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Show THE LOGAN NEWSPAPER COMPANY Location of Principal Place of Business at Logan City, Utah. The stockholders of tho Logan Newspaper Company, a corporation, aro hereby notified that the undersigned under-signed stockholders of said corporation, corpora-tion, owning more than one-half of tho outstanding capital stock thereof, hereby call a meeting of the stockholders stock-holders of said corporation to be held, and that said meeting will be held, on Monday, the 15th. day of June, A. D 1008. at ten o'clock a. m. of said day, at tho otllce of the Logan Itepubllcan at No 28 East Center Street, In Lozan City, Cacho County, State or Utah, and that it Is the intention of said undersigned stockholders, at said meeting, to propose the removal and to remove all of the directors and other oth-er oillccrs of said corporation from the respective ofilces held by them. And notico Is further given that It Is the intention of the said undersigned under-signed stockholders to elect at said meeting directors and other oillccrs in place of those removed. FiiedTuhneh, W. W. Mauoii.Cn, J ..A. Henimuckson, Alukut A. Law, J. S. Laiiskn. |