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Show tUrlLI 15 WW OLL1 Visible to the Naked Eye. and is Near the Big Dipper Seattle, Wash,, Sept. 26. The now comet which was first observed hero and In the east a little more than a week ago, was photographed last night by J. E Gould, professor of astronom at tho University of Washington. Observers who examined the comet through telescopes last night declare! that It has sprouted a tall describing 15 degrees. The comet Is visible to the naked eye; Appearing as a pale star, surrounded by a phosphorescent clou 1. Viewed through a small telescope or strong field glasses, tho tail Is visible. vis-ible. To a casual observer, the comet appears to bo approaching that part of the heavens In 'which the big dipper dip-per is seen. BROOKS' COMET. Washington, SepL 2G. Astronomers at the United States naval observatory, observa-tory, in common with those throughout through-out tho country, are busy these nights in an effort to Identify as a previous celestial visitor the comet now visible Just above the end of the "Dipper's" handle. This latost celestial wanderer Is known as Brooks' comet and Is said to bo sweeping towards the earth at an enormous rate. By 'the end of this week or the beginning of. nexL with conditions right, the comet can be seen with the naked eye. It will pass nearest to the sun some time next month. oo |