat Maady, 10, and Emily, 9, are showing definite , preferences at the dining table. September through May Mrs. Seeg-- ' miller feds like a prize juggler aa she divides her time between being wife, mother, cook, housekeeper, errand runner and school teacher. . ' . But, ah, the summer mouths. ' . . " THIS IS THE time Mrs Seegmiller can put her school responsibilities on ; the back burner, then foots an her husband and their two lovely daugh- ters. Its really my cooking that suffers most while Fm teaching school. It seems like theres never time to do the kind of cooking I enjoy. But I make up for it during the summer. The kind of cooking Mrs. SeegmiOer enjoys was evidenced by some sensational dishes she had prepared, including Cordon Crepes Parmesan and Company Layered Salad. Alan and I both love people and sincerely enjoy entertaining them in our home. And, of course, that means preparing food for them to enjoy, which is one of my most favored pastimes. MRS. SEEG MILLER WAS bom and reared in Salt Lake City. She received her degree in education at the University of Utah. Her husband hails from Cedar City. He majored in music at Arizona State University, Tempe, and also received a degree at die U. They met in Salt Lake City while they were both working at the library. Theyve been married 14 years. After our marriage, we lived in the San Francisco area for one year, then Tempe until Alan finished school. After his graduation, he was offered a position here in the Geriatric Unit of Wyoming State Hoepital. We lived here from 1971 until 1975, then we moved to Salt Lake City. Alan commuted for two years before we moved back here in - . A i - The following . .... Sett-Fine- h Vt-c- '' excellent recipes by good cook, Mrs. Alan C. Seegmiller, Evanston. Cordon Crepes Parmesan (Mrs. Alan C. Seegmiller) This recipe is an original one. I just began experimenting one day and this was the result. Vi cup butter or margarine Vi cup flour 2 cups chicken broth (or 2 bouillon cubes in 2 cups water) Vi teaspoon nutmeg Pinch of finely crushed sweet basil Vi cup grated Parmesan cheese 1 cup heavy cream, whipped Vi cup milk 2 cups cooked and diced chicken fl use breasts) 1 cup cooked and chopped fresh broccoli 12 to 15 slices thinly sliced ham 12 to 15 slices thinly sliced Swiss cheese 12 to 15 Crepes Sour Cream, parsley, Parmesan cheese for garnish To make sauce, melt butter in large saucepan over low heat. Blend in flour; cook over low heat, stirring constantly, until smooth and bubbly. Remove from heat and stir in chicken broth. Heat to boiling, stirring constantly. Boil for 1 minute. Remove from heat; add . nutmeg, basil and Parmesan cheese. Blend and fold in whipped ' - She said at the time they returned to this area, the boom wasnt evident We couldnt sense what was happening, although oil had been discovered here fat 1978. Then the explosion! We could see it everywhere population, everywhere. business, Industry Certainly this growth has made an immense difference in the personality of Evanston. Most of it has been for the good. There is still a strain of substanbut also a strain of tial old Evanston strength from the new families that have moved in. THE SCHOOL SYSTEM haa cer Mrs. Seegmiller commented. They are now making strides in the direction of meeting the needs by building new schools and hiring more teachers. They are trying, she added. The boom has made it fan fat a lot of ways. Mrs. Seegmiller said. "R has brooght lots of great people in. We like this. Alan and I are hoping the influx and growth will stimulate the cultural aspects of the community. We really miss living in Salt Lake City because of the rich cultural advantages that are offered there. Mr. Seegmiller is an accomplished pianist; Mrs. Seegmiller lends her artistic talents to painting. Recently Mrs. Seegmiller mid her neighbor began a literary group in Evanston which piqued immediate interest with about 30 women In the neighborhood. It made M know that there are lots of us who are eager to improve our minds and make bettor uae of our time. v . Its the kitchen time Mrs. SeegmiOer spends that provides the greatest creative outlet for her. I love to experiment withmaia (fishes, salads, desserts everything. Putting together new flavors and texture is exciting. Cooking is nothing but a joy to me! teen submitted ' 1977. Add remaining sauce to chicken and grated egg white, tomato wedges and avocado. Serves 8 to 10. broccoli for filling crepes. To assemble f 1 Fuppy Seed Chicken crepes, place slice ham then 1 slice Swiss cheese on crepe. Top with 1 This is a favorite at cur house. lumping tibVirinpou tj,ifltfii mixture. 