Show A GREAT BOULEVARD IT WILL LEAD OUT OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK will cc coat at dinst be B finished within three years no roada will crons cronn it at gradac an ideal for rider bicyclist or walker gotham will some borao day and not n very baroff day eithur either possess 0 one no of the most famous thoroughfares in the ho world quietly and irresistibly as the operation of tho the tides and other forces of 0 nature new york has bas proceeded toward tho the realization realisation of one of its iliev inevitable t his improvements a grand concourse or boulevard extending from tho the harlem river to parkway it will be a grand drive and promenade pr connecting connote ting tho the park systems of the metropolis this enterprise when realized will surpass oven even tile the famous boulevards of paris it is to run ron for 4 miles along the river dividing the hudson river and long island sound be ginning beginning at tho the intersection ter section of one ona hundred and sixty first street and mott avenue its northern nor th terminus being parkway just east ot of jerome avenue no streets will cross it at grade but all will go benca beneath th it a result that is particularly practicable by the naturally elevated situation of this unique highway its cost is to bo be about of which it is estimated will be required for the acau acquisition of right of way the time allowed for its construction is throe years within a year according to the engineers in charge the work will bewell bawell underway under way the last legis lataro gave tho the city authorities in charge of f such improvements all the law needed to condemn property make preliminary surveys and perfect arrangements for prosecuting the work which is to bo be unique among the famous streets of the earth A glance at the plans prepared shows that the width of the concourse will 11 be be feet aud arid every inch of this sace space will be utilized so as to make the thoroughfare ough fare attractive in the rough sketches which have bee been to made the engineer has provided for a sidewalk ou on either side next to each sidewalk will be an ordinary driveway the speedways speed ways will be iu in tho the middle flanked on either side by a promenade it is likely that this plan will be ba altered so as to provide two bridle paths skirting skirt iut tho the speedways speed ways parkway into which the concourse will run is COO feet wide it connects van cortlandt aud and bronx parks another wide street connects bronx park and pelham manor park it will thus be seen that from the new dew bridge over tho the harlem the con concourse courso will provide a splendid means of communication with the great parks iu ill north dorth new york there will bo be at least five rows of trees the entire length of tile the thoroughfare tho the fifteen streets which will run beneath the concourse will also connect with it but will not cross the main street this magnificent highway will be a paradise for bi cyclists the possess ors of high steppers st eppers and those folk who still stick to the good old fashion ed constitutional and its relations logical and material to the further development of up town new york cannot well well be overestimated new york cor pittsburg dispatch |