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Show I BRIGHAM YOUNG COLLEGE. HH - The people of Utah should be proud H of the record made by the Brlgham M Young colleRn of this city during the B past season. Although an Institution H under church supervision, It Is per- H forming a state function by educating H the citizens of this state. In many M respects this has been a record break- M log year for the Institution. One H third of all the graduates from college M courses during the school's existence B were graduated this year, all of whom , have been placed In responsible posl- M tlons. This shows the efllclency of the work done at the college. The 1 high school graduating class was a H large one. The work of the normal 1 department Is recognized by the state H board of education to be second to no H other normal work given In the state. M Several handsome endowments have M been. made during the year, showlug H the confidence of men with means as H to the Institution's future. Magnltl- H dent buildings are being erected and H efllclent equipment supplied. It is H safe to predict that Utah has no In- H stltutlona that will bring better re- H turns, and It Is but just to say" that H much of the credit for the success of H the Institution Is due the capable ex H ecutlve ability of President James 11. H Llnford. |