Show shake spearos the fact that boys acted his heroines may havo have impelled shakespeare es peare to it 0 pro sent his rosalind imogen iaci all julia and 1 viola in doublet and hoso hose because in malis male attire tho the boys must havo have looked and acted their best it is more easy to i coucci vo a mule male representative ot of lady macbeth than of julieto juliet but we with our advantages can call never bo be wholly I 1 reconciled to the idea of a woman i played by a man tho the greatest revolution in ia the history of tho the modern drama was the introduction of women upon the stage this change chang changetas ewas was caused not merely by art considerations but arose in part from the laxity amity of morals and of manners at tho the restoration but nevertheless what a mighty and beneficent aban change e it was vl v l I what gifts and grace what loveliness purity tODd tenderness erness genius gellins charm havo have been shown to t 0 tile the delighted world since women havo have been played by women within the confines of tho the magic wooden 0 01 1 how dow did how bow could the players of Shake time procure boys of such intelligence beauty delicacy of mind that they could worthily personate pure lovely noble women could we now dow tolerate tol erale any youth in such parts as imogen desdemona juliet still it must be remembered that tho the boys who first acted such characters were probably trained inspired instructed ted by tho the master himself and ho be may well have done wonders ven ders it was a hard condition and twin born with Shake dramatic greatness that he be should see bee his women played by lads could he ever havo ban 0 been wholly satisfied with the result Gent lemans magazine agazine SI |