Show HERE AND THERE have you seen our chairs at 75 cents each beeman cashin tier mer co headquarters for furniture carpets Carpe tb and draperies f thunder and lightning in full force thursday night but very little rain we are not horse S boers wo we pho phoe e people shoes tor for men alen women and children our shoe department is where we shine Ever everyone vone is talking t about how bow cheap wo we sell shoes corno and bet for yourselves the blyth fargo co t A consignment of farm machinery arid and arrived at mckinnon bros ye yesterday berday we sell furniture wall paper stoves carpets Car paia etc etc cheaper than ihan any fur for dituro b ore in the country call and see them mckinnon bros t dr F A winter of evanston is rounding rou up randolph but says he is not meeting with much success as there seems to be no sickness here good for randolph we can sell you any wagon that studebaker Stude bilker makes as cheap as any salt lake firm cau can see our stock send for a catalogue and act our prices the blyth it forgo fargo co Eva evanston Evan atou wo are pleased to learn that mis of lake town who was injured at garden city by falling out oat of a swing is ie gradually improving if you are sick or in pain from any of the following cramp toothache headache earache face ache rheumatics neuralgia or any other ailment get a bottle of pain paint from E T pope Itan randolph doph price 25 50 cents and 81 per bottle f t if your neighbor liar has to leave liis his home for a few faw days see that his trees do noc no perish during his bis absence buy your clothing in a clothing clo lhing store junt jont expect to find nobby bobby clothes mixed in with a stock of coal oil and aind molasses wo we run a store etore mens and boys baits never dever were sold as cheap as now wo we defy all competition the bly blyth ill fargo co only cottonwoods cotton woods but wo we will NOR get cherb to biow after awhile tea kettles 45 cents wa 05 centi livi ri thing in arid and granite wan 11 prices never beffie made Bi Be bebau tiiu vau AC ishin cashin mer co 1 0 ir trees ara blat beautiful dont buy a wagon buggy mowing moning machine or anything in tile the implement line until you yon fet our prices WO we aa cin siye save you money mckinnon MeKin broa f louka looks like rain as we go eo to prees why dont you buy a new farm wagon we lire are agents for the Siu debaker wit Wi gons igona we varry carry si it ull full one line of carts carte buckboards biaggio Bugg 0 iia phaetons Phae tons and surreys the blyth fargo co evanston Evan slon A photograph was wag taken this a in of nc Kinnon bros new store and the workmen employed theron bicycles tor for men alen women boys and girls wo we sell the crescent bicycle the best wheel in tile the market A regular hundred dollar wheel lor for 75 cash A rattling good wheel for 50 cash h c childrens hil drens wheels 40 cash cabb we lve Lu guarantee nua arant rantee these wheels wheel a to be as good as ant any in the market wo we sell wheels on the monthly plin the birthe fargo co evanston the masons are laying the foundation for the addition to the tyson hotel |