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Show Collinston Items COLLI SSTON, Juno 3 -Mrs. Alice Hess Hardy of Fielding, who has been seriously III with typhoid fever the past four weeks, passed away early Tuesday morning. The direct causo Of death was heart failure Mrs. Buchanan of Urlgham City hud been attending the case but last Saturday Dr. Smith was called and he pronounced pro-nounced the patient to bo In a very critical condition from heart weakness and kidney disease, In a advanced stage. Mis. Hardy leaves to mourn her loss, tier husband, Itobcrt Hardy, an Infant daughter.her parents Blsl.op aud Mrs. Hess, and several brothers and sisters. The Infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Orovcr of Fielding died last'Thursl.iy of Icterns, complicated with lietnoirhagQ fiom the navel. Tho funeral was held Saturday and a largo number of sympathizing friends attended. at-tended. The Collinston ball team went to Urlgham on Decoration Day to play tho shop team of the Southern Paciilc of Ogden. The game was closely contested con-tested unci the Held work of both teams received deserved praise. The Ogden team won by a score of 2 to 1. Next Saturday the ball team of tho clerks In the S. P. Superintendent's office will play Collinston at the latter place. A grand ball will beheld In tho evening, the Mendon orchestra furnishing the music. A good time is anticipated. Mr. Devcre Morgan who hai been attending the A, C. at Logan has finished fin-ished the Commercial course and returned re-turned to his home In Collinston on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Evan Morgau, Mr. and Mrs. Jess Woods, Mr. and Mrs. Lobb, Wayne Morgan and Dr. and Mrs. Smith, attended at-tended the dance in BiLjham on Decoration Dec-oration Day. |