2 cups cooked and diced chicken or Roll crepe andplaee seam-sid- e down in , turkey large glass rectangidar battered pan. 1 can (10 ounces) cream of chicken Top each crepe with 1 tablespoon of the resawed serving sauce; sprinkle with soup, undiluted parsley and Parmesan cheese. Bake at ? 1V4 cups dairy sour cream 360 degrees for 25 minutes. 1 box (8 ounces) Ritz crackers Warm remaining serving sauce. 1 stick butter (no substitutes please) Save hot topped with serving sauce 1 tablespoon poppy seeds and a dollop of sour cream. Serves 8 to 8. In a bowl combine chicken or turkey Basic Crepes with chicken soup and sour cream; mix until well Mended. 2 eggs Combine crackers with melted butter 2 tablespoons salad oil and poppy seeds. Mix V4 of this mixture i 1 ciq milk with the chicken mixture. Reserve the cup sifted flour remaining fa garnish. . T Vi teaspoon salt Spread chicken mixture hi greased casserole; top with crumb 2quart 6 tablespoons butter. ,, , ' .. garnish. Bake 30 minutes at 350 deofl Beat eggs, and milk together in a grees. Serves 4 to 6. bowL Add flour which has been sifted d Chpcakes with salt and beat until very smooth. " These are really incredibly good. Melt 1 teaspoon butter to 7 to 1 package (17 to 18 ounces) chocolate skillet When pan is fairly hot, pour about batter into skillet and cake mix (or own recipe) immediately tilt and rotate skillet until . 1 (8 ounces) cream cheese package fobs film of batter covers bottom and V cup sugar ' slightly up the sides of pan. Brown Dash salt lightly on both sides. 1 egg Use more butter with each crepe. Stack cooked crepes on paper toweL 1 package (6 ounces) semisweet These may be cooked and frozen ahead chocolate chips of time. Makes 12 to 15 crepes. Prepare cake mix according to direcSensational! tions for high altitude. Fill muffin tins with paper liners. Fill each Vi full with Company Layered Salad batter. 1 medium head lettuce, shredded ' Beat cheese with sugar; beat in egg 1 cup finely sliced green onions and salt. Stir in chocolate chips. Drop 1 rounded teaspoon of cheese mixture 1 cup finely sliced celery into each ' muffin cup. Bake at 375 1 cup drained and sliced water chestdegrees for 25 minutes, or until done. nuts (8 ounces) Cod and frost with vanilla frosting, if 1 package (16 ounces) frozen peas, desired. Keep refrigerated for best thawed and uncooked . flavor. Best when served cold. 2 cans (6V4 ounces) shrimp, chicken, ham or tuna tainly felt the effects of the boom, ' ' ' Tribune Food Editor Requests 2 cups mayonnaise 2 teaspoons sugar Vi 1 V4 . 3 2 cup grated Parmesan cheese teaspoon salt teaspoon garlic powder Pepper to taste Mrs. E. Rasmussen d d , Cream Puffs and Eclairs are hi the '.light with recipes being requested .s. E. F. H., Cedar City. , "I would appreciate receiving a good chocolate spice cake recipe that will I, , v , - Lake Sandoval. v y Salt y wedges , 1 thinly sliced avocado Shred lettuce and place in glass serving bowl. Top with finely diced green onion and celery, then a layer of water chestnuts, peas and shrim?, chicken, ham or tuna. Combine mayonnaise with sugar, grated Parmesan cheese, salt, garlic powder and pepper. Spread mayon. naise mixture over fop of layered cream. salad; chiii 24 hours. r , To serve make a bulls-ey- e Set aside ltt cups sauce in pan; add ' type milk to this portion of sauce; . design with bacon In the center, that a reserve for serving sauce. circle of grated egg yolk, then the , tt-c- up is hoping you share with her recipes for a stir-frvegetable dish using the wonderful fresh vegetables now available . Recipes for German Marzipan are being requested by Mrs. Edna Pass. Mrs. Warren E. Hyde is requesting recipes for Sherbet Sundaes, Anyone? Recipes for inexpensive tuna dishes that will freeze well," are being requested by Mrs. Earl W. good cooks will eggs, grated sepa' rately cup crumbled cooked crisp bacon medium-sizetomatoes, cut in hard-cooke- The , stay moist for toting to picnics, writes ' Mrs. Anne Gregerson, Provo, Send recipes and requests to Donna Lou Morgan, The Salt Lake Tribune, Bose 867, Salt Lake City, Utah 84116, to be used in this column. August 1, , 4 1982 4 c i ( & |