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Show DON'T WALK TsOO CLOSE MKSLi'iV l0 your ,U"SL' w'ln S1 measure lHnH i l fit of our oat 'or other grain and -fr"wSi JSOV Tomato plants tnd garden T. I. Poulter Produce Company Bell Phone 444. : The Hansen Realty Company LOGAN, UTAH. i If you want snaps in Real Es- : tate ypu can get them from us WE ALSO WRITE v X Fire, Accident, Liability, Lite, Sickness, Casualty. S Plate Glass, Steam Boiler, Burglary and Ltve Stock J Insurance. We are agents (or some of the best in- surance companies in the United States. 2 S INSURANCE THAT INSURES Z The Hansen Realty Company : BELL PHONE 412-B J Closing Out a Line of Boy's Suits j All Sizes, Regular Price from $2.50 to $3.50 Sale Price $1.39 Also a Line of Children's Suits, Regular prices $125 to $3.Q0. Closing out price $1.50. All this spring's goods. Don't miss this opportunity. . ! : SPECIAL 1 50 Pairs' of Men's and Youth's: I Pants at $1.25 Per Pair at .... : : I H.G. Hay y I Mercantile Co. j TAKE THE BLUE BELL LINE TO HEALTH THEY MAKE YOU FEEL LIKE A BLACKSMITH Art for and try once BLUE BELL Couth Syrup. Pile Remedy, Mao' Pain Liniment, or BLUE BELL Stomach Tablets, Diarrhoea, Croup, Nerve, Couth, Hay Fever and Catarrh, Wood, General Tonic, Bright Sunthine, Heart, Worm, Kidney, Headache, Summer Complaint, Soothing Tablet! for Children, Liver, Female Regulator or Quinsy Tablet. FOR SALE BY THE CITY DRUG COMPANY. New Silverware Store We havu tecently taken the agency for WORLD BRHND SILVERWARE. This is extra high grado plated ware. Wo now have a nlco stock on hand and Invite you to call and Inspect It. We can save you money and give you better goods for World Brand Silverware Sil-verware is tlio best made. t WE GUTIRaXTEE all goods bearing the "World nrand'i trade mark to bo plated on the nighest Grade Nickel Silver Base t (Cutlery excepted which Is of High Grado Steel) Fifty Per Cent (50, more Silver than regular standard plate and to be of the most durable and artistic finish obtainable EVERTON&SONS 25 West, tst North Street. Consumptives Made Comfortable. Foley's Honey and Tar has cured cur-ed many cases of incipient consumption con-sumption and even in the advanced advanc-ed stages affords comfort and relief. re-lief. Refuse any but the genuine Foley's Honey and Tar. Ititer Bros, and all druggists. Excursions to Colorado Via Oregon Short Line and Overland Route June 12th., 13th., and 15th., final limit October 31st. Greatly reduced re-duced rates to Denver, Colorado Springs, Pueblo and other points. See agents for rates and further particulars. particu-lars. "Pronounced by millions tho greatest! strength maker, appetite builder and health restorer, Hol-lister's Hol-lister's Rocky Mountain Tea will make you feel that life is worth living. 33 cents, Tea or Tablest. Riter Bros. Drug Co. . Cures dizzy spells, tired feelings feel-ings stomach and liver troubles, keeps you well al summer. That 'a what Hollistcr's Rocky Mountain Tea will do. Try it and you will always buy it , 35 cents, Tea or Tablots. Riter Bros. Drug Co. Excursions to Pacific Coast. Dally June 1st., to Se ptember 15th Ask agents for particulars. W. R. Ward, of Dyersburg, Tenn., writes: "This is to certify that I have used Foley's Orino Laxative for chronic constipation, and it has proven without n doubt to be a thorough practical remedy rem-edy for this trouble, ml it is with pleasure I offer my conscientious reference." Riter Bros, and all Inij;jr:sts. Wiedeman's Big American Shows I Cosmopolitan Rough Riders and m fsH Indian Congress m Introducing the Grand, Sublime Spectacle !! " Custer's Last Charge " I .WILL EXHIBIT AT LOGAN 'M aH Thursday, June lith. I RAIN OR SHINE l ! See the Cowboys Wild West Girls Vaiuioros Senorltas-Guard- tf.Lil lasrurales-Champlons of Lariat Rough Riders Range Riders-Pony H Express Veterans Bucking Broncos Cow Ponies Paint Ponies and il Shctlands A Hand of Sioux Indians fresh from Camp Fire and Cou n f ell making their llrst acquaintance with Pale Face Civilization Dain- 'III ty Aerlallsts Daring Athletes-Funny Clowns Thrilling Indian 'f'M Fights and Native War Dances., ifil The only Big Show Frontier Exhibition that will visit Logan this $M season. fti.1 Don't Miss tho Grand Street Parade at 1 p. m. and Big Free Exhl- 'f! bltlon in front of tent Immediately after same. Two performances :: dally. 'Afternoon at 2, evening at 8. Doors open one hour earlier. -M Coming sure without disappointment. Several Montana Outlaw jH Broncos will be ridden at each performance. Come out and see the JH fun. 25 will be paid to any pcison bringing an unbroken horse or H mulu our Cowboys cannot rldo. . ; jH You Can't Afford To Miss I The Great I Business Boosting I Sale at m OPPOSITE THE TABERNACLL H Sale Starts This Morning dressmaking at kc I 'y "v ' A helpiu! monthly Fashion publirafon. '?'"' 'r with two May Million Patterns free. c c. a , H hi&y ManiOn V year until June I; St.00 p:r year the- a ci. -; ' ' H i PATTERNS ) TrSmaking at home pur. co., (( r ,,.71 Z. - f, -. l .,, MASONIC TEMPLE. CH1CACO. . ,, I' i Sfl U ALL II . . U ,lL'- j j"cEAC . Jg VcE'.csy7 1 i mim viill A -M m vffl8r 1 f Will W mM$k 1 McfNM wMrakrV iyO-iiuvuvv M 1 mm ' I all llffll W 7 ir S'57 Skirt with ipanUh Flnnr.-j. H $5E , 5960 BIoujs or Shirt Wilst, ' . " .' " ''fl 55S5 Chl!d' Drtss "-4.fi VMM 14 in AA hust " I"'"n""' "' miitnii iK.,rr.i (,.r ma H A33 unnas uresj, .-4-0 jeirs. j4 jo oust. rr.drura ,i, 7 y.M. w lt.r,Urr 1 nwi-r.ji fH ,S '. fou.r-.,lr,!"V1"; ' .re".'"!"'' $ Tha quantltir of material required fr (ha 51 lnciiw U or TV, yirli f n 1'n m-nrUI JH Grt wMi'uVo viVdatf KSdn.'an" V4 m'"um ,"" ' " !l " 2I " '- "- lnth "Id.. IVi -r 3J , a., H rardi .if eJi'ni sa or SV4 yrd U Incliu wld. laciiea lt. J If not convenient to call at one of the many stores selling MAY MANTON PATTERNS, a patient fl jf any one of the garments shown above will be mailed to any address rn rei.'ipt of 10c.; by litter mail L KjH 2;. extra. lH .Viits name correctly, state size and number accurately. ALL Patterns m.iil?.i :e day orders are wceiv.1!. I'M Fashion Sheet of Latest Spring Styles on Reqv ail. " fflk ' " MAY MANTON PATTERN COMPANY, HriA3nfc Temple, Chicao, lii. 132142 Writ 27lh i rj . N- H - ? ' I tt |