Show cheap rates tes to salt balc for the midsummer Car carnival DiVal july 9 and 2nd nd 3rd ard and ath round trip rate from evanston of ofa na will lie be made tickets will boon be on sale july and 2nd and with limit of july ath DESERT LAND FINAL PROOF NOTICE vcr fc r publication no 2937 labij onico lit at salt lak lafa city utah I 1 june 10 i J notice is is hereby oven civen that A quibell oi 01 Woodi tiff malt has fi filed led notice nolice of intention to iu make proof on his dortland dort deierl land ahmu no for the 8 E N E 4 see 8 tp 9 north ti range 7 E bere before the tha county clerk of arieh county utah at al It randolph andolph malt ou on the ard 3rd jay day ot ol july filly I 1 ile he camen the following follo wini bitne cs to piave piove the alie irrigation and re clam stion of said land viz henry cook coo joseph 11 neville perry G sessions joeeph young all of woo woodruff druff utai utah BYRON giboo register Ke aister NOTICE A mass meeting 0 of the citizens of RaD randolph dolph school district is hereby called to assemble in the court house saturday evening r june it at S p in for the purpose c of nominating M three candidates fur for school trustees to be elected july K R mckinnon E it south assessment NOTICE the bear lake laud land and aal live stock co I 1 ii a corporation corpor ilion principal princ place placa of bubi business neEs salt lake city NOTICE IR in 11 C given that at a in 1 t ing of tile ilie lir dr actors luid juno june 4 1 1896 8 9 6 an a nt of ten tell cents per share wag levied on tile subscribed subscribe il 0 th corporation payal its aj laiti to gerrge ger rge 0 L limb i in b rl ri jr secretary treasurer tri a surer at liia ills office 23 13 aft wet firby south street kinet salt lake laka city utah any stock apon bici this a cam tl 1 t may y remain unpaid on oil tile the 1311 ilay dav 0 of f july 1896 ill be delinquent and ad verti verli ed cd for sale at public auction and unless baym nt is made before nill ill lie bo sold on tile 3rd ard jay day of august leoo to pay the delinquent together witla the cost of alver advertising advertis iii an aal expense of sale GEORGE C jr secretary tary and ami treasurer S T LAKE CITY june 4 1896 SALT LAKE semiweekly SEMI WEEKLY TRIBUNE on juno tha ali salt lake tribune will reduce the price of the semi week ly iv to per year the present I 1 kiich jig I 1 I 1 1 standard tt ii ill be maintained and every effort aill be made to keep tile the semiweekly in the front rank dr E LEE DENTIST woodruff UTAI 1 Is prepared to do all hinds of dental work crown and bridge work a specialty teeth extracted WITHOUT PAIN IKE SMITH full line choice Cro groceries ceries boots SL shoes toilet articles notions Not lOns etc etc call and ad see seb them ONE PRICE PR ICE TO ALL RANDOLPH UTAH T THE H E UINTAH HOTEL evanston Evi onton wyo 07 neat and comfortable rooms bood home cooking no on an premises try the uintah when you are in evanston and you will roccine tho the best 0 of I 1 treatment C lachapelle prop JOS H SEVILLE NEVILLE contractor and builder WOODRUFF UTAH riana plane and specifications furnished F 1150 M 4 JE R I 1 M ni 1 V v v dealers in ili why should you trade with us ans because we carry cany general MERCHA merchandise N DISE john deere plows and 1 harrows bf shet xa X ap racine Wag Spring DRUGS AO AND emicles EDI ClES ons and buggies woods Mo lowers viers paints oils and glass amme binders and everything used on a ranch ahanch our goods are asmond as gond gon clas thomas rakes the best and our prices the lowest bain and old hickis ory wagons we pay the highest highe ift price for produce special attention given to mail orders and a full line of everything 0 cwm cwm mm need and we will take you brick store main street randolph utah grain in payment for foi sanie same which you can readily see is to your your orders advantage send us S 9 ite al evanston imp coy manufacture keep in stock a general assortment of lumber I 1 lath shingles and pickets including including chi ice F flushing evanston wyo rustic T G florrin flooring 9 beaded and V ceiling Cel ling L we make inake a specialty of Moul dings of which