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Show H riawMnlfaSiM,,,, it mi 1- pwtowr'MwJLw w I BASEBALL H NATiONAL LEAGUE. H Tbo leadership In the National Ica- H puo pennant race contlnced with me H New Yorkers Monday, hut dspile H tho fact that New York won from Cln- H: clnnati, Chicago gained one point on H tflcm. New York now leads with ' H margin of 56 points. Chicago nns scheduled to play a douhlchcnder Ith Boston but wet grounds made post- ponement of ono game necessarv. H The standing. H Club. Won. l.nst T f Now York 90 AS .632 1 Chicago S4 r,7 .59fr 1 Pittsburg S2 G3 .566 1 Philadelphia ,76 64 .otf Hi AMERICAN LEAGUE. H In the American league Detroit'.? do- Hl fat of Philadelphia brought the for H Tiior eight points noircr Philadelphia, Hn while New York crept up one point H op Cleveland's lead for. third place. The standing: H Club. Won. ' st. P'" H Philadelphia PI -ffi .674 1 Detroit So .599 HL Cleveland To 67 ,528 j New York 74 69 .CIS H ' WESTERN LEAGUE STANDING. M, 1 CHICAGO, ScpL 25. Following Is B'i Iho official stnndlng of tho Western H I league as announced today by Presl- H I dent O'Neill: H Club Won Lost PC. H Denver 101 51 .664 H ?;. Joseph S3 65 .660 H Pueblo 82 (t .529 H Sioux CItv 79 7.1 .526 H ' Lincoln 7S 72 .520 L Omaha 73 73 .516 j Topeka 53 97 353 j f Des Moines 47 101 .317 H NATIONAL LEAQUE. H H Chicago 6, Booton 5. H CHICAGO, Sept. 25 Chicago de- H featcd Boston toda. Tho deciding H ; run was tho result of Boston's loire H I error, n stolen base and a single The H other runs made by tho locals were H ,' the outcome of two bases on balls, , H b sacflfice and bunched hits. Rlchlo M started to pitch for tho locals, but bis H alldncss resulted in two runs, one of which was forced homo Cole sue :ecdcd Rlchlo and threo singles and M i v,'lld pitch gave the visitors two B more runs Another single and a. base on balls resulted in Brown, being call- M sd upon to pi tcli. Cy Young worked , M for Boston. Two games were sched- M uled, but the first was called off on H account of wet grounds. I H 11. H E. I H Boston 5 12 1' H Chicago 6 8 0 B BattorloH -Young and Ilarldcn;- H Richie, Cole, Brown and Archer H ' New York 2, Cincinnati 0. H CINCINNATI, Sept. 25. New York H. 'oriay won the final, game of tho ser- H es with Cincinnati. Crandall allow- H )d the homo club but four scattered H aits. New York hit Suggs hard, but H throwing to baces In- McLean, hold H the visitors' 'score down. Vive Now M Yorkers were caught on bases, while H and equal number were left on bases. M Cincinnati madr (wo singles in tho H sevcntli, but both men wcro caught H trying to steal. H Mcrklo darted the game at first, H but owing to an Injury received re- H cently he was unable to continue H and was relieved by Devlin. H R H. B. 1 New York ... , 2 11 1 Hl Cincinnati 0 4 1 H Batteries Cranrt.iU nnd Myers; H Su'gs, Frommo and McLean. M Brooklyn 5, Plttcburg 4. H PITTSBURG. Sept. 25. Brooklyn fl defeated Pittsburg today, Pittsburg i H used four pitchers and three pinch I H bitters. Brooklyn won in the fourth I H inning, when they scored three runs j H off Hendrlx, who was relieved after H two men had faced him in tho fourth B Inning. I II. H.E. I M Pittsburg i 11 2 H t J Brooklyn C 11 3 Barterle9 Hcndrix, Camnltr., Gardner Gard-ner and Simon, Rucker and Mlllor. AMERICAN LEAGUE. New York 7, Chicago 3. NEW YORK, SopL 25. New York today easily defeated Chicago by bunching hits with Scott's pa&ses. R.H.E. Chicago 3 9 3 New York 7 S 2 Batteries Scott, Hovllk, Lange and Block; FiBhor and Williams. Boston 9, St. Loula 2. BOSTON, Sept. 25. Boston today took the second game of the closing series from St, Louis by another onesided one-sided scoro. It. H. E. Boston 9 11 1 SL Louis 2 S 6 j Batteries Wood and Nunnamaker; I George and Stephens I Detroit 6, Philadelphia 3. i PHILADELPHIA, SopL 25. Detroit 'won from Philadelphia here today. The visitors scored their runs In two Innings by mixing four of tholr five singles with paBses, a donble 6tcal by Galnor and Stanage nnd two sacrifice sacri-fice files. Mullen, who was given perfect per-fect support, kept Philadelphia's hits scattered and their total was kopt down despite the fact that the seven safeties included a home run, two doubles and a pair of triples. R. H E Detroit 6 5 0 Philadelphia ......3 7 I Batteries Mullin and Stanage; Dan-forth, Dan-forth, Morgan and Livingston, Lapp ' Cleveland 3. Washington 2. WASHINGTON, Sept. 26 Washington Wash-ington gave Hughes poor support and Cleveland won today. Conroy's work at third base and flvo aoublc plays were features. R. H E. Washington .." 