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Show Pioneer Daughters Organize a Branch. Another neighborhood organization of the Pioneer Daughters was effected last week. A number of pioneer women met at the home of Mrs. Vic-tor Vic-tor Crockett where the afternoon was pleasantly spent in speecii making, social chats, and musicals. Mis. Mitchell was sustained as an honorary honor-ary president of tho central company. The' company organized Is to bo known as the Kzrat T. Benson company, com-pany, The oillccrs as elected are: Mrs. Sarah A. Turner, president; Mrs. Abbio 15. Scholes, 1st. vice-president; Mrs. Grace 11. Wardrup, 2nd. vice-president; vice-president; Mrs. Carnclia M. Quayle, secretary; Mrs. Orctta D. Merrill, treasurer; Miss Elaine Crockett, organist. |