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Show I FIGHT OFF mm lp English Authorities Call III Johnson and Wells 1 I Into Court I! 3 London, Sept. 2G. Opposition I Jarouscd by the clergy to the sched-I sched-I -uled fight between Champion Jack 1 j( Johnson and Bombadler Wells, the R 'English title-holder, assumed a legal 9 character today when a magistrate of ;Bov street pollco court, on tho application ap-plication of the public prosecutor, .granted six summonses against the principals and promoters. '& The prosecutor, when ho gets Lie ; fight men Into court, will ask that they be put under bonds not to cause a f breach of the peace. : Today's action followed a decision If by Home Secretary Churchill that the ft y fight would bo Illegal and the an-I an-I ; nouncement that unless the event fcl i was voluntarily abandoned, an at-5f at-5f f tempt would bo made to prevent It 5 'i by placing those primarily Interested Jl 3 under bonds to preservo the peace, jt & James White, tho promoter of tho K watch, declared last night that ho "?.' 'i ould test the legality of the homo 1 4 secretary's decision and that, if the j latter was sustained by the courts, ho would withdraw fro'm the enter-5 enter-5 m, prise at once '9 S Johnson and Wells have signed nr-4 nr-4 I tides to box under tho National J5 r, Sporting club's rules and Wblto add-(j, add-(j, 'i ed that If the match was made Im-gt Im-gt l possible in London, it might be tak- 2 ( en to Paris, though he would have no 1 Interest In it 5 .! The campaign against the fight was jjj 'J based on moral grounds, but the au-fi au-fi xtn0"es aro more concerned with 1 :ithe effect that the probable defeat of -i a wnlte man by a negro would hnvc H Jon the colored subjects of Great J f Britain. |