2 7 4 Cleveland 3 9 0 Batteries Hughes arid Henry; Blandlng and Easterly. COAST LEAGUE. Vernon 4, Saoramento 1. At Sacramento: R. H.E. Vernon 4 6 3 Sacramento ... 1 10 2 1 Batteries Raleigh and Brown; Bry-am Bry-am and Thomas. NORTHWESTERN LEAGUE. Seattle 6, Tacoma 2. At Seattle. R. H.E. Tacoma 2 7 7 Seattle 6' S 1 Batteries Schmutr and Selbt; Wlggs and Shea. Victoria 7, Vancouver 2. At Vancouver: R H.E. Victoria ...7 10 1 Vancouver 2 5 2 Batteries McCfeery and Devogt; Engle and Shea, j AMERICAN ASSOCIATION. At SL Paul Toledo 3, SL Paul 1. At KnnBaB City Columbus- Kansas City game postponod: rain. At Milwaukee Louisville 4, Milwaukee Mil-waukee 5. At Minneapolis Indianapolis 0, Minneapolis 1. - WESTERN LEAGUE. At Pueblo St. Joseph-Pueblo game postponed, wet grounds. Second game, St. Joseph 2, Pueblo 4. At Lincoln Lincoln 0, Oma"ha 4. At Sioux City Sioux City 9, To peka 3. At Denver Denver 8, Des molnes 0. OGDEfl JURIES Tuesday's entries: First race, trot or pace, purso $300 Elizabeth Hal, Fred Newton, Foxle Togo Second race, five furlongs J. B. Berry, 108; Star Blaze, 112; Sea Coast 112; Mike Donlln, 112; W. J. Friday, 112; Hadad, 108. , Third j ace, five furlongf. Navarro, 108; Titus, 110. Swagerlator, 115; Kuropatkin, 105; Beaumont, 110. OGDENRESULTS . Davie Andrew was the one big surprise sur-prise at tho Four-State fair track today to-day when, in the las't race, he wou by a length from Pavan, the heavily played, favorite. The betting on tho winner closed at 4 to 1. Kuropatkin played at 3 to 2, also proved an unexpected un-expected winner In the first running event, most of the money being played play-ed on Sir Barry and No Quarter, tho cholco of the layers on Four heats composed tho harness race. -In two heats Stride On the winner win-ner barely nosed out from Lucreceus, which took second money. The parl-mutuals wore used for the second Ogden track proved popular. First race, 2:40 class, trot or pace purao $300 Stride On, won; Lucre-sous, Lucre-sous, second; C. Direct, third. Time, 2:30, Second race, five furlongs, selling Kuropatkin, 3 to 2, won; No Quarter, Quar-ter, 3 to .5, second; Byron, 1 to 2, third. Time, 1:02 2-5. Third race, one mile and an olghth, soiling Greenbrldge, 1 to 3, won; Buna, 5 to 1, second; Dorothy Ann, 3 to 2, third. Time, 2:01. Fourth race called off. Fifth race, six furlongs, selling Davie Andrews, 4 ,to 1, won; Pavan, 1 to 2, Bocond; Sevcrus, 15 to 1, third. Time, l;17 1-5. SPOKANEENTR(ES LAKE CITY, Idaho, SopL 25. En? tries for Tuesday: FlrHt race, flvo and a half furlongs, helling Tho Shrimp, Placldc, Bucolic, HI; Dell, Hand Satchel, Edmond Adam, Frank Ferris, Band, 105; Bur-nell, Bur-nell, Susan F Lftura-Qlay, 103: Helen Hawkins, 97. . ( Second race, .five and. a half fur longs, Bolllng-t-MIlltary . Man,. ,114; Charlos Green, Star Actor, Burloigh, Gelico, Mopsback, Cantem, Fernando, 111; Le8car Barnsdole, 106; ZooL 105; Eddie Mott, xlOO. Third race, five and half furlong, Belle of Iroquois, Salnset, Rlo Pocos, Miss Sly, 111; Jeanette M, xlOG, Pickaninny, Rusty Coat, 105; Tllllng-hast, Tllllng-hast, Passenger, 103. Fourth race, five and a half furlongs, fur-longs, purse Enfield, 114; Tern's Trick, 111, Pawhuska, 108; Pride of Llsinoro, Jack Paine, Bit of Fortune, General Marchmont, Fern L, 104; Irish Gentleman, 101; Imprint, 98. Fifth race, selling, flvo furlongs Annie Wells, Quick RJp, 109; Oxer, 106, Joe