Show and scott to road rend of scott says temple bar makes most others even of the noblest and best appear email by comparison 11 the writer illustrates his meaning by coln pointing poi ting to botho the coD contrast between carlyle and scott in tho the matter of sleep nothing lio lie bays b y short of a treacle sleep in which lo 10 could lie sound as a stone hours could satisfy carlyle his big lips caps v cro and it if any an inroad aiom without or within were mado cpr cali n anathemas ana atia themas and mes would lo be sure bure to follow while constant nights of waking and aching would bo be met by scott with scarce a grumble or by a playful one A dog whose yelping had disturbed his slumbers moved carlyle to the jocosely savage wish that lio lie had the animal by its hind bind lo 10 logs s within reach of a stone ston wall bilious Bili oua and headache this morning notes scott under the influence of a like infliction occurring in the very midst of liis his sea bea of troubles A dog howled bowled all night and left rno little sleep poor curl with six an outgoing of sympathy toward the unconscious blerot of his repose 1 adare I dare say ho had his bis distresses as aa I 1 have mine |