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Show Wellsville WELLSVILLE, June 3-The most pleasant evening spent In Wellsville for a long time, was that of Monday, June 1, at the pavilion. All former teachers and graduates of WelUvllie, with partners, were entertained by the teachers of the schools during the put year1. At 8:30 p. m. people began to assemble at the pavilion, where they listened to the following eniertainlog program. Singing ,.. "America" Address of Welcome UJshop E. R. Owen Song Mrs. Lizzie W. Stuart Recitation. Mrs. Maggie Smurthwalte Piano Duet.... Ester and Jas. Allen Vocal Solo Laura M aughan Dramatic Recitation ... .Jas Leatham Class Song, "School Days" I ,..... Class of 1U03 Clarionet Solo Lamount A Hen Recitation Mrs. Marie O. Hill Duet Bertha Poppleton and Maggie Walters. Following the piogram, a permanent perman-ent organization was perfected with the following ntllcers. R. P. Leatham, president; Mrs. Jirlg Maughan, vice-president; vice-president; Sarah T. Darley, secretary; and Jas. Allen as treasurer. The remainder re-mainder of the evening was spent in danclng.durlng which time dainty and delicious refreshments were served by Geo. A. Hansen of Logan. The tables were beautifully and tastefully decorated. decor-ated. The color scheme, red and white, was carried out perfectly. The commencement exercises of the district schools were held In the tabernacle tab-ernacle on Friday evening, May 29. The graduated, numbering 14, called forth much admiration as they marched march-ed to their places. An Interesting program was rendered. Prof. J. T. Calneof the U. A. C. addressed the graduates and conferred the certificates. certifi-cates. Decoration Day was fittingly and appropriately observed in our city. In the morning people assembled at the cemetery, and after decorating the graves of their departed ones, a Memorial Me-morial program was rendered. Never before has there been more people assembled as-sembled at the cemetery, nor has that spot looked more beautiful. In the afternoon a game or ball was played by the Hyrum and Wellsville teams. The game resulted In a scor of IS to 1 in favor of tho home team. A large crowd enjoyed themselves at the party In the evening. The Sunday School ward conference was held last Sunday. The three sessions ses-sions wero'well attended. All the exercises ex-ercises and reports were very. satisfactory satisfac-tory and showed the school to be in an excellent condition. Assistant Superintendent Super-intendent Wm. I. Sorenson, A. A. Lemon, Millie Maughan, and Esther Willson of the stake board were present. pres-ent. Mrs.; Adam Glenn is reported as still being very ill with spotted fever. Mrs. Baker and daughter.Mrs. Rena Maycock, are visitors In our city. William n. Maughan and daughter Barbara, went to Salt Lake City yesterday. yes-terday. A number of our people attended the funeral or Mrs. Chrlstensen at Ilyrum on Sunday. Miss Blanche Hatch returned to her homo at Franklin, Sunday evening, after a pleasant visit In our city. Whllo hore she was the guest of Millie and Eva Maughan. |