Show WHIPPED AT LAST now how the unity bally of a islic michigan hiran lobel Lozzi nit s comp camp net defeat in the logging camps of might makes right and the man mail wino who has whipped all comers in fair fight jg is kins king of Ms his camp one of these said s ild a logger to a wash ington star reporter was very boastful ot of his exploits ue ile had bad been the vietor in a dozen fights und tied no one eared cared to enter the lists with him but ever ovary man in the camp hated the champon going into a saloon on one day he an aal bounced noun ced eed im tired ot at these babies in the camp I 1 aint had a good fight iu ilici i igan I 1 can whip my weight in blogg wildcats or anything that breathes or A meek lookin man took the bet and arrangements for the fight were marte made it w ana Is to take place in a closed roqui raoul one week from the time the bet was nas n as made the day came and the champion called bring on your ani mile t the man ato abo had bet against tile rhe king 0 f the camb brought ilia his antagonist in a large sack sach which had been deposited behind the stove in the saloon on wh where re tile the in match tell had bad been entered into UK the weather just beginning to get cold tin the gladiator entered the room tile the sack gack was emptied d and the people crowded nt at the window windo v to see seethe the contest out of i the sack came three large hornet nests the mccu occupants pants of which had bad been tv re by the bent they issued from the nests in swarms A and lit all over the man lie ile fought J them for a minute or two awo then alth a yell jumped through the Mil daiv rt 1 I A V irl J TOO MUCH FOR till THE BULLY carrying a ash ah h and glass with him never stopping until lie reached the river into which he jumped Jump cil sald lie c ouid villip alp his bis weight in anything that breathed remarked the meek little man mail as he pocketed tile the stakes but about five pounds of 0 hornets knocked him out in th the it first round |