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Show my enPAMii LEAVENWORTH, Kan., Sjpt, 25. John B. Walsh, the former Chicago banker, who Is seeking parole from the federal prison hero, will not know his fate for several dayB The fedor-al fedor-al board of parole, which will consider con-sider his case, mot hero today, but he probably will not bo given a hearing before tomorrow. Applications for parole pa-role are taken up In their regular order or-der and Walsh's is tho fiftieth on the list The report of the board will be mailed from here to Washington, and announcement of tho decision will be mado from tho attornoy general's office. of-fice. On September 18, Walsh had served one-third of his five-year sentence and was eligible to parole under tho I act of congress approved June 25, 1910 Tho last obstaclo to the granting of the parole was removed last month when the United States district attorney at-torney at Chicago requested that tho remaining Indictments against the aged banker be dlsmlcsod. |