we e carry arry aal a full stock and large g variety from 78 7 8 inch to 5 6 inch widths IVI A SO N all kinds of scroll work and turning done to order newels i porch posts and balusters Ba lusters kept in stock also panel doors harness E and saddle of regular sizes any size made to order takers makers robert price proprietor QC repairing impairing done on short notice nothing bill ant best material used in our work PA 1118 IDAHO randolph Randol utah STAGE LINE evanston wyo and randolph utah keep your eye peeled for Us daily except sunday leaves at 5 a m arriving tit lit evonsion livan Evan sion it at 1030 10 30 leave evanston Ev inston ill at I 1 p rn arriving at randolph at 6 30 LAKE TOWN COOP CO OP fare each way laiwin JOSEPH irwan manager A lu manazer TH WE H 41 RM ii uail JOHN SNOWBALL prop first class accommodation cook cool 13 mothers t h for transient crests and other r 0 rs ilay hay grain and stabling in in con dealers in nett neiti ion oi terms reasonable liea HM ED SOUT aj we do not want to makenny make any lb grand display di play the superiority of our goods advertise them we guarantee tonsorial Tons onal artist quality to he be equal or above alev any and all at prices is as low or lower all hair outline cutting shaving Sh avint and shampooing who desire honest treatment can it dealin with in latest sta atlo to get by dealing us its RANDOLPH UTAH CARDED CITY TIIE THE ai ja j sr s r y HOTEL M A R axy s ALL i IN V 0 e I 1 I 1 EVANSTON dowell bowen A yount WYOMING props a V th eh elv ij t T M ki V f va alj 8 F f w V as OF 1 ti iv P 14 1 lav pv W V vy AJL aw wa V v S v C Is rf k edited by albrrt 3 ni ta 12 5 rw U or 01 w ray ij 1 1 0 i i aey a o ir KH RE ii REC i as is i alvs F lavz geef kept strictly first class claes corn com 2 y at j r s i 1 n motions and homelike headquarters wt m ac dianie ini plies bjes 11 in for r al all I 1 tra el i 0 g ale men it tho bar is supplied wn 46 le id ibie kcjr forn i the hi 1 bat 11 roll with tho finest brands branda of liquors cars in the cil and cigars rates Il great magazines g 11 0 r I 1 J ETS 3 lav t the we world genci genc ialy aily on oil tile the S sai saini 1 I date that list fiey crt ert in apa W 0 o eal si art e published ath V etli the recent rei ent extraordinary y SS S gi my ars increase rr ase of woilley v t s these careful v J L essl Ss S lv reviews ws surn inai ics acs and 1 vi 91 d dl i I 1 sij tf eintini r the il I 1 ANNUAL I 1 vf manufacturer and dealer in ill 1 at r 1 tr B 0 f periodical perio diral litera tore are alone g furnishing and building the subscription price lumber siding T C aside from these j N avi departments the I 1 X N estorial edt orial J flooring lath shingles G 9 k and contributed features of the REVIEW f w OF REVIEWS are themselves naf p Doors J equal in extent to a afi Windows Ws magazine tile the editors progress of the wot woi id i is S S and Moul dings with an invaluable pictures chronicle of the happenings of tile the thirty tant v days just past UT a on every page of vic men inen and office neaz neat tile tho mill EVANSTON wyo id women who have made the history of tile lie THREE W tie the W d literary horld says we ve are ripply RECENT c dak impressed from month to mon month t h the value baue s h ia 41 of tile the V arch mckinnon IVac Kinnon WA Q of eiffel REVIEW tower of for REVIEWS the p which is 1 sort 25 2 ce cents j v survey of tile lie whole I 1 f eld of periodical own and literature and yet it if has a reind and voice of its 1 km GENERAL 01 speaks out with decision W the hour it is a sin ana sense on ail public icib ic topics s of 9 singular u lar colli of the the ni agazio and a duly daily newspaper paper it is aig all kinds ot of Blacksmith ingWood it is monthly in its daily in ill its freshness y method it is the he work and june done on short 64 under a field glass 1 I agents find it V n notice carriage and wagon work ir F sold V spi a 01 0 1 all news new stands tile the foost specialty inventor and sole maker ot of gg single copy 35 25 cents profitable ml r me celebrated mckinnon Hay Ilay stacker 13 3 astor place magazine patent ne new york Fi Ff RANDO LIll UTAH v 9 9 |