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Show N. J. Academy Graduation Grad-uation Exercises. Seldom has the Presbyterian church been so prettily decorated as It was last Monday evening at the graduation gradua-tion exercises of the New Jersey academy. aca-demy. Diplomas were given to live eighth grade students and to one academy. aca-demy. The latter, Miss Margaret Stoops, read a thoughtful and well written essay on Lady Jane Grey, which was much enjoyed by the crowded house. Ou the program were also piano solos by Miss Mamie Drown and Miss Anna Llnnartz, a violin selection se-lection by Mr. Splcker, and a vocal solo by Mrs. Llnnartz, all of whom played and sang with much distinction. distinc-tion. The speaker of the evening was the Rev. V. M. l'adcn of Salt Lake, who gave one of the Inspiring talks for which he Is so noted. Ills subject was "Learning to Walk," and ho developed de-veloped It In a way that was far from banal. The academy has had a successful suc-cessful year and present Indications seem to point to its growing still more next j car, especially In the high school department. |