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Show CITY AND COUNTY AFFAIRS Court Notes-Trout Company Organized -Purdie-Daines Nuptials-Exciting Runaway. Run-away. Bullen Gets Farm. Etc. "You furnish the Girl, wo will turn- ", Ish the house." Wm. Edwards Furnl- J ture and Carpet House. Frank Woolley, who Is In the employ j of Rtter Bros. Drug company, has been transferred to the Garland branch. T j Lost Between the Methodist -church ana Cache Valley bank, a pass ; book containing check. Leave at- this ottlce. Mrs. Lizzie Kerr and and her sister, Miss Bessie Shaw, are visiting with Mrs J. T. Blgler at Hampton Bridge for two weeks. Howard Wilson Is In Montpeller, I Idaho.ln the Interest of Wilson & Son, , who are handling a large number of l pianos and organs. I Leo Campbell has been In Brigham j this week, looking after the special 1 sale that Is being conducted there by Campbell & Sons. Samuel Dent, who moved to Drlggs, Idaho, two and a half years ago, has returned to this city with his family to make It his future home. If you happen to pass Edwards' Furniture Store, take a glance In the window at their display of fine office chairs, ranging from 92 to 314. Professor and Mrs. Bexell will leave their home on the hill today and will be the guests of Mr. Jacob West for a week or two before leaving Logan. County Fish and Game Warden Iver i, Nielsen arrested two men of Wells i' vllle, last Sunday, for Illegal fishing. ' I A Again we repeat, "Boys, look out. " Mr.E. Israel Stewart, who has spent two years In the east studying dentil try, returned from Chicago Thursday evening, having completed a success ful year's work. Mr. Samuel Eisner of Boun, Germany, Ger-many, arrived in the city on Monday last. Ho Is tho former instructor of ' Photographer Rabe, who Is highly pleased to have secured Mr. Eisner's service. Wlllard Richards of nolbrook, Idaho, was In Logan Thnrsday. He : says the crops are flourishing in that vicinity. Many new comers are locating locat-ing on lands, of which there is an ; auuuuaiitrc The Methodist and Presbyterian congregation will unite for morning service during the summer months. 4 Next Sunday morning the service will beheld at the Methodist church at 11 o'clock. The Sunday School will be held at the Presbyterian church at 12:15 as usual. There will be no service In the evening. Lost, Strayed or Stolen Two head of horses, one big brown gelding, weight about 1400 pounds, no brand or mark noticeable, very fat; and one three-year-old Ully, verv dark brown or nearly black, white face, one white , hind foot. Last seen June 1, near City park. Reward. E. B. Spencer, Logan, GO South Main. The Lafont Hardwaro company filed articles of incorporation with the county clerk on Thursday. This company com-pany Is organized with a capital stock of $-'5,000. The stock Is divided Into 2,500 shares at tho par value of $10. The company will carry on business at tho Lafount store on Center street, but as newly organl.ed will be ablo to conduct a larger volume of business, having a much larger capital to work with. It will deal In a wholesale and retail hardwaro merchandise business. Nine hundred and fifty shares of stock have already been subscribed and Is divided among tho following incorporators: incorpo-rators: Robert A. Lafount, 250 shares; Harold A. Lafount, 250; Orson P. Thatcher, 250; William Worley, 100; Peter C. Nelson, 100. Total, 050 shares. The directors of tho company consist of tho above incorporators, with tho following officers: President, Robert A. Lafount; vice-president, Qrson P, Thatcher; secretary and treasurer, Harold A. Lafount. Before contracting for electrical wiring, figure with me. EI. G. Wright, Bell 'phone 320r. f Fred Douglas of Wcllsvllle will leave for Ely In nbout two weeks, where ho will do contract work on buildings. Found Standlngon one of the main streets of Logan. :i bicycle, which the owner can have by Identifying property prop-erty and paying for thls'ad. Wm. Marston, a transient, was sent to the city jail Tor 10 days by Justice Wm. Brangham, Thursday, for having been found drunk on the street. Anything In electrical fixtures, Hat-Irons, Hat-Irons, doorbells, chandeliers, washing machine motors, at lowest prices. Call H. G. Wright, Bell 'phone 320r. NophiPetersonoftheSixthward,who has suffered severely from rheumatism during the past winter left yesterday for the hot springs In Weber county for treatment. M. W. Butter, school commissioner of Trenton, and C. '. Harris, manager of the Peoples Mercantile Co of Richmond, Rich-mond, were in Logan yesterday. The city fathers of Wellsvllle have ordered the 'old city council building torn down which was built over forty years ago. A modern $5,000 brick building will be erected at once. The machinery of the College Pure Food company, under the management manage-ment of J. A. Hendrlckson, is rapidly being placed In position for the operation opera-tion of the plant. Mrs". Joseph Howell and family are expected from Washlnicton D. C. tomorrow to-morrow night. It is understood that Congressman will remain In the east until after the Chicago convention. The members of tho River Heights ward are proving themselves to be energetic en-ergetic workers. The construction of their meeting house Is well under way. The foundation trench Is being dug and a car load of cement has been ordered. Meetings are being held at the residence' of Bishop Olsen and William Brown until the ward house Is completed. Miss Laura Maxwell Is In the city demonstrating for Hewlett Bros, of Salt Lake city. This company is a home concern and sells the best teas, coffees, spices and extracts that are on the market. All goods guaranteed and are In the line of home industries. Employing Utah men they should be favored with the patronage of the people. Their goods arc guaranteed to give satisfaction. Elsewhere in this issue will bo found a communication from A. 'A. Steven son, superintendent of the O. S, L. railroad headquarters at Salt Lake city to the effect that after June 7 the tho Salt Lake passenger which now leaves Logan at 8:15 a. m. will be changed to 8:05 a. m. The afternoon train leaving now about 2' p. m. for the south will leave at 1:20 p. m. Tho above train will leave Cache Junction at 4:25 p. m. and run via Wcllsvllle loop, reaching Logan at 5:35 p. m, This same train will return to Cache Junction at 5:45 p. m. |