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Show WORLD'SMARKETS OGDEN WHOLESALE PRODUCE. (Selling Price.) Ogden, Utah, Sept. 2C Butter-Creamery, Butter-Creamery, extra In cartons, SOc; ' creamory, firsts, 29c; cooking, 22c; ranch, 20c. Cheese Eastorn 16 1-2; Utah, lG: Utah mild, 15; Y. A.. 17. Eggs Per case of 30 doz., $7.00. Sugar Cane, $7.80; beet, $7.15. Chicago Produce. Chicago, SepL 2C Butter firm Creameries. 2126s; darles, 19ft24c. Eggs steady. Reseipts 7,493 cases, at mark, cases included, 1518c: first, 19c; prime firsts, 20c CheeBO stead v. Daisies, 14 l-2c; twins, 13 l-4c; Young Americas, 14 l-4c; Long HornB, 14 l-4c. Chicago Livestock. Chicago, Sept. 2C. Cattle, recolpU estimated at 7,500, market, slow, weak, beeves, 4.755.00; Texas steers 4,40(? 6 15; western steers, 4.157,00; stockers and feeders, 3.005.C5; cows and heifers, 2.10C.20; calves, 6,OO0? 9.50. Hogs, receipts estimated at 19,000; market, dull, 5c to 10c lower; light. 6 157.00; mixed, C.357.00; heavy, C.2507,95; rough, G.250.45; good to choice heavy, G.15C,95; pigs, 3.7o 0.30; bulk of saleB, 6.5og'G.S5. Snoop, receipts estimated at 45,000; market, steady, native, 2.50 4. 15: western, 2.754.25; yearlings, 3.85(0) 4.60; Iambs, native, 4.O0G.0O; western, west-ern, 4.506.15. Omahn. Omaha, Sept. 2Cr-Cattlo. rocelpt5, 9,500; market, steady, slow to shade lower; native steers, 4-SO7.S0; cows and holfcrs, 3.25tf?5.25; westorn "steers, 3.75G.50: Texas steers, 3.50 5.40: cows and helfors. 3.005.2p; canners. 2 50fl3G5; s'.ockors and feeders. feed-ers. 3.255.75, calves, 3.5008.00; bulla, stags, etc., SitpS.la. Hogs, receipts, S.000: market 5c to 10 lower; heavy, G.2r6.4f); mixed, (Continued on Page Seven ) uu WORLB'SHARIETS (Continued from Page Onf ) 6.35fC40: light, 6.35(5 0.50: pigs, 5.75 (nfi.-iO: bulk of Bales, (l..'15(r?G.10. Sheep, receipts. 53.000: market. 10c to 15c lower: yearlings, I.10(g4.7n; wethers, 3.50 LOO; ewes, 3.0053.7S. lambs,-5,10g5.85. BOSTON WOOL Boston, Sept. 20. The wool market continues fairly active with the mills as tho chief operators. Prices hold steady in the main, with slight shading shad-ing in some of tho lower grades. The salo of fleeces is limited and the demand strongest In tho lower grades. Unwashed delaine brings 25c. Sales in territory stock continue moderato with ljalf a million pounds of half-blood clothing going at ISc rto 20c; 50c clean. Montana staple 1 in tho grease commands 2122c. Pulled wool has indifferent sales. New York Money. New York, Sept, 26. Close: Prlmo Morcantlie paper, ! 3-4 per cent. Sterling Ster-ling exchange, steady, with actual business bus-iness in bankers' 'bills at 4.S3.25 for' sixtv-day bills and at i. 80.55 5.60 for demand. Commercial bills, 1.82 1-2. Mexican dollars, 45c. '"'Government bonds, steady; railroad bonds, firm. Money on call, steady, 21ci per cent; ruling rate, 2; closing bid, 2; offered of-fered at 2 1 1. s Time loans, firmer; sixty days, 3 1-4 tfrl-2; ninety days, J 3-lI per cent; six months, 3 7-Sf$4. Sugar and Coffee. Now York, Sept. 26. Raw sugar, firm; Muscovado. .89 test, 5.4 G 1-2; Centrifugal, .00 test, 5,00 1-2; molasses sugar, .S9 test, 5.21 1-2; refined, firm. Spot coffee, quiet. Metal Market. New York. Sept.' 2G. Standard copper dull. Spot and November, 11.8011.90. Lead easier, $4.45 1.50, Now York. |