Young, Rlojo, Lookout, Ga-lene Ga-lene Gale, Earlcno, Don Franco, Marie Ma-rie Rydo, John H. Sheohan, 103; Slg-nor, Slg-nor, xlOl Sixth race, selling, six furlongs Lomond, 112, Beda, Chllla, Stonoman, 109, Tippy, x9S. xApprentlco allowance. SPOKANE, Sept. 25 Tho second disqiullflcation of the Ike City meeting meet-ing occurred at the close of the third race today, when Elsewhere, who finished fin-ished second, was placed third by tho Judges, and Jockey Hopkins, the premier pre-mier rider "of the meeting, was suspended sus-pended for three days. Hopkins took Elsewhere across In front of Evely-ria, Evely-ria, stopping V Filly. Summary: First rnco, six furlongs, selling Mazle Girl (Cavanaugh), 8 to 5, won; Southern Gold (Keogh), 15 to 1, second, sec-ond, Sir Fretful (Riddle), 8 to 1, third. Time 1 14 2-5. Birdie P, Lord of the Forest, Zlnkand, Gretchcn G, She-ezcr and Bincoluar finished as named. Second race, six furlongs, selling Ben Grecnleaf (Riddle), 10 to 1, won; He Knows (C Ross), 11 to 5, second; Cretf (Groth), 4 to 1, third. Time, 1:14 3-5 Lord Cllntou, Rey el Tovor, Descendant and Glenna Deane finished finish-ed as named. Third race, flvo and one-half fur- j longs, selling Free (Frach), 3 to 5, won; Evelina (Grogs), 7 to 1, second; ElBewhero (Hopkins), 10 to 1, third. Time, 1 OS 2-5 Freewill, Ostentatious, Rubq H, Dawn, Prince of Bohemia, Auto Girl, Gavera and Burl finished as named. Fourth race, seven furlongs, selling Twickensham (Calllhan), 7 to 1, won; Cantem (McEwen), 10 .to 1, second; sec-ond; Fancy (Anderson), 7 to 1, third. Time, 1:14 3-5. Dacla, Rosamo, Sain- setta, Abe Slupskoy and Thomas Calhoun Cal-houn finished as named. Sixth race, six furlongs, selling Ravarla (McEwon), 11 to 5, won; Lady Macv (Groth), oven second; Ventlan (Forsyth), 5 to 1, third. Time. 1-13 Tony Kock, Lesoar, Fire, Ocean Queen, and' Sempronl finlshod as named. LQUISVILLERESULTS LOUISVILLE, SepL 26,-r-Tho opening open-ing of the fall meet at Churchill Downs was marked by tho breaking of the three-quarters track record by Prince Ahmed In tho third race. Ho stepped the dl3tande In 1:11 1-5, ouo-flfth ouo-flfth of a second better than the previous pre-vious best time Though the day was threatening, a good crowd was out and betting apparent' ap-parent' was as brisk as over, notwithstanding not-withstanding no auction pools wem sold. LOUISVILLE, Sept. 2D. Results: First race, flvoand a half furlongs Island Queen,' straight $6.50, won; Pliant, place $8.60, second; Rudolfo, show $9.00. thlr9. T Time, 1:06 1-5. Second race, mile and twenty yards Spindlo, straight $23.70, won; Lay-minster, Lay-minster, place $10.90. second; Discontent, Discon-tent, show $5.60, third. Time, 1:41 2-5 Third race, six furlongs Prince Ahmed, straight $6.60, won; Herkime, place $4,60, second, Chajpultepoc, show, $3.90, t,hlrd. Time, 1.11 1-5. Fourth race, mile and a sixteenth St. Leger Handicap Mary Davis, straight $14.20,, won; Chorryola, place $9 30, second: Swannaoa, show $3.50, third Tlmo, JM 2-5. Fifth race, mile and twenty yards Queen Marguerite, $8 10 straight, won; Army Post, $4 70 place, second; Colonel Ashmeado, $2.80 show, third. Time, 3:45 2-5. COLOIBOMESHLTS COLUMBUS, Ohio, Sept. 25. The event of the day at the Columbus Driving association meeting was the death of Pansy Silver, the chestnut mare which won a six heat race at Detroit last week. She was driven by Valentine and acted badly in the first heat. In tho second heat she was In the bunch next to tho rail on the back stretch when she suddenly jumped the fence Into a ditch and was dead In an Instant, Valentino escaped uninjured. Paco 2 in 3, $5,000 Miss Dc Forest won In straight heals. Best time, 2.08 1-4. Fred De Forost, second; Floet Amcrlcus, third. 2:07 trot, three In five, $1,200 Dud-ie Dud-ie Archdalo won In straight heats. Best time, 2:06 1-4. 2.19 trot, throe In three, $1,000 Oakdale won third, fourth and fifth heats and race. Best time, 2:12 1-4. Hannah Louise won first and second heats. Best time, 2il0 1